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Joined 06-18-13, id: 4798081, Profile Updated: 03-13-17
Author has written 4 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Gakuen Alice, Harry Potter, and Xiaolin Showdown.

STATUS UPDATE: I have gotten a new computer and it's a Chromebook notebook. Not the best choice I know, but I had not choice in the matter. Anyway i'm behind in writing cause my stuff got deleted cause my other computer crashed... BUT I'll UPLOAD SOON!! Also if anyone wants some one-shots or prompts done just PM me cause I do need some quick things to write, cause the others take a while.

Sex: Female

Age: Like hell i tell you! XD

Hair: Reddish purple brown.

Eyes: Chocolate Brown

Clothes: She wears a black graphic t-shirt that has Calcifer from Howls Moving Castle on it saying may all your bacon burn. She also has a pair of dark blue faded jeans and black and white high tops. She wears a blue and gray Uchiha hoodie.

Favorite Animes: K-project(haven't actually watched it really. Lol) Hetalia, Bleach, Fairy tail, Vampire Knight, Black Butler, Vampire Bund, Ghost Hunt, 07-Ghost, Rosario Vampire , D-Gray Man, Black Butler, Gakuen Alice, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Naruto, and to many more to say. :D

T.V Shows/Movies: South Park, Harry Potter Series, Avengers, Spider-Man, Danny Phantom, Batman/Young Justice, Throne Of Atlantis, Bakugan Series, Yugioh Series, Beyblade, Outsiders, Rise Of The Guardians, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Dude That's My Ghost, Gravity Falls, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeny Todd, and More.

Games: Undertale(Wanna Play It SO BAD. Stupid Chrome Book), FNAF(Scared the shit out of me), Black Ops, Halo, Minecraft, Pokemon Yugioh and More.

Dislikes:Veggies, Drama, Annoying People, Sad Stories, Character Death, ANONS THAT GET PEOPLE BANNED FOR BAD LITERATURE WHEN SOME OTHERS HAVE BAD ONES TO, pork chops, grilled chicken ,grammar nazis, pears, watermelon, people who make a fanfiction that's super good but don't update it for like years an years, no hardcore smut, talking in front of other peopleand some other stuff.

Likes: Candy, Cake, Other Sweets, Video Games, Youtubers, UNDERTALE, FNAF Reading, Anime, YAOI, Hardcore Yaoi, Smut, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Talking, Fighting, Weapons, Guns, Flowers, Music, Homestuck, Hetalia, Ihascupquake, Minecraft, Markiplier and other things!


Chin up, shoulders back, wipe those tears,get on track,smile and wave and wink with class then tell 'em all to kiss your ASS!

1,2, Freddy's coming for you
3,4, Jason's at the door
5,6, Scream'll fix you quick
7,8, Lecter's at the gate
9,10, Michael’s home again

You say Princess, I say Serial Killer.
You say Pink, I say Black.
You say Justin Bieber, I say Fall Out Boys!
You say Miley Cyrus, I say Linkin Park.
You say mud bath, I say blood bath.
You say Bunnies, I say Psychopaths.
You say Cheerleader, I say fuck off.
You say High School Musical, I say Scooby Doo.
You say why am I laughing so much, I say Wanna see why? With a sharp pen in my hand.
You say Fifty Shades Of Gray, I say Outsiders.
You say Edward, I say Severus.
You say Jacob, I say Sirius
You say Popular Mean girl ,I say dead woman walking.
You say Rap, I say K-Pop.
You say I am a freak, I say what the hell? You just noticed? dumbass!
You say Billion Dollar Guy's Mansion, I say Dracula's Castle.
You say Los Angeles, I say Loch Ness.

7 Reasons Not to Mess with Small Children.

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him".

A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white." The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.' A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, she's dead."

A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face." "Yes," the class said. "Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?" A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching." Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

Ten things to see before you die

1. A vegetarian be eaten by an animal.

2. An emo kid talk about happy bunnies.

3. Homer say something intelligent.

4. Taxes disappear.

5. Voldemort destroy or fuck(VLxHP :P) one of his Horcruxes.

6. Michael Jackson be stalked by children.(LIVE ON KING OF POP Q_Q)

7. Children take over class and teach child subjects, such as: armpit farts, skate-boarding, real music, ect.

8. Wrestling people forget their moves.

9. The coyote catch the road runner.

10. The reaction of the teen population if Abercrombie was closed and it was illegal to wear their clothing

If you have ever fallen so deeply in love with someone who doesn't exist that people now go out of their way to avoid you, copy and paste

If you DON'T check under the bed for monsters, but you DO check behind the shower curtain for monsters/murderers/Michael Jackson, copy this into your profile.

