Dreaming of Sunshine belongs to Silver Queen and Harry potter to J. K Rowling (obviously) this crossover is just me shamelessly fan servicing so enjoy!

For those of you who don't know, Dreaming of Sunshine is a Naruto self-insert and putting my totally biased opinion forward one of the best fics in that category so I suggest you read it.

My name is…well that is the question.

Once I went by Nara but even then I had been called something else before that.

I've had a few names by this point and it's confusing to know which fits me best, to know what name I can truly claim. Are they even me anymore? Perhaps not or perhaps each persona is just a small puzzle piece to who I really am.

At this point I can't say for certain I would know what to call myself if given the choice.

All I can tell you is who I currently am, who people think I am and for now…for now that will have to be good enough.

My last name is Weasley and I have a new story to share.

I was born March 1st 1980 alongside my twin brother Ronald. Of course I didn't know this at the time. Neither did I know that there was a war currently going on and because St Mungo's was filled with fighting casualties and my parents with justifiable paranoia I also didn't know that I was being birthed at home in my parents' bedroom.

What I did know was that I had supposedly just died in an ANBU mission, we'd been engaging in a final strike against the loose ends from a war in which my comrades and I had not long helped win.

What I also knew was that this was not the first time I had been reborn.

Unlike the last time there was no panic, at least not after I realized what was going on. The comforting darkness was not something I could forget.

A mixture of disbelief (horror) that it could be happening again as well as a mild 'Oh shit, oh shit, why, why WHY?" was all that registered as I tried to come to terms with my situation.

Acknowledgment was one thing, acceptance was another.

Instead of being fearful and confused I was lost and despairing. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not again. The first time I had written it off as a cosmic accident, that I was to unimportant to be purposely reincarnated but now…

Still I was not the unprepared civilian I had been the first time around. I was a shinobi of Konoha, one of the elite and a Nara to boot. I'd fought against mad men and demons, so naturally after I'd been twisted and churned and forced into a light that seared my not yet fully developed eyes I managed to take the experience with a bit more grace.

By which I mean I only cried a little bit.

Okay so I screeched the place down.

It was the helplessness that triggered it. I'd forgotten (repressed) just how difficult I had found it being aware but not being in control of my body and unlike last time it was much worse for me. In my first life I had been a civilian but in my most recent life I had been a ninja.

I still had the instincts, well at least the mind-set.

I was a ninja who had experienced war, was in unfamiliar surroundings, unable to move with compromised eyesight.

So despite already knowing what was going on a part of me still insisted I'd been captured or that this was all some elaborate Genjutsu.

Naturally my body responded to this perceived threat without my consent.

Only a baby's body is limited in what it can do when faced with a threat so it went with something more instinctual.

I screamed and cried and wailed like the baby I supposedly was.

So much for third times the charm.

Arthur Weasley is an old hand when it comes to child birth. Oh he's still completely useless when it happens and hasn't a clue what to do with his hands other than let his dear Molly-wobbles crush them as consolation for her pain however he at least knows what to expect.

William had been terrifying, their first child, and their first time as parents, yet after it was all over none of that had mattered because he was a father. The small boy in Molly's arms was theirs, was his and he had thought all the terror in world would be worth it if just for this single moment of blissful pride and love.

Charles had been easier but no less scary. He now had some idea of what to expect but it was still only his second child and he had kept on second guessing himself all throughout the delivery. It still amazed him how easy it had been to open up his heart and love his second child with exactly the same amount of love and affection as the first.

Percy had been the easiest of the bunch, third times the charm and all that but even then he'd still been a little wary due to it having been three years since their last child. What if they had forgotten something? Despite still not having the girl Molly had been hoping for Percy was just as precious as the others, he couldn't imagine not loving any of his children.

Besides they'd just keep trying until they had their fabled daughter, he certainly wasn't complaining.

