Reviews for A Stay in Connecticut
Frau Wilhelm Klink chapter 3 . 2/5
This was so sweet! John's just looking out for his son and even though Wilhelm is doing the same thing, John can't understand why. Go KinchAnn for telling off John as well, and I loved Klink's brief summary of the trouble Col. Hogan caused him. Great job!
stellarator chapter 3 . 5/10/2018
Excellent work. You write Klink and Kinch very well and the interaction between “the boys” is both funny and heart warming. My only bit of criticism would be:
1. I don’t think Hogan and Klink would call each other pet names (first names basis, yes, but nothing more). Especially Klink.
2. Hogan, I think, is in his middle to late thirties during the series (so he should be around 40 at the end of the war, still very young for a general). Klink turns 50 during the series, so we know his age almost exactly. I believe there is an age span of 12-13 between the two (in your timeline that would be almost 20 years, too much IMHO).
Winterfrost15 chapter 3 . 1/10/2016
I was so happy to stumble across this, having read Goldleaf's "Conversations" series recently. This story was just had everyone in character, and the whole narrative was heartwarming, tense and humorous. Brilliant job! :-D
FarmGirlForever chapter 3 . 5/27/2015
This was a great one! My favorite part was the marvelous dialogue when Hogan and Klink were sneaking out of the house, but the whole thing was enjoyable, from beginning to end. Thanks for writing it and giving me the opportunity to read it!
Bits And Pieces chapter 3 . 5/21/2015
Great story! Very well-written, and I really like the first person POV. You've given Hogan's father such an interesting and in-depth personality, and his mother's gregarious and practical nature fits perfectly. I can certainly understand his misgivings about Klink, and how awkward it was to have him there. Loved his interactions with Kinch, and the part where Hogan and Klink snuck out the window was great! Also loved the soda scene - reminds me of the old slogan, "Have a coke and a smile." :-)

The ending was perfect, too, and it was nice to see Rob so happy.

I really enjoyed this story! Well done!
Cassandra30 chapter 3 . 2/15/2015
Good story!
Cassandra30 chapter 2 . 2/15/2015
Good insight.
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
Excellent start!
Ruth chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
I SO LOVE Hogan and Klink sneaking out of the house and their dialogue! It is SOOOOOOO perfect! I cannot tell you how many times i read those lines in particular (and the whole story!) and just SMILE!
snooky-9093 chapter 3 . 1/13/2014
"Has anyone ever mentioned that you resemble an enraged koala?"

"Young Private Hill, but normally, the general camp consensus is either a dying cod fish or a molting vulture."

Hahaha! Great lines. :) sad to see this story end. I loved reading the perspective of Hogan's father, and this was a worthwhile addition to Goldleaf's universe. I also adored your portrayal of Hogan's mother. Sensible woman.
konarciq chapter 3 . 1/12/2014
Nice and interesting little insight. I can imagine the reactions to Klink showing up there, and I think you portrayed them very well.

My favourite part: Hogan getting Klink to follow him leaving the house by the roof! LOL
Six of Twelve chapter 3 . 1/11/2014
Sorry to see this story end. Glad that Hogan's dad finally made peace with Klink.
80sarcades chapter 2 . 1/8/2014
It was really nice to see a human 'I'm not scared anymore' side to Klink that gives a more three-dimensional portrait of the man. Even better was seeing Hogan enjoying being home after so many years overseas. I can't blame John for being angry...seeing your son's jailer under your roof would tick me off.

Very coherent narrative and quite enjoyable. I hope you continue this!
Revengent chapter 2 . 12/6/2013
I just started watching the show a couple weeks ago, and this is exactly the kind of fic I wanted to fill the post-series need in my heart. Your character of John is great, and I love his chat with Kinch. Would have loved to been a fly on the wall for his discussion with Klink, though!
JannaKalderash chapter 2 . 11/17/2013
Really loving this. I always knew that Klink was a LOT smarter than he ever let on.

Update soon.
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