Reviews for The Standard Bearer
Mystic Moon Flower chapter 28 . 4/3
Damn... I'm still sad because Gil is still human and they will still be separated aww... Well at least they reunited also this fic was started and finished the year I was born. This is so old! I'm glad I saw this while strolling through fics with Elrond as a tag from page 110 to 1. (Yes, I'm starting from the oldest to newest hence I saw this fic from 2002 the year I was born yey!) Congrats to you for the latest review from 2020!
tadah2 chapter 1 . 2/13
this is so good.
Milie chapter 28 . 1/4
Amazing story ! I loved every lines of it. Thank you for writing such a masterpiece !
twibe chapter 28 . 9/16/2019
Oh thank you for that happy ending!
lovingyoueternally chapter 28 . 11/1/2018
I have read many fanfictions. Yours is by far one of the best I have ever read in all the years I've been reading them. A very warm well done to you. Your rendition of Elrond was beautiful, and may have inspired me to write again.
Rossui chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
I read this years ago. I loved it then as I love it now. This is a masterful piece of writing. You have created a remarkable world for this story. It took time to find it once again. I had to resort to all manner of Google searches to light upon it. Thank you for this.
Mimic5301 chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
This story actually brought me to tears at the end. By far the best fan fiction I've read so far.
Wagthedog chapter 28 . 6/23/2015
Glad I found this, it is lovely!
silmelinde chapter 14 . 8/23/2014
I was afraid to click on this story for a long time because anything war related tends to wring my heart out. You've done a good job with this setting. It's not too angst filled, but it does leave me deeply saddened.

I also like your OC. While she has heroic skills, what makes her attractive is loyalty. You've emphasized not fighting skills, but human skills and that's what identifies her non-Mary Sure.

My favourite part is your idea, I'm surprised there aren't more variations on this theme. I find your reasons for introducing the heroine into the story very much realistic. You've managed to mix legendary aspect into the story like it belongs there with the OC. I wish there was a bit more development in her outlook of the world and a bit more depth from Elrond (though it could be tricky because the story is from Gil's point of view). Otherwise, this is a very well written story.
tadah2 chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
This was pretty awesome. You are super talented and I hope that you are doing really really well. (I read the whole thing on the Magic Tortoise site you linked to earlier.) I ****LOVED**** the ending. It was awesome.

You rock.
Leanna Weisdorn chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
It has been ages since you wrote this, but thank you- it is great!
Katherine Sparrow chapter 28 . 1/4/2014
Loved it. Incredibly written and very moving...
Erian Erilar chapter 28 . 1/12/2012

That story is the most 'complete' one I have ever read. I mean the characters, storyline etc. And opposite to most fanfics- gramaticly correct.

My God, with THAT story You reduced me to some sappy romantic! And, hell, I thank You.

I love this story. LOVE. And I do not use that word often.

Keep on writing.

Thank You once more.
shine lots chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I love your poem and the rhyming
Raider-K chapter 25 . 6/30/2011
That chapter was BRILLIANT. I loved the way you captured the battle and kept the style/diction so beautifully dark . Well done!
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