I know, the last thing I need is another story, but I wanted to at least start this.

This has been bobbing around in my head for a while. There are a lot of Oliver becomes Ra's stories, but most of them are unfinished. So I thought I'd try my hand at it.

Now, unless you are a blind Felicity worshipper, you know it does not make any sense for how Felicity was somehow able to, despite never used Ray's suit before, flawlessly fly it, grab Oliver, and fly him to safety. And she can do all that, but can't figure out how to take off the helmet. None of it makes any sense.

And yes, this will be a Oliver/Nyssa story. And I don't want to hear any haters complaining that Nyssa is a lesbian. There are a million stories out there where straight characters are gay or bi, so if pairing a gay woman with a straight man is disgusting, therefor so are all those stories. Think on that before making a comment.

Unspecified location


Oliver opened his eyes, his vision blurry at first. Once his vision had refocused, he sat up and winced in pain. Looking down, he was several bandages wrapped around his abdomen. Seeing the, it all came back, the fight with Ra's, Ra's giving him the ring, telling him he chose well, being fired upon by the SCPD, the fall. The only question was how did he get here?

"My liege, I am glad to see that you are awake." Oliver looked over to see an assassin walk in.

"Where are we? How did I get here?" Oliver demanded, eying the assassin wearily.

"The previous Ra's had a few of us keep watch over your battle. If you were victorious, he wanted you to be given command. When the Starling City Police Department shot you and you fell, we the League of Assassins brought you here and treated your wounds. You are now Ra's al Ghul; the League is now yours to command," The assassin said as he bowed before him, "what are your commands?"

Oliver paused, thinking. He had killed Ra's al Ghul saved his city yet again. He should want to go home, to leave all this behind…so why didn't he? The answer was simple.

Like he had told Ra's, he had nothing and no one to go back to. Diggle, who had once been his brother, hated him now, regarded him with the same contempt that he did Deadshot. He could see the look of disgust in Laurel's eyes, the same one her father had given him when he called Oliver a villain. Felicity claimed to love him and maybe that was true, but she clearly did not respect or trust him, as evident by her lack of faith in his plan and how she had repeatedly voice her disagreement with bringing Malcolm in. Even Thea, his beloved little sister, had shown Malcolm the man responsible for their father's death, more loyalty than her own brother. He had nothing and no one left.

Except for this. He had been fighting it since Ra's had given him the offer but, what had occurred to him in the weeks since he had gone on this mission was that it might not be so bad. He had unlimited resources now, he could save not just his city, but the world. He could finally honor his father's dying wish, he could save his city. The choice was clear.

"How long have I been out?" Oliver demanded.

"Several hours my liege." The assassin told him and Oliver nodded.

"You are to send out a summons to Nyssa al Ghul and Malcolm Merlyn. They are to be brought here, not taken by force. But make them understand this is not a request, but an order." Oliver said and the assassin nodded.

"It shall be done my lord Ra's." the assassin said before standing out and leaving the room.

Palmer Tech

Later in the morning

"Okay, thanks dad," Laurel said before hanging up and facing the rest of Team Arrow, Thea, Nyssa, Malcolm, and Ray, "my dad said the two people on the bridge were fighting and one killed the other before the other was shot by those trigger happy snippers and fell off the damn. He was too far away to see who was who. But even if Ollie killed Ra's…"

"Oliver survived a sword through the chest by my father and being pushed off a mountain," Nyssa said firmly, "he can survive a fall into water."

Suddenly, an assassin jumped down and they all whirled around.

"Al-Sah-Her, Nyssa al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul demands your presence." The assassin said as he stood to his full height.

Everyone stopped, as they all believed, by his wording, that it was Oliver who had been killed on the bridge. Thea started crying, Laurel wrapping her arms around her as she shed her own tears. Diggle put a hand to his face as Felicity buried her face in her hands, crying. Ra simply looked down as Malcolm and Nyssa each wore an expressionless face. Nyssa then began walking forward, causing Laurel to look at her friend in hock.

"Nyssa, he'll kill you, you know that." Laurel cried out.

"One does not ignore an order from Ra's al Ghul. You saw the results when Oliver tried," Malcolm said grimly as he walked forward, looking over at Theas she dried her eyes, "Thea…"

"You killed my brother. I hope you rot in hell." Thea sneered and Malcolm sighed before walking forward.

"Nyssa…"Laure l trailed off as Nyssa smiled sadly.

"Goodbye my friend." Nyssa told her before turning her back and the three assassins walked out, leaving five distraught people in their wake.

Unspecified location


"It appears this is where both of our stories end," Malcolm said as the assassin led him and Nyssa down a hallway, "it has been an honor Nyssa."

"How you say in this country, that makes one of us." Nyssa sneered.

"Enough of your bickering."

Both of them looked up as they saw Oliver standing at the end of the hallway. It took them each several moments to get over their shock.

"Oliver, you're alive." Malcolm said shocked and Oliver nodded.

"After the SCPD shot me and I fell of the damn, the League brought me here and nursed my wounds." Oliver explained.

"You killed my father," Nyssa said and Oliver nodded, "I wanted to be the one to do it."

"I'm sorry Nyssa, but he didn't give me a choice." Oliver said and she sighed.

"I suppose as long as he's dead, I shall be satisfied." Nyssa finally said, seemingly content.

"Oliver, our agreement?" Malcolm said walking forward, smirking as he held out his hand.

Faster than anyone could blink, Oliver's hand shot out, grabbed Malcolm's hand, and twisted violently. Malcolm cried out in pain as a loud crack was heard.

"That was for my father," Oliver then forced Malcolm to bend forward slightly and kneed him in the chest, "and that was for Tommy."

Malcolm fell to his knees, spitting up a lot of saliva as he clutched his broken wrist. Nyssa smirked, enjoying every second of this.