The twins had been a surprise but not an unpleasant one. After all it did double the chances of at least one of them being a girl as Molly had joked one evening. They had been worried though, twins were something new and it wasn't uncommon for one twin to leach off the other's magic if developmental problems occurred. This often caused the twin being leached from to become a squib or worse be still born. The fact it was even more common in pure bloods didn't help with calming Molly's nerves or his for that matter.

Luckily everything worked out and Molly was so relieved that she didn't even jokingly comment about having another two sons to add to their wonderful not so little family.

Now he had just experienced the birth of his sixth child.

It was a bit different from the previous ones because instead of being in a hospital like the others it was being done in the master bedroom. After the death of her brothers Molly had been even more paranoid than usual about the protection of their family and he fully agreed.

They were after all theirs to protect.

They may be considered blood traitors by some wizarding folk but he was anything but when it came to family, when it came to his blood… well he was not usually a man prone to violence but for them he would do it in a heartbeat.

So they were having the birth at home, with a healer on standby to make sure there weren't any magical complications. Alastor had begrudgingly approved of them which went a long way to reassuring them on allowing the healer to help with the birth.

Ronald had been delivered but mere minutes ago and once again he was filled with the same unconditional love which he secretly could not get enough of. Molly and he met each other's eyes and he could tell that once again despite her words Molly would never care if they never had a girl because her sons, each and every one of them meant so much to her.

He had just been passed Ronald to hold for the first time when the healer alerted them to something being amiss.

They had their wand drawn and were frowning in what he would tentatively call confusion at Molly's stomach before casting a diagnostic charm on Molly's abdominal region.

His heart seemed to stutter in his chest. The birth was successful so what was wrong? Was there some underlying issue? Was Molly okay?

She had to be okay.

He couldn't even contemplate her not being okay because Molly was his rock, she was the heart of their family and just how was he supposed live without his heart?

He couldn't.

He was quickly reassured that Molly was not in any danger however there was a complication of sorts.

The healer had informed them that Molly's magic was still projecting its maternal ward.

A maternal ward is a piece of really old magic that women do subconsciously during their pregnancy. It helps protect their children from any magical diseases whilst being carried in the womb. It was for this reason why muggle methods were used in pre-birthing care rather than spells, as even healing spells were found to intervene with the wards stability. This was why they'd never found out the gender of their children before the actual birth itself. He knew from experience that the ward usually disabled on its own after the child was born so the fact it was still active was highly unusual.

The maternal ward still running wasn't a major issue but considering the fact it was a drain on Molly's own magical reserves it would have to be taken down by the healer. The healer had also explained that they were doing a diagnostic charm on Molly to make sure there wasn't a more serious reason behind this.

A gasp from the medic and the sudden cancellation of his charm brought back his previous fear faster than any death eater could. It didn't last long though as the half strangled words that left the healer's mouth quickly over rid that with sharp disbelief.

What did he mean there was another one?

Another child? They were having twins? More twins?

His disbelief was slower to fade than Molly's who was already ecstatic at the prospect of another child whilst also fretting about the health of the yet born baby.

He was still a bit stuck on the twin part. The rapidly forming affection was only mildly cautioned by the idea of another Fred and George...

It was amazing the mischief a pair of toddlers could get into, the amount of times they'd somehow gotten out of their crib was getting ridiculous.

Molly also seemed to remember this as they both shared a telling glance as the healer began to cast a different spell to help along their second child.

The maternal wards had already been breached by the diagnostic spell so it was too late to worry about that, instead the healer was focused on getting the child out with as few as complications as possible.

He was still baffled on how they'd missed the fact they were having twins.

It wasn't like the second one was hiding behind a notice me not spell, just how hadn't any one realized?

A part of him, the small pragmatic side of him people like Malfoy would dismiss him of being capable of was silently wondering if they would be able to afford a seventh child right now.

Still this was not the time for questions as the baby was already crowning and unexpected or not this child was theirs and it needed them.

Arthur had only just caught a glimpse of their latest child when he was distracted by the wave of pure unrestrained magic that swept over him.

