Reviews for A Matter of Honor
Aldryne21 chapter 16 . 10/25/2015
I loved this story! I adore your OC's and how you added to the canon characters. I especially loved the fact that you made them flawed, it made them more real :) Thank you for sharing this wonderful adventure!
PSW chapter 16 . 8/26/2015
Very good story - thanks so much for writing!
PSW chapter 7 . 8/26/2015
I'm really enjoying this so far. The discussions in Rivendell, the look at Elronds choices and character traits, Elledan's drunk song :-P, the look at Dundadain life - all very good. Thanks for writing!
forTheLoveOfHades chapter 16 . 2/12/2013
BrightWatcher chapter 16 . 1/30/2013
Ahh... :') I could cry...


That's how I feel. This was such a rousing story, and I love your portrayal of everyone. But this epilogue... :'(

Beautiful work.

Good luck with your writer's muse!
Hallolo chapter 16 . 8/28/2010

Those 2 fics are great! I love them very much. Thank you for writing them!

Arrod chapter 16 . 6/6/2010
Firefly-ish chapter 15 . 9/9/2008
Great story, it makes Halbarads death all the more sad. And the way you introducted Elladan made me drool...
Marchwriter chapter 5 . 3/8/2007
Truly this is beautiful writing. I just wish computers weren't so damn painful on the eyes.

* snicker * Saddlebags... Saerbellas. That's hysterical. I loved the "eggshell" description of his eyes and how the elf seemed to reposte to the Dunedain's "I am doomed" with "yes, you are." Very poignant altogether. Well done.

~The Lady of Light~
Lady ot Rings chapter 16 . 11/27/2006
Alright, so I finally got around to finishing this fic and let me tell you, it was definitely worth the days spent reading it and then some! I seriously applaud your effort of writing the whole Aragorn and Halbarad friendship, which is beautiful by the way, and with this fic you have made them even closer if that's possible. All your character interaction is flawless and gorgeous and though the tone is sometimes tragic, it works out perfectly in the end. You really know how to write Dunedain fic and I'm sure Tolkien would be proud of the effort you've put into it. I know that this and In the Hands of the Enemy will always be a couple of my favorite fics, LotR and others. All in all, thank you for writing such enjoyable fic and making a girl's week brighter, even at the cost of procrastination of college work, lol.

Absolutely wonderful job, keep up the fantastic work and I can't wait to see more from you! You rock!

Lady :D
novelteas74 chapter 16 . 10/31/2006
You certainly do have the ability to touch our hearts. Fantastic chapter. I loved the glimpse into Dudo's life and the hardships he and the other hobbits underwent. The bitterness rang true and was very well done. But of course, the dialogue about Halbarad was poignant and perfectly done. Beautiful story, well deserving of the various fanfic nominations it has received.
Apsenniel chapter 16 . 10/21/2006
That was wonderful. A wonderful ending to an amazing story. I look forward to you future stories.
Apsenniel chapter 15 . 10/21/2006
A beautiful ending...I love the complete forgiveness offered to Estel from Elrond...very touching. This really is an amazing story. I loved every word of it. I'm terribly sorry to read that your mother passed away before you had a chance to finish it. I'm certain she would have adored the ending as well.
Nienor Niniel chapter 16 . 10/12/2006
Of course... this explains quite a lot.

It's sad to see that Dudo became so bitter, but I guess he can come out of it again.

The ending about Halbarad made me sniffle a little. And I think you have hit Gandalf's character perfectly.

Thanks for sharing this story!

Shadowed Flames chapter 16 . 10/10/2006
What can I say? Absolutely dont find many of your kind around anymore, talented authors who truly bring their works to life. 'In the hands of the enemy' and 'A matter of honour' are fit for the bookshelves. Seriously.

This last chapter was very touching. I liked how we got to see Dudo again, his loss of innoncence was just so heartbreaking. and Halbarad! I've always felt so sad about his fate. A couple of chapters before, when Halbarad brought Dudo up to the hill and talked about life after the King comes back, I felt so teary eyed!

Thanks again for this, it was a wonderful read.
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