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your ass so hard you cry!

If you think a girl can't hit than come on over here and let me show you!

Father:"You’re in big trouble Missy!"
Child: "I didn’t do anything!"
Father: "YOU KICKED HIM!!"
Child: "It was an accident!"
Father:"In the Face...?"
Child: "My foot slipped..."
Father: "Five times?!"
Child: ...

I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect!

I do what cheerios tell me.

I put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional'.

If you wish on a falling star it might come true... Unless it's a meteor hurdling to earth... Then no wishes come true... Unless your wish was to be killed a meteor hurdling to earth. there's this thing called retarded-ness and me and my friends, well...We've gone pro.

Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

A day without sunshine is like... night.

Don't ever attempt a staring contest with a brick wall, they cheat a lot.

Don't make me mad...I'm known to bite at random!!

Don't walk in my footsteps. I walk into walls

My name is Chris.

I am three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

You I must be stupid

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my mummy

Would still want to hug me.

I can't do a wrong

I can't speak at all

Or else I'm locked up

All day long.

When I'm awake I'm all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home

When my mummy does come home

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe i'll just get

One whipping tonight.

I just heard a car

My daddy is back

From Charlie's bar.

I hear him curse

My name is called

I press myself

Against the wall

I try to hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry

He finds me weeping

Calls me ugly words,

He says its my fault

He suffers at work.

He slaps and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And run to the door

He's already locked it

And i start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken,

"I'm sorry!", I scream

But its now much to late

His face has been twisted

Into a unimaginable shape

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

O please God, have mercy!

O please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door

While i lay there motionless

Brawled on the floor

My name is Chris

I am three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me.


You Say Pink
I Say Black
You say High School Musical
I say Phantom of the Opera
You Say Paris Hilton
I Say Johnny Depp
You Say Zac Efron
I Say Tom Hiddleston
You Say Rap
I Say K-Pop
You Say I'm Weird
I Say I'm Awesome!!
And That You All Are

:Taker's Poem:

So close, Yet so far away

In my dreams, he's my protector

In my heart, he's my love

In my eyes, he's my savior

In my arms, he's my angel

My lover

My soul

My life

My Everything

In reality, he's beyond my reach

A Freddy Krueger

Help me, save me,

Can anybody hear me?

Wake me up, get me out,

Don't you hear me scream and shout?

He's trapped me here, he wants me dead,

He wants the floor to turn blood red.

I can not run, I can not hide,

With his 12 inch razors in my side.

See the girls, hear them sing,

A deadly song by a monstrous thing.

Don't close your eyes cuz if you do,

One, two, Freddy's comin' for you.

Don't fall asleep, don't dare to dream,

He will only make you scream.

Pray to God, for He can try,

To stop this madness, for you don't want to die

Screeching sounds behind you still,

Sends your skin into a chill.

A cackling laughter echos through Hell

He plays this game far too well.

Just give up, do not fight,

Freddy Krueger will win tonight

If you think you will survive a horror movie because you know all the rules, copy this into your profile.

If you you think real vampires don't glitter add this to your profile

S.C.H.O.O.L=Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Life

C.L.A.S.S=Come Late And Start Sleeping

F.I.N.A.L.S=Fuck I Never Actually Learned This Shit

If you are a YGOTAS fan put this on your profile.

If you think LK is amazing put this on your profile.

If you think Yami's the reincarnation of a sex god, copy this to your profile!

If you're a Yaoi fangirl and proud of it then copy this to your profile.