Accidental magic was a rare occurrence from a fully grown witch or wizard but such was Molly's excitement that she had unconsciously flared hers in the form of an empathetic wave of her emotions.

He knew she had done it in excitement because he could literally feel the glee she was radiating.

His own eyes widened as he noticed what Molly must have just moments before his wife called out "it's a girl!"

Not another Fred and George.

Not identical.

Not two boys.

A girl.

He had a daughter.

His son's brought him so much happiness and he would never trade one of them for anything, not even a little girl. That said the knowledge that he now had a daughter, that he had fathered a daughter made it feel like he filled a part of himself he didn't realize was empty.

The love was no greater or less than that towards his boys. His love for her did not over shadow his love for Ron who he still cradled protectively to his chest however he did acknowledge the small part of himself that felt strangely satisfied.

They'd finally gotten their fabled daughter.

Molly was already in tears, her fingers twitching as she barely restrained herself from snatching their baby from the healer, his own eyes felt wet and his smile was beginning to hurt his cheeks.

So caught up in their happiness at this revelation he didn't notice anything was wrong until he paid attention to the twinge in his gut he had dismissed upon first seeing Molly's tears.

The baby wasn't crying.

Molly must have read something on his face because her magic faltered and she all but stilled in the bed, her eyes fixating on their daughter. He caught the exact moment she shared his realization by the paling of her face.

All of their boys had cried, even little Ron had been balling not long ago. The silence wasn't right at all.

Erratic thoughts "leaching magic, developmental delays, squib, death, and spells before birth" flashed through his mind, to frantic to pin down and rationalize.

The healer who had clearly known something was wrong before they did was already murmuring diagnostic spells at the baby before performing what he was sure was a watered down version of enervate of all things.

Their baby was not in danger but...sleeping?

Leaning forward towards the healer he caught a brief sight of two blue eyes before the lids on them abruptly slammed shut and high pitched wail broke the silence.

A distant part of him noted that the shade of blue although not his was familiar, very familiar.

It would only be later when he was looking up some old photographs after feeling nostalgic over his daughter's name that he would realize they were not his eyes but his father's eyes that stared back at him.

His own blue eyes were several shades lighter than his dad's.

Of course his relief that she was okay, "fine, she's okay, were okay, it's alright" didn't last long as Ronald woke up at her screaming her little lungs out and a second cry was quick to join in the commotion.

Again his caution regarding a second set of twins chose this moment to unhelpfully show itself.

Of course Molly knew exactly how to handle the situation, Merlin knows he would be lost without her and easily acquired their daughter from the wincing healer who had been caught of kilter by the sheer volume of her cries.

Once again he thanked his previous experience for helping him handle the situation better. It only took one small look from Molly, rather than a verbal reprimand for him to begin calming down Ronald.

It was their yet unnamed daughter who was harder to settle. Her small limbs kept on twitching and no matter how much Molly shushed and rocked her she wouldn't stop crying.

Luckily his Molly-wobbles is not one to be defeated and after recreating the empathetic wave she had conjured earlier only this time on purpose, she carefully focused it on enveloping the infant cradled to her chest.

The fight almost instantly left the child nestled in her arms and the cries were just quick to fade. In response he removed the silencing charm that he'd placed on the pair so as to stop Ron from being woken up again.

Moving closer to Molly so that she had clear view of both of their babies he let his gaze sweep over them both and finally allowed that feeling of love and pride to fill him up without disturbance.

Allowing Molly to cradle both Ron and their daughter in each arm, he cautiously reached out with his left hand and ran his fingers through the little tufts of ginger curls on her head, she had Molly's curls, before gently running his thumb down her cheek.

His other hand was or to be more specific his other index finger was currently being held hostage in Ronald's "firm" utterly adorable grip.

"They're perfect" he finally uttered feeling mentally exhausted and yet still contented after the storm of emotions he'd just weathered.

"They're ours" Molly agreed with a nod and there was something so satisfying about hearing it confirmed out loud rather than just in his head that caused his smile to widen.

