Reviews for Amelia Who?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
And lol I did bawl. Like I was crying so hard when I watched it it wasn't even funny
Guest chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Ok so I don't ship amy and 11 they are more of a brotp but OMG I'm crying rn. And yeah clara is awesome but 11s companion was amy. Just like 9 well actually in my opinion 9 and 10s were rose bc rose! And clara is 12s
Hpfreak101 chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
This is way awesome . I've been waiting for someone to post something like this and now I'm happy but sad because Matt smith is gone! No more bowties or fezzes anything of the sort. I defiantly agree 11th doctor/Amy is my OTP .i like rory and and all but not with Amy . Love how you mentioned harry potter .Love this :D!
DetectiveAtWork chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
This made me cry. It's written so perfectly and I love your perspective on his relationships with Amy and Clara
heRmiONe721 chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
I am so glad somebody feels the same way about Amy as I do. She is my favorite companion and one of my favorite fictional characters ever (it's hard to beat Hermione). I love Amelia Pond so much it hurts. She is so I don't even know but now to explain it. I can't tell you how excited I was for her to come back in The Time of the Doctor. I cried more because of that then 11s regeneration. It made my Christmas.
just.a.bit.unlikely chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
that was so sweet! good work
babybeluga747 chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This was wonderful. I agree that Amy was much more important to the doctor then Clara, but I ship Amy and Rory and 11 and River. Still, great job.
gandalf12345 chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This is very well written and I enjoyed it. I too was surprised that Clara didn't know Amy, but I thought that maybe it was for him to talk about her. Thank you for the story.
KendrixTermina chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
That was definitely a totally unexpected instant bawl moment of the meanest, ouchiest variety there.
The simple fact that he's... seeing things after that whole crazy ordeal is in itself tearjerking enough, but... I always really liked Amy, and absolutely didn't see that coming.

Clara is definitely a legend of her own, you know how the Doctor is with telling Stories of his past companions. I didn't feel it invalidated her, it's pretty hard to do that with someone of her huge plot significance/walking bunch of hommages status. She's not as much tied to Eleven specifically as Amy is. It's kinda like the whole "Ten getting a last look a young!Rose" thing. And after all, Clara will still get to run around with twelve for a while (hopefully a LONG while), provided they can somehow get the TARDIS landed...
jinglebellsisawesome chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This was brilliant! I'm not a huge fan of Amy/11 but you've made it seem more natural than Rory/Amy :) I almost cried when the Doctor saw Amy on the TARDIS when he was about to regenerate. Really well done!
AMysteriousWoman711 chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
I have to say, even though I was an 11/Clara shipper, this made me tear up somethin awful. And you can take that as a compliment. :o) This was a joy to read. And it befits her character nicely.

I remember watching Matt and Karen with great fondness and while Clara is one of my new favorites, Amy Pond was...something very different. She was strong, feisty, and self-assured. A fiery Scottish red-head if there ever was one. She definitely kept the Doctor in check, reminding him of his sense of humanity, decency, & honor, and to never give up. I really miss her presence.

(I personally believe the actors had a secret *thing* going on, which would explain why their onscreen chemistry was so perfect and fun to watch, but then that might just be hoping on my part.) Watch their interviews and you can see it...although, I'm sure you have, what with being an 11/Amy shipper yourself. ;o) Anyway, great job on your first post! Please write more!
Colleen Lylac chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This was really sad. I still haven't stopped crying...