If you love yaoi/shounen-ai, copy this into your profile.


normal people: Rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Would rather rely on Ishizu for future predictions.

normal people: Say "OMG!" Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Say "Oh my RA! (OMR!)"

normal people: Say "Shut up or I'll tell on you!" Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Say "Shut up or I'll steal Seto's check book and blame it on you!"

normal people: Think bad guys are very ugly. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Know a lot better and absolutely love Bakura and Marik.

normal people: When being chased yell "HELP ME SOMEBODY!" Yu-Gi-Oh fans: When being chased yell "HELP ME ATEM!"

normal people: Get nervous or scared during thunderstorms. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Know that there might be a duel between Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura, and that one of them might be shirtless.

normal people: Would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Would go directly to Domino City or find a way to Ancient Egypt.

normal people: Would be scared when they see people in purple cloaks chasing them. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Just know that Marik sends his rare hunters to be sure that you are fine.

normal people: Get freaked out when they see scary people on motorcycles. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Know a lot better and know that it is possibly Marik.

normal people: Think Yu-Gi-Oh is just a stupid children’s card game. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Know a lot better and know that it even was in the Egyptian past.

normal people: Think little people are stupid. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Think that Mokuba and Yugi are way too cute to be stupid.

normal people: Would never go to an orphanage. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Know better and go a lot to orphanages to check out if there is someone like Seto.

normal people: Think Egypt is stupid. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Would go immediately to Egypt, because maybe Marik or Atem is there!

normal people: Would never buy expensive things because they might run out of money. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Would just kidnap Mokuba and force Seto to shop with them.

normal people: Solve all their problems by suing people. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Solve all their problems by playing a children's card game.

normal people: Sing Lady GaGa Yu-Gi-Oh (Abridged) fans: Sing Leather Pants and Brooklyn Rage! (and recieve many awkward stares XD)

normal people: Don't believe in real magic. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Are always watchful for chances to be sent to the Shadow Realm.

normal people: Don't believe in the Apocalypse. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Laugh and show them Zorc and/or Season 0 Yami.

normal people: Are afraid of Slenderman. Yu-Gi-Oh (Abridged) fans: Knows he just wants twenty dollars. And maybe a part in a movie. With a few dead children. Because it's what he doooooes.

You know you're an obsessed Yu-Gi-Oh fan when you -

1) Think all villians are hot (In Yu-Gi-Oh, it only makes sense.)

2) Talk to yourself out loud to pretend you're speaking to your Yami

3) Want a trench coat (You want Bakura's? Back off bitch, that coat is mine!)

4) Try hard to make your clothes defy gravity (And fail miserably.)

5) Think Tans are super sexy (Hell yeah!)

6) Look around town for crazy hairstyles

7) Think Little brothers are just the best

8) Would go gay for some characters (If I was a guy, I would be gay, just for them)

9) Think the only way to resolve a conflict is to play a childrens card game!

10) Watch Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series

11) You think genders don't matter anymore (They don't!)


13) You are a fangirl/boy (That is an insulting understatement.)

14) You collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards

15) You know the game is called Duel Monsters NOT Yu-Gi-Oh

16) You often quote characters

17) Ra knows how many fics you've read/written on Yu-Gi-Oh (I don't think even Ra knows.)

18) Everyday you practice your evil laugh untill it's perfect

19) You think men that show their midriffs are awesome!

20) You have either a dragon, occult, egyption and/or dice fetish!

21) You love your friends! (Special little snowflakes.)

22) You can quote most episodes

23) You'd love to go to Egypt

24) Your answer to everything-Because shut up-

25) You have spent hours looking for Millennium items

26) You think owning a Yami is perfectly normal

27) You know all/most of the shipping

28) You can easily name yaoi couples and the shipping names (Guilty as charged.)

29) If you were in a room with a thousand pairs of eyes and mouths looking at you, you wouldn't freak. You'd just start counting them and hope to Ra that Bakura would stop hiding

30) You are part of the small minority that actually get the game Duel Monsters!

31) You prefer Marik and Bakura's singing to Lady Gaga's anyday (Ah, the wonders of leather.)

32) To you, Yu-Gi-Oh is more than just an anime it's LIFE!

33) Day 1- Blue top and black jeans - day 2, the same - day 3, the same - day 4, the same... 3 months later: "It's season 2, better change clothes!"

34) You have a background song!

35) Getting sent to the Shadow Realm is more of a privelge than a threat to you

36) You have a scary crush on one or more of the characters it's not even funny anymore!

37) You treat that character like he/she is real (Bakura is real. How else would 2012 come around?)

38) You describe things as simply FABULOUS or SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME!

39) You think LK is a hell of a lot more of a genious than Einstein anyday!

