Reviews for Mass Effect: A New History
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
ErnestTheGuy chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
I love this story. I love the salarian councilor. If you ever come back, I'll be right here with you
Divine Protector of Skyrim chapter 7 . 4/3/2018
Hey, this and the story before this are amazingly awesome. I hope you come back you come back to this and finish this awesome epic.

Chris Adair chapter 7 . 10/9/2017
This is s good story. Hope you come back to it.
CReaper210 chapter 7 . 5/15/2017
I really do like this story a lot. I like the deviations from the usual story of Batarians. I really enjoy the negotiations between the Citadel and Alliance. The writing seems good and it's not a curbstomp fic. It's interesting to actually see internal conflict on both sides(this is actually one of the ONLY stories where I don't feel annoyed reading with a Cerberus-like enemy). It's too bad this is abandoned. Some nice ideas in here and it would be cool to see what happens when both sides realize they have to work together against the reapers.
ErnestTheGuy chapter 7 . 1/24/2017
Yo Dude! just spent the last week reading through this series and I gotta say, it is so far the best alt tech/history ME fic I have read in the month of binge reading i have been doing. The politics is great, the new direction of the alliance is great, the interactions between all the characters is great and I like the OCs you have made as well. I hope you get back to this some day and thanks for the good read!
Regrettable Pun chapter 3 . 9/30/2016
I know you don't care but "the love of money is the root of all evil" is a quote from the bible. A famous quote though most people don't know where it comes from, and it's sorta just become a phrase. A very well known phrase. So it's not like Banh pulled it out of his ass. So when his handler said "did you pull that out of a cereal box" it didn't really make sense. Because he said a common phrase. It would have made more sense if she's said something like "that's all you could come up with?" Anywho, great story, it's really late so that's probably why this random detail is bothering me so much.
Axcel chapter 4 . 7/24/2016
So, the males were willing to push for civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. style...when there was a bigger kid on the block supporting them. When they got those rights but the females did a poor job enforcing them (but did enforce them, otherwise the court would have ruled differently based on lack of enforcement), that support disappeared because the civil rights had been achieved. Then, without that support, the males stopped pushing for those rights to be properly enforced and instead gave up and went "woe is me". If you're going to be like that, do you even deserve those rights? Did the blacks of America just give up after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated? NO! They did not and the result is that the vast majority of modern Americans can't really comprehend racism well (other than those who were born in a more racist time, that is). Though, I suppose most people who think they can cry racism to get what they want are going to eventually come to believe it.

Moral of the story: Get off your asses and sit in the street you wimpy cowards!
mcrae1o1nick chapter 7 . 4/14/2016
Damn I was really getting into it too
MrRobertsIII chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
Glad to see the Reticulans in the mix.
Skepsis Forever chapter 7 . 7/5/2015
So... who's funding the Krogan Rebellion: Part 2? Saren or Tevos? Is Tevos indoctrinated? That's going to bite the Reapers in the behind HARD if humanity turns the Krogan around towards the Alliance. Might bite everyone else in the behind too while they're at it, that's the Krogan's middle name after all.
And the Batarians probably won't get indoctrinated and the Alliance will find out about the Reapers (though it's a stretch, but I'm hopeful). Wonder what happens when the Alliance realises that the Citadel is THE relay towards deep space and a million dreadnaughts. At this point, all-out war is inevitable. Maybe the Salarian Councilor is going to turn the Salarians towards the Alliance, because otherwise I see no hope for the Asari and Turians, Asari because of Tevos' actions and Turians because they're stubborn like that and also disastrous first contact.
dghornick chapter 7 . 6/29/2015
fantastic story , just found this and read through it in a day... well night technically (note to self find good fanfictions while its still daylight so i don't read to 5 AM ) not sure if you will ever come back to this seeing as you have disappeared for a few years . I hope you will come back but i doubt you will. And if your not writing because you became a book writer would you mind PM ing me the titles so i could read them ? you have a gift that i envy i i would really like to appreciate all of you works . I also Hope you didn't drop off the edge of the world because you died , leavening something as good as this unfinished would be beyond tragic , the lose of you talent more so ... dear god , im having one of my morbid days.
Difdi chapter 2 . 6/4/2015
About your author note at the start of the chapter:

It isn't a plot hole. You're assuming the Reapers have just one plan, but they don't.

The standard Reaper invasion uses a lone scout to watch civilization develop, then the scout sends the signal to the Citadel to open the special relay it has to where the Reaper fleet is, and then everybody gets reaped. In the current cycle, that scout is Nazara/Sovereign. The special relays are used for the same reason they use Stargates in Stargate: SG-1 - because it's too far to walk.

But in the last cycle, the Protheans figured out the standard plan, at least part of it, and sabotaged the signal receiver on the Citadel. That's what Nazara was doing in the first game, repairing the system so it could send the signal. But Nazara got taken out before it could do so.

The second game is a contingency plan. If the lone scout fails, it's quicker to build a new one than it is for one to fly in from the void between galaxies. The Collectors are programmed to use the most worthy species for the new Reaper, and who is more worthy than the species responsible for foiling the main plan?

But if one almost foolproof plan has already failed, why use just one contingency plan? What if it fails? Instead, throw in several. So while the Collectors are building the Human Reaper, the Alpha relay plan is also in play. There may well have been half a dozen or more contingency plans in play, and we only saw two in the game because the Protheans had figured out the others and killed them 50,000 years ago. And all the contingencies failed.

But there are no walls in space, and even with all their shortcuts disabled, the Reapers can still simply fly into the galaxy, which they did in the third game.
hughfj08 chapter 7 . 8/17/2014
An enjoyable read.
A few minor grammatical errors, but so few and far between as to have no bearing on my enjoyment.
Though I am a little disappointed that the fic has been left to die :/
thepkrmgc chapter 4 . 7/14/2014
yay for politics, they are a bit convoluted and hard to understand though
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