"Twins Arthur, an actual girl, twins!" Molly ranted, more caught up on the fact that she was holding two infants rather than the knowledge that one of them was a girl.

"Merlin's socks! I don't even have a name for her. I wasn't prepared, just what are we going to call her?" Molly rambled revealing her real issue right now. Well it made sense, Molly and he had discussed for years what she would call their daughter when they finally had one but she'd never came to a final decision as the fabled daughter had never been born.

Until now.

It didn't take him long to think of a name, in fact he had thought of it since he'd first laid eyes on her but he hadn't been able to voice it until now when Molly had given him the perfect opening.

"What about Septima?" he queried his gaze focused on their daughter as he spoke the name, it seemed to fit.

Molly's scolding tone proved she disagreed. "Really Arthur, we can't just name her seventh born because we don't have a name planned."

He was about to disagree but realized it would only strengthen Molly's opposition on principal, instead he sought to reason with her by highlighting his real motivations behind that particular name.

"Molly it isn't just about not having a name ready, its tradition…sort of. Don't you remember my father?" he asked knowing he'd struck gold when her eyes softened a fraction.

Septimus Weasley, her father in law and his dad. Septima was the female form of Septimus; they could name her after him. Not only that but even though it wasn't original she was their seventh born and she had been born seven minutes after Ronald, therefore it did hold some merit.

"Both Runes and Arithmancy give significance to the number seven" the healer intervened and despite the looks they both shot him for involving himself in what was clearly a private conversation Molly looked even more considering.

Seven was widely believed to be a magically powerful number and not just because it was the age most children had their first bout of accidental magic. Naming a child after the number could indicate a positive future for the child in terms of magic or influence; then again he always was a little bit more sceptical of divination than his wife…probably due to his love of muggle sciences.

Looking at Molly who was looking down at their daughter he watched as she murmured his suggestion to herself before her face lightened.

"I like it" she whispered in a rare show of acceptance. Usually she was stubborn as a mule about these kind of things hence she had named all the boys, he was both touched and surprised by how fast she had approved.

"Septima Molly Weasley" he confirmed watching as her face fully lit up at the addition of the middle name.

They'd both agreed that their first boy got his name hence William Arthur Weasley so it was only natural that their first girl would get Molly for a middle name.

Apparently Molly had only just remembered this as indicated by the smile she was now shooting him which was interrupted only by her yawn.

The healer took that as a sign to begin giving out orders, in his unvoiced opinion the medic was still sour about them giving him the look earlier and promptly cohered Molly into handing over the twin's to the both of us so that Molly could get some rest.

Placing each child into the crib which for now they'd have to share, he decided to let Molly sleep for just about an hour before getting the boys.

Fred and George were at currently at Muriel's so it was only William, Charles and Percy waiting in the living room at the moment.

The boys had been told the delivery could take some time depending on how long the labor lasted so it wouldn't matter as long as he omitted the exact time of said delivery from them.

They'd be too distracted by the sight of two babies rather than one to call him on it anyways.

Feeling decidedly mischievous at pulling one over on his kids he once again skimmed his hand over both of the twin's heads, glad of this brief moment of peace where he could forget the worst of the war outside.

For now he was surrounded by those he loved content in the knowledge that they were safe and protected.


A daughter.

Two more jewels to his treasury.

This moment of sanctuary would not be taken for granted.

So yey! Here's the first chapter hope you enjoyed it. Seeing as I have never written a Harry Potter fic before and only wrote my first Naruto fic yesterday I probably shouldn't be writing this but dam it all I just couldn't let the idea go so tada!

Septimus is actually Arthur's father name; I also chose the name Septima as a sort of joke on the whole "lucky sevens" things from DoS. Speaking of which parts of Shikako's/Septima's P.O.V is a blatant head nod towards the prologue of DoS encase you didn't notice.

I don't know when exactly Fabian and Gideon died I only found out it was before the end of the war.

Seriously I have so many idea's for this fic I'm fit to burst, hopefully my writers muse will stay with me.