40) whenever you do something you often say "Attention duelists, my hair is..."

41) When life gives you lemons, you give it some Brooklyn Rage!

Paste this if your a die-hard Yu-Gi-Oh! fan!

NORMAL PEOPLE: rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast
PJO FANS: will tell Zeus to make it rain


NORMAL PEOPLE: go to a psychiatrist to tell their feelings
PJO FANS: won't go to one because they will take away their awesome demigod powers

NORMAL PEOPLE: say shut up or i'll tell on you!
PJO FANS: say shut up or my godly parent will vaporize you!

NORMAL PEOPLE: think that PJO fans are stupid
PJO FANS: know that normal people are stupid

NORMAL PEOPLE: when being chased yell HELP ME SOMEBODY!
PJO FANS: when being chased use their awesome demigod powers

NORMAL PEOPLE: get nervous/scared during thunderstorms
PJO FANS: yell at Zeus to calm down

NORMAL PEOPLE: would choose somewhere sunny to go for vacation
PJO FANS: would try and find Camp Half Blood

NORMAL PEOPLE: don't have this on their profile
PJO FANS: MUST have this on their profile!

You Know You’re Obsessed With Percy Jackson When…

You go to the Empire State Building and you ask for the 600th Floor.

There’s a thunderstorm going on and you scream, “CALM DOWN, ZEUS!”

Every time you use the Internet, you thank Hermes.

You burn food to see if it smells good.

You see an owl, you go, “Hi Athena!”

You’re in a running/swimming race and you’re praying and sacrificing to Hermes/Poseidon.

You think that your favorite singer is a child of Apollo.

Someone close to you dies and you give them money (LOTS of it) just in case…

Everyone else is creating a Twilight family and you create a PJO family.

You go on a cruise and you hope the boat isn’t The Princess Andromeda…

You’re on a boat and you pray that Poseidon is in a good mood.

You’re in the air (hang-gliding, cliff-diving, bungee jumping, flying, in a plane, etc.) and you hope Zeus is in a good mood and won’t blast you out of the air.

You go to Aunty Em’s and say you’re camera shy.

You find your true love and thank Aphrodite for sending him/her to you.(To bad or me cause apparently i'm ugly to people around me but not people in like another state)

You think George Bush is a son of Ares.

You know Muse is the best singers. Get it, the Nine Muses??

Bring a blue plastic hairbrush with you everywhere.

When it gets really cold randomly, blame Kronos.

You get a Greek mythology calendar for Christmas

You get really mad at Hades when a family member dies.

You sometimes try to control water.

You don't read anything but PJO for 3 months.

You've gone to Google maps and looked up Camp Half-Blood’s address.

Even though not diagnosed, you claim you have ADHD or dyslexia and blame it
on your God parent. (I have ADHD C:)

You yell "Annabeth!" every time you see a NY Yankees hat.

You make the PJO characters on Sims, as Miis on the Wii, and other video

Anytime you see an orange shirt, you look at the front of it to see if it is
a Camp shirt.

You are a PJO character for Halloween.(So want to be but apparently i'm getting to old for it DX)

Recite lines randomly from the books.

When you see/hear about anything mythology-related, you talk about how it
was in PJO (what page, book, etc.) and what happened to it.

Buy anything New York or San Francisco-related.(Meh)

You are going to the Camp Half-Blood in Texas

You are suddenly obsessed with Adidas shoes because they have the Hermes

You claim that Percy IS real and lives in New York no matter how much your friends argue with you.

You have dreams about PJO characters/events (It has happened).

You carry a ballpoint pen in your pocket.

That every time you pick up a pen, you think it'll turn into a sword.

Every time you play dodge ball, you bring a suit of armor.

You go to San Francisco looking for the Old Sea Man.

You find yourself praying to Poseidon for rain.

Whenever your internet slows down, you yell at the sky and say "HERMES! WHY

You stuff your (ahem) Hunger Games books in the back of your closet so you
have some more places for your PJ&O stuff.

When someone gets married, you say: "I hope you shall not anger Hera"

In the beginning of your first History class, you burst out "Will we be
studying Greek mythology?!"

You pretend (or actually) faint when someone asks "Who's Percy?"

When someone mentions the name Percy (like Percy Weasley) you scream

When someone dies, you pray to Hades to allow them to go across Styx for
free, because they don't have drachmas anymore.

