Reviews for Even in Parting
the8horcrux chapter 1 . 4/4
Ok I'm back because I pressed post review before I was done. Seriously this was so amazing. I normally don't read Aragorn death stories because, well, for obvious reasons, it kinda shatters my headcanon that Aragorn never died because he's too amazing! This made it so beautiful though. Favorite part of the whole thing is the memory scene,
"Let this not be the end, dearest friend"
"It shall not be."
"In dream, I will say your name, and we shall meet still."
"I will hear your call, even in the dark."
"When the seas and mountains fall, and we come to the end of days, and all the ages of this world have passed, my friend, I will find you again."
"I will be waiting."
I cried. I really did. It was so beautiful and heart wrenchingly sad. I'll listen to "In dreams" from now on with a whole different meaning. All of your stories are my headcanons.
the8horcrux chapter 1 . 4/4
Okay. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. YOU'RE CRYING.
This was beautiful. I really wanna know how you manage to capture their feelings so perfectly!
Hawaiichick chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
My heart aches with the thought that these two friends will forever be apart. :(
Justme chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
Utterly beautiful and bittersweet. I cannot imagine being Legolas at the moment of leaving Aragorn. I can understand why he wouldn't survive wihtout going to valinor.
Blip-chan chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
This is brutally sad,but it's so beautiful at the same time. Wow.
Wulfclan chapter 1 . 6/11/2008
Oh! Oh, oh, oh, I cried! It was so bittersweet, I could hardly bear it. Their relationship is so wonderful, Legolass; have I said that before? I'm glad you write these stories, because so few people understand what deep friendship, what real brotherhood means anymore. I'm about to collapse in tears on the keyboard, so pardon me while I do so.

Star in Ruin chapter 1 . 9/11/2007
wow...that am sorry but i am at a loss for words...i have many times considered what it would be like to be immortal and i have never wanted it for this very reason. still i cry, even as i write, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
Meluivan Indil chapter 1 . 12/3/2006
I can not count the times that I am sure to read this again in the future and I truly know that I will find myself crying each time over the beauty that is the love these two share.

Thank you, my friend.

Meluivan Indil
novelteas74 chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
I read this a few weeks ago when the alert system was down and there wasn't much going in fanfic land. What a beautiful story and I will add my voice to the rest of your reviewers who said it made them cry. Beautifully written and so heartbreakingly sad! (And now to read the latest chapter of 'In Shadow Realm)! It's a luverly day, after all!
nautika chapter 1 . 4/25/2006
You made me cry. Of course, I knew it probably would, but I couldnt help myself. I enjoyed For the Love of The Lord of the White Tree too much to pass this by. You really made me feel Legolas' pain. Thank you for sharing.
Dunadan-von-Numenor chapter 1 . 2/19/2006
Mae govannen, mellon nin!

Soory for

Here Im again. Every time I read this story, I cant review...tears in my eyes - you know...but Ive long before take it to my heart an as a sequel to our favourite story (for the love...) and just know, I read it once more and there is this feeling again. I can see this beautyful ship, Legolas, Gimli, the gulls...

I love every word but right know, Im still crying again. And than again there will be hope:

Then they made one final exchange of pledges:

“Let this not be the end, dearest friend.”

“It shall not be.”

“In dream, I will say your name, and in dream shall we meet still.”

“I will hear your call, even in the dark.”

“When the seas and mountains fall, and we come to end of days, and all the ages of this world have passed, my friend, I will find you again.”

“I will be waiting.”

Thank you very much for touching heart and soul!


Quickbeam1 chapter 1 . 7/30/2005
A beautifully written story throughout. These lines were my favorite.

/"Estel, you once thought I was stealing away, that I going to sail to the West without letting you know. And you told me that it left you in a place darker than night. Now – you are departing from me in the bright light of day, and with my full knowledge… yet I have gone to that very place where you were.

It is darker than night here, Estel, and the darkness engulfs me…I reach for you and find nothing. I call for you and I hear only the dull echo of my plaintive voice. It is dark here, Estel…I cannot see my way…" /
lindahoyland chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
This is just heartrending and very beautiful. You write so well,you actually make me interested in Legolas when I read your work !
ArcherGal2932 chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
sry, had to review on this site also. ;) Again, such a beautiful piece. I love your description of Legolas as a slender, young tree - it fits him perfectly! Keep writing, I'll be looking for more!

Sabrina chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
Very touching. Made me wanna cry. but then you have a habbit of doing that in your stories don't you, Peace

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