Now Arriving at the Departure Gate

While he'd slept, the fog had lifted. And though when he yawned himself back to wakefulness after a long lie-in his heavy, dark curtains kept him from knowing it, the morning sun shone brightly down on the dreamy spires of Oxford.

He was unsurprised to find himself in his own bed. Alone, though he could hear his daughter puttering about his kitchen looking for his sugar bowl and humming softly to herself. He sat up on the edge of his bed, rubbed his ear and the back of his neck, ran a hand through his mussed hair, and shook his head. Where had all that come from?

It had been quite the dream. And quite a good one at that.

Author's Notes:

I have never been a fan of the 'it was all a dream' explanation for stories of this vein…as a one-time writer of StarGate: SG-1 fanfic and an avid reader and fan of scifi (though I've so far managed to give the good Doctor a miss to the chagrin of all the Whovians living in my house) I'm not really happy with pulling out here without a nice, albeit bogus, scifi backstory to explain why Lewis was blundering along through the mists of time without an anchor in this piece. Unfortunately, I don't have one, or the time to come up with one, or the imagination to even fathom Lewis in a scifi adventure, and I seriously doubt such a story would go down well on these boards, lol, so I'm afraid this is where it ends…

The beginning quote is taken completely out of context, but it seemed a great fit for this story, and besides I love Dave Barry.

As to Lewis knowing about MacNutt from his early days with Morse when we well know he knew nothing about MacNutt until The Masonic Mysteries a few years into the show…well, time was a bit wonky throughout this story; is it surprising the timeline got a bit muddled?

Having poked fun so much at this idea, I'm a bit hesitant to publically thank Autohumans for the idea, but having opened myself up to the ridicule such a story could easily earn on a board such as this, I feel it's only fair that he/she share the blame…and as I've gotten my share of enjoyment writing this one, a thanks is definitely in order.

This thing isn't as polished as I'd normally like it to be; my apologies, but I'm off to see the grandbaby…