You are known to scream names of the characters at random times.

You've got any copy of any book in all your backpacks/binders incase of

You pray to Athena when you don’t study for a math test.

And when you flunk said test, you blame her irritation on Percabeth.

You make a list of characters never to anger, like this one and why:
-Thalia- Want her for your friend, hate her for your enemy.
-Athena- She scares Percy more than Zeus. Also, she cannot be distracted and her plans always work.
-Hades- Um, this one is rather obvious- also you might not be buried with a drachma in your pocket.
-Hermes- Cutting off your internet access would be slow and painful torture. Also I blame the economy crisis on Luke's stealing federal funds.
-Aphrodite- She's preoccupied with Percabeth(EW) and Thuke, I know, but c'mon...
-Eris- She threw the apple.

You have ADHD, are diagnosed, and are convinced that you are a demigod because of this.

When you steal your friend's pen you believe it's justified because your dad is the god of thieves, and you thought it was Riptide and had to check to make sure Percy was still alive.

You write fanfiction constantly, even when you're not at your computer.

When your mom grounds you from the computer, you blame it on a combination of Nemesis, Hera and Hermes' little joke.

You want Hephaestus to fix your iPod when it breaks.

You give all your siblings god parents

You call the "Ares kids", or school bullies, Martians. (meh)

You quiz fellow fans on the minor gods and win.

You spend time doing pointless research at , just because Rick Riordan linked it on his site.

You still think Thuke could happen.

You plan several statements to avoid Apollo's lines and remember he's a player, should he ever hit on you, and several ways to get out of being cursed.

You imagine the gods alone, and what they really do on the Superbowl.

You think Percy's extended family needs extensive therapy.

You have a countdown to the Demigod Files because of the mention of Percabeth(ONCE AGAIN EW)

You want Kronos buried under Witchita, Kansas in a safe deposit toothpick box. No one will ever look there, and hopefully he'll be too tiny to bother the locals.

Your mother thinks you need to get a boyfriend, as does your father to cure your obsession.

You blame your little brother's desire to turn off your Internet in the middle of this review on Hermes' anger that you've joked about all of them.

You imagine random unwritten PJO moments during class and laugh. When one brave soul unaware of your obsession broaches the question of why you were laughing, you try to explain.

They think you are nuts because you are laughing at Hades' wild card of Nico.

You think of creative names for Percy besides Seaweed Brain, such as kelphead16 because his head is full of kelp and there's an 85 chance he'll die at the age of sixteen.

You wonder if you'll be able to drive a car come your 16, provided Percy saves the world, because of that.

You know you're obsessed when you lose something, and say, "Come on Hermes!
Give it back!!

You think all the popular girls at your school are children of Aphrodite. And say to all the braniacs at your school if Athena is okay. (Don’t hurt me Athena).

You go on YouTube and look at PJO themes for characters.

You read page 287 of BotL over and over again or say the lines in your head (this is for Nico-obsessed people. I am not one of them!)

Your internet homepage is Rick Riordan's blog.

You and your other PJO obsessed friend cracks up if any one mentions the word
Canada or Canadians.

You and your PJO obsessed friend start a fan club with only you two in it.

You get other people obsessed.

You have constant vivid dreams about the fifth book.

You spend most of your time thinking what will happen in the fifth book.

You jump up and down at the idea of LT becoming a movie.

You know exactly what someone means when they say LT, SoM, TC, BotL, PJO and
use it in conversations.

Your favorite quote of all time comes from PJO.

You and your friend has "diss-wars" using PJO CHARACTERS

When someone dies, you give them a sack of red rubber balls for Cerberus. o

Every time you see a guy in a wheelchair you think "Chiron!!”iBookworm-chan

You find yourself saying things like "Oh my gods!" and "What the Hades?" iBookworm-chan

When your boyfriend dumps you, you take the oath of the hunters (not that I
have any experience.) olympianchef213

When you burn yourself, you curse Hephaestus/Hestia. olympianchef213

You put an offering to Demeter next to your garden. olympianchef213

You go up to a teacher in a wheelchair and say, "I know who you really are, Chiron…" olympianchef213

You say "Maia!" when you are wearing shoes. olympianchef213

You checked to make sure your principal doesn’t have a tail.

