Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Nope, I definitely don't own.

AN: I'm still trying to figure out a plot for this, I've got bits and pieces figured out, and something running through my head that I might go with if it stays with me.

A dark figure stood patiently, hidden in the shadows. It was dark, the moon obstructed by clouds, thunder in the distance indicated that a storm would soon be there. A human, indicated by the pounding of her heart, that Alice heard, although she stood about thirty feet away. Ragged breaths punctured the air, as if she had been running.

'Running from what?' Alice thought, 'Or from who?' the more important question seemed to be form who. She stepped back into the trees behind her, as if the human could see her, or hear her for that matter. For some reason Alice had a very unpleasant feeling about her. Unsettling, almost, as if she knew something was going to happen, something she was not going to like.

A car pulled up in front of the hidden figure, causing her to shield her eyes from the brightness of the headlights. Yet she smiled slightly, as if everything worked out as planned. As if she knew he was going to be there. The car shut off, a man climbed out of the car. Alice squinted slightly, "Is that Jasper?" she thought, "It couldn't be, he wouldn't do that to me."

The newcomer crossed the woods with practiced ease. She grinned at him, he smiled back. He placed a hand on her shoulder, as if she were a child, yet the smile was tender, like he was gazing upon his lover.

"Anna," he spoke softly, making Alice gasp in shock. It WAS Jasper! But what the HELL was he doing with her? Alice tensed up; No one, except for her got that look out of him, and he didn't give it often, mostly in the privacy of their bedroom.

"What are you doing out here? It's freezing! And it's supposed to storm soon." He tried to pull her away, yet realized she was not going anywhere. She pulled her hoodie off of her head, revealing unruly dark brown hair. She smiled slightly and shook her head.

"I want answers. Who was she?" she asked, causing Jasper to gasp in shock. She walked over to a semi-flat rock a few feet away and sat down. Jasper's hands were clenching behind him. He paced from the rock to the car for a few minutes, trying to find an answer. The woman, Anna, sat there, filing her nails. Silence surrounded the duo, pressing against them, although the only one worried was Jasper. The wind picked up, bringing a scent of rain. Thunder sounded in the distance. "The storms getting closer." She remarked, still looking at her nails. "Surely you don't want to be out in it?"

"I don't want to talk about her." He said slowly, clenching his teeth. "It's...painful…to talk about her." He paused, contemplating something. Anna patiently sat, waiting on his answer. Realizing she was not going to give in, even though the storm was approaching rapidly, he sat down next to her. Anna, placing her file back in her pocket, turned and looked at him.

"If you don't want to…" she began, placing a hand tenderly on his arm. He sighed.

"No, it's alright." He sighed. Alice perked up, she had a feeling this conversation was going to be about her, and why she wasn't there. Taking a deep breath, he began.

"Alice was my wife." Anna's ice blue eyes widened, but she nodded for him to continue. "We were married for a little over fifty years. She, died, a few years after Bella joined our coven, in fact."

Alice perked up at this revelation. Died? A few years after Bella joined the coven? HOW?

Anna seemed to read her mind, "How?" Jasper paused again, staring at the shiny silver car in front of them. He thought for a moment. He spoke again, too softly for Anna to hear, although Alice heard him perfectly. She leaned forward, eyes narrowed.

"Who?" she asked "I didn't quite catch that."He spoke louder this time, each word filled with one hundred years of pain and grief.

"The Volturi killed her."