"We had a deal Oliver. We had a deal!" Malcolm shouted madly.

"Did you really think I was going to hand the most powerful army in the world to the psychopath who killed my father, my best friend, and a woman I loved? Who made my mother's life a living hell and scarred my sister more than she already was? Who is responsible for everything that happened this year? You're even crazier than I thought," Oliver then pulled out his sword and swung it, Malcolm crying out in pain as his other hand fell to the floor, "that was for Thea. And this is for Sara."

Oliver then drove his sword through Malcolm's chest. Malcolm spat up blood and Oliver pulled his sword out. Malcolm fell to the floor, dead. Nyssa smirked as the assassin turned to her.

"Bow before the new Ra's." He told her.

"You will not speak to her that way," Oliver cut him off and Nyssa was surprised, "I am not my predecessor. I will not discriminate against a woman and I will not force a woman into a loveless marriage. Leave us."

"Yes my liege." The assassin nodded and left.

"Thank you." Nyssa said, surprised by his kindness.

"I never liked it when men thought they were better than women. I want to talk to you Nyssa, about the league and its future, and your future in it." Oliver told her and Nyssa raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"I am listening." Nyssa told him.

Starling City


"This may seem strange, considering, well, everything, but, despite it all, I always thought of him as a son." Quentin told Laurel as they watched a grave erected next to the grave of Robert Queen.

"So now you see you were being unreasonable." Laurel said curtly and Quentin winced.

"Not entirely. I still feel there is some truth to what I said. But I let my emotions get the best of me. For that, I am sorry. You can tell Thea that as well." Quentin said and Laurel nodded curtly, knowing it was as close to a real apology as she would get.

Laurel walked over to Thea, staring at the spot where the grave was and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you home." Laurel muttered but Thea shook her head.,

"I can't go there…I can't." Thea said crying.

"Then let me take you to my place, okay?" Laurel said and Thea didn't protest as she was led away.

Felicity had already gone home, as had Diggle. Quentin stared at the grave for a minute feeling a mix of emotions before he turned and walked away. From a distance, two figures watched this all happening.

"So, what is your next move?" Nyssa asked Oliver as he watched his sister disappear into the distance, waiting until he could no longer see her before he spoke.

"The League of assassins has been damaged by your father's insanity. We need to reverse that. We need to rebuild it, stronger than ever." Oliver told her and Nyssa nodded.

"And how do you purpose we do that?" She asked curiously.

"First step, we need some fresh blood. Our first stop is Hub City." Oliver told her.

Hub City


Roy Harper was in his new apartment in his new life, watching some late show that bored him out of his mind, hoping it would lure him to sleep. After over a year of spending almost all his nights up at ungodly hours, sleep wash and to come by.

"This is terrible."

Roy jumped, whirling around to see Oliver standing there.

"Oliver?" Roy breathed.

"Hey Roy, I-oof." Oliver grunted as Roy grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Sorry," Roy said as he stepped back, "I just…I thought you were dead."

"In a way, I am. The team thinks I am, anyway." Oliver said and Roy was surprised.

"Then why don't you tell them you're not?" Roy asked confused.

"What would be the point?" Oliver's question surprised Roy. "The team either hates or doesn't trust me anymore. Even if I did tell them I was still alive, nothing would change. You saw how it was before you left, they didn't trust me, they didn't listen to me, it was almost as though I wasn't leader of my own team. I know I am not perfect, but John, Laurel, Felicity especially acted like they were all better than me, acted like they all knew better than I did, even when it blew up in their face. So no, I won't tell them I'm alive. I have a different plan."

"What is that?" Roy asked, wondering why Oliver was here.

"I am now leader of the League," Oliver said as he raised his hand and Roy was surprised to see Ra's' ring on his ringer, "I am Ra's al Ghul. But the League was corrupted by Ra's' insanity. I need to help rebuild it, make it stronger than it was. Make it a force for good, like it was always intended to be. And I want you to help me do it."

"What?" Roy asked stunned.

"Come on Roy, a car mechanic? You were meant for more than that. When I first met you, you were just some kid angry at the world. But you built yourself into a hero, into the stuff of legends. Someday, people will tell stories about Roy Harper." Oliver said confidently.

"Because of you. You saved my life, gave me purpose. You taught me so much." Roy told him gratefully.

"And I'm not done," Oliver promised, "I still have so much to teach you. If you come with me, I'll finish your training and we can make not just Starling City, but the world a better place. What do you say?"

"…when do we start?" Roy asked and Oliver smiled.

"We need more recruits, fresh blood for the League. And I know just the people." Oliver smirked.

Iron Heights

Next night

Helena Bertinelli was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling f her cell when she heard some noises outside her cell. She sat up, thinking it sounded an awful lot like fighting. Something hit the door to her cell and, in an explosion of sparks, her cell door swung open. Nyssa got to her feet as a beautiful, exotic woman walked in.

"Helena Bertinelli, we need to talk." Nyssa told her.


Same time

"Halt!" a woman wearing a white mask with a red dot in the center held a sword at someone in the night. "Who goes there?"

"Easy, I'm a friend of Oliver's. He sent me." Roy said as he walked into view.

Lian Yu, Argus prison

Same time

An Argus guard was standing guard when a dart hit him in the neck. He pulled it out before dropping to the floor. Oliver walked into view, walking passed the guard with a duffle bag over his shoulder. Oliver walked over to a door, taking a deep breath before he opened it up and walking in. he dropped the duffle bag on the floor before walking towards the cell.

"I can't believe I'm here, but I figure after everything that's happened; I owe you at least a chance at redemption." Oliver said and the man in the cell smiled.

"Hey kid. I'm glad you came back." Slade said as he looked over at him.

So, should I continue? Tell me in the comments.