You know which pages the good parts are on.

You suddenly hate thunderstorms.

You start hearing Percabeth in every song you hear.(Nope)

You started calling your dog Mrs. O’Leary.

You start figuring out who your godly parent is.

You never looked at a ballpoint pen the same way again.

You ask the cashier at the store if they stock Mythomagic cards.

You start doing pro/con lists in your head. During Math. When you’re supposed to be taking notes.

Each day you check every fan site you know of for new information.

You try to figure out how much food dye you need to turn chocolate chip cookies blue.

You make references to it in school reports and/or to friends that haven’t read it.

The first thing you ask someone when you meet them is, “Have you read PJO?”

You yell “Mizzenmast!” whenever you enter a boat.

You curse a god/goddess a lot. (I say, "Oh my Gods")

You have one (Or more) pictures relating to PJO in your room

You know PJO better then most sane people

You have links to every great PJO site

You add things to the list every day

You know what you would do if you were Percy

You argue with your friends about if Nico should turn evil or not (Absaloutly NOT!)

At least half of your friends have read all the PJO, or are going to in the very near future

You wish you could find a rainbow to see if Iris messages work (I just need to find a golden drachama)

You give friends and youself a godly parent,

You are trying to learn Greek (And succeding!!)

You keep thinking about one of the PJO books when you go on a trip.

You think of percy every time you see a dark haried green-eyed boy

You have an instant crush on Nico! (Hades NO!)

You just have to research more about greek mythology (Did that. Know almost everything now. :-P)

You want to learn Latin

You copy/paste this onto your profile

Most of your fics are PJO related, even if it is a cross over

You have taken every test you can find about what demigodly parent you would/do/should have, and your trying to get your friends to

You make sure all of your friends (Or most of them), have an idea about what you say when talking about PJO

Your friends (At least one), think you are obbsessed with PJO, and you agree

You have one or more things related to PJO on your school stuff, and if someone asks you why, you tell them

You have something on your school things (Or home things), that says 'Daughter (Or son if you're a guy) of God/goddess', and you don't even try to hide it, even if it says daughter of Name of unliked god.goddess

You’re nodding and smiling when you read this

You own every single book

You are planning on adding a lot more things to this list

You call yourself a demigod

You wish with every fibre of your being that the first page of The Lightning Theif told the truth, and the PJO series is real

You find yourself praying to a random god when you didn't study for a math test because you were too busy reading PJO

Youv'e called someone you know a satyr.

And thats how you know your obsessed wit it.

"Four serial suicides and now a note. It's Christmas!" -Sherlock
"We've got a serial killer on our hands. Love those, there's always something to look forward to." -Sherlock
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" -Sherlock
"I'm not a psychopath, Anderson, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." -Sherlock
"There's nothing wrong with me..." -Sherlock
Grab your magnifying glass. For I am SHERlocked.
Proud solider of the Cumberbatch Army!
"If Sherlock and John aren't in love then I don't know what love is." Steven Moffat

John: That was... amazing.
Sherlock: You think so.
John: Of course it was. It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary.
Sherlock: It's not what people usually say.
John: What do they usually say?
Sherlock: Piss off.

John : You were going to take the damn pill weren't you.
Sherlock: Of course not, playing for time.
John : No, you weren't. It's how you get your kicks isn't it. Risking your life to prove you're clever.
Sherlock: Why would I do that?
John : Because you're an idiot.
Sherlock: Dinner?
John : Starving.

Mycroft: We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British Nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on!
Sherlock: What for?

Sherlock: Shut up.
Lestrade: I didn't say anyth —
Sherlock Holmes: You were thinking. It's annoying.

Sherlock: Are you alright?
John: Yes, of course I'm alright.
Sherlock: Well, you have just killed a man.
John: Yes... that's true, isn't it... but he wasn't a very nice man.
Sherlock: No... no, he wasn't really, was he?
John: No, frankly, a bloody awful cabbie.
Sherlock: That's true, he was a bad cabbie. You should've seen the route he took us to get here.
*Start giggling*
John: Stop it! We can't giggle at a crime scene.

