Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Still no. So leave me alone about it…

I remember the first time I saw Jasper Hale. His family had just moved to Forks from Chicago, I think that's where they came from anyway. I was sitting in first hour history class, trying to focus on Mr. Dalton, or teacher. We were studying about the Civil War, one of my favorite topics, and one of Dalton's. Everyone in the entire school knew about the time when Dalton's Honors American History came close to the war; Dalton would go insane trying to replicate the time period.

Anyway, we were sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring, when he walked in. Everyone looked up when the door opened, and looked around to see who was missing. I looked up from my projector long enough to catch a glance at him. He stood about 6"4' or so, ok 6"5 and had honey blonde hair. He walked across the room and handed his transfer slip to Dalton. He stood at the desk and glanced around the room while he waited for Dalton to sign the slip. He flinched when he looked my way, I've no clue why. He was new, it's not like he knows me. The tension was evident as everyone waited for someone to speak. Dalton cleared his throat.

"Anna, who sits beside you," he inquired, looking at me. Of course he was looking at me, he didn't see Jasper's, at least I hope this one was Jasper I only caught a glance of them this morning, along with a lot of rumors, flinch. I dropped my pen.

"No one, sir." I replied, trying to keep my voice from shaking. The only available seat was next to me, there was no way he could sit anywhere else. He smiled slightly and walked toward his seat. Dalton fiddled with a few papers on his desk while the bell rang. Grinning from ear to ear, he stood up and sprang to the board. He picked up the marker and turned to face us.

"Anyone know what were starting?" he asked, rocking back and forth on his feet. Honestly, I love the Civil War, but he's absolutely giddy about it. I'm surprised he didn't bring his imitation Union Uniform. No really, he has one. "Jacobs?" he asked. Annoyed, Jacobs looked up from his sketchbook. He was one someone normally didn't bother in class, yet Dalton always got an answer out of him.

"Well, by the way your acting, I'd say the Civil War, but that's just a guess." He remarked sarcastically and returned to his sketches. Everyone rolled their eyes; nobody understood why Dalton tried to force a conversation on him.

"He's right." Dalton said, scribbling on the board. The next few minutes were filled with notes and interesting tidbits that Dalton threw in. Everyone sat writing away, except for Jasper. I mean, he wrote it down, but he looked very disinterested, as if he had been through it before, MANY times.

"Anna!" Dalton exclaimed randomly. "I have a question for you: what do you think might have happened if the Confederacy had won the war?"

"Well," I replied, sitting up in my chair. "Honestly, we would lose about, about what, half the states?" I quickly counted in my head, pointing at an invisible map. "yeah, about half the states, considering the Missouri Compromise said that there could not be a slave state above the 36-30 parallel" Dalton nodded for me to continue. "Slavery would possibly still be an issue." Jasper raised an eyebrow.

"Possibly?" he asked, glancing over at me. "Why do you say that? That wasn't the only reason the Confederacy was fighting."

"True…" I answered swiftly. "But it was one of the main reasons, right?" I asked, looking at Dalton.

"Yes it was, but it wasn't the only cause. Remember that the colonies had fought for independence about 100 years before. The south also wanted their independence from Washington. But were getting ahead of ourselves." He pointed toward someone. "Name a slavery issue that helped starts the war?"

"No clue." Whoever he pointed at, I wasn't paying any attention I was looking at Jasper. He was tense, as if he couldn't wait to get out of the class. What had happened? He seemed fine a few minutes ago.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He swallowed, hard.

"Fine." He replied as the bell rang. He quickly stood up and practically ran out the door. I gathered my stuff and followed everyone else. When I got to English class, I realized another Cullen was there. I walked in and sat down next to him. He was HUGE and slightly intimidating, yet he had a grin on his face that immediately put me at ease with him. I forgot last hour and relaxed, leaning back in my chair. Mrs. Patterson walked in after the bell rang and started lecturing us on William Jennings Bryant. BORING.

After English class, the rest of the day passed by in a blur. I have no clue what I was focusing on, but my mind was not where it should've been. One thought stood out prominently in my mind: Jasper's eyes, and the fact that they were coal black.

Meh, I'm not to thrilled about this chapter, but if it bothers me enough I might rewrite it...