Disclaimer: I STILL don't own. And it sucks. It sucks royal hippogriff...

A/N: This is it. The final installment of my first fic. *deep, shaky breath* I'm leaving it open because I got so emotionally attached to it. If I can't handle truly ending it, I MAY write a sequel...

Jayne blinked the sleep from his eyes. He made ta roll over but stopped when he felt somethin' warm next ta him. River. It was River. Jayne wrapped his arm 'round her. It felt right. She moaned in 'er sleep an' curved her back inta his front. They was spoonin.' Jayne Cobb were actually cuddlin' up with a woman he ain't paid. A woman he cared fer.

Jayne mighta screwed up somethin' fierce in the start, but as much as he regretted it, he sure were glad it happened. 'Cuz now Jayne had his girl. An' he weren't never gonna let her go. Jayne grinned to hisself and buried his face in her hair.

Jayne fell back asleep, the happiest gorram man in the 'verse.