Here's to the kids who were never okay, who brought their bullets in return for your love. To the kids who live life on the murder scene, seeking revenge on those who wronged them. To the kids who lost their fear of falling, who refuse to drink to show their support for Gerard's decision. Here's to the kids who sign their name xoxo, fuck sincerely. The kids who love demolition style, who would end their days in a hail of bullets for thy lover. Here's to the kids who will spend their nights dreaming of what life would be like if they were G. F. R. B. or M. instead of partying with others. Here's to the kids who play with action figures instead of doing homework. Here's to the kids who mourned over the loss of Mikey's glasses, here's to the kids who put bars and X's over their eyes to be just like their heroes. Here's to the kids who scream fuck you to anyone who starts shit with them. Here's to the kids who believe they're vampires, just like the MCR boys. Here's to the kids who were welcomed to the black parade. Here's to the kids who are not afraid to keep on living or walk this world alone. To the kids who could've been a better son. Here's to the kids who raise their glasses high for tomorrow we die, and we all go to hell. Here's to the kids who put sister to sleep, who set ferris wheels ablaze. To the kids who take pills that counteract the booze they drink. Here's to the kids with poison and pills. To the kids who Fire At Will. Here's to the kids who loved pansy, and all its glory. To the kids who cried at the sight of Robert Bryar burning on the set of FLW. Here's to every soldier, vampire, and parader, to every Fan. Here's to each and every one of you My Chemical Romance fans. Your dedication is what makes the world go round. We've fired the bullets, and felt the revenge. We are lacking the romance. We've faced the bullies, and we gave 'em hell, Then hung 'em high. We've marched down Cemetery Drive & we are now prepared to march in The Black Parade. No one loves us, so we don't love you, and these are our Famous Last Words.

If you went to save Jack Sparrow just because you missed him, copy and paste this into your profile

are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
The boys don’t want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren’t as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they’re amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who’s
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree

All girls copy and paste this to your page

I love him,
oh yes
I do
He's for
and not for you
so if by chance you
take my place
I'll take my
fist and smash
your face~

Cinderella walked on broken glass.

Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass.

Belle fell in love with a hideous beast.

Jasmine married a common thief.

Ariel walked on land for love and life.

Snow White barely escaped a knife.

It was all about blood, sweat and tears,

Because love means facing your biggest fears.

I'm not crazy. I'm psychotic. There's a difference.

Don't get mad;Get sadistic.

My mind isn't twisted, it's sprained.

Boys are like lava lamps, fun to watch but not too bright.

If your name is Mr. Crunch, and you joined the Navy, would you eventually be Captain Crunch?

Got a problem with me? Solve it. Think I’m trippin’? Tie my shoes. Can’t stand me? Sit down. Can’t face me? Then turn the fuck around!

Roses are red, violets are blue,
St. Valentine was beheaded, and you should be too.

Anybody can fight a killer. To love him and not fight him takes a special kind of person.

Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up like a flying rat?

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life is short, so party we must!

Chaos, panic and disorder... Well, my work here is done.

I met some crazy people. They made me their leader!

I'm crazy enough to kill,but that's not your problem. The problem is that I'm also smart enough to get away with it.

Haller's Demon Version Of Miss Mary Mack

Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack

All Dressed in Black Black Black

She has a Knife Knife Knife

Stuck in her Back Back Back

She can not Scream Scream Scream

She can not Cry Cry Cry

That's why she Begs Begs Begs

She begs to Die Die Die

Copy and paste this your profile if you are a Fred Head ( Freddy K. Fan Girl)

Copy this to your profile if you love Michael Myers

Copy and paste this to your profile if you love Pyramid Head

Copy and paste to this to your profile if you wished that you lived with all Horror Slashers

Many people want very badly for fictional characters to exist. Little do they realize, that anything you can think of really can exist, in a different dimension. Considering the fact that there are an unlimited amount of dimensions, any kind of fictional character and/or universe really does exist! Copy and Paste this onto your profile if this made you have an amazing epiphany, and made you very happy.

Reeses Pieces, Coco Puff, mess with me; I’ll fuck you up.

Ke$ha taught me to be myself and not care what anyone else thinks

Bruno Mars taught me to do anything for that one person I love

Taylor Swift taught me not every guy/girl is going to treat me right

Michael Jackson taught me to always love the people around me

Lady Gaga taught me Its okay to be different

Copy and Paste this to your profile if you love Severus Tobias Snape!

I will love The Bravest Man I Ever Knew...Always.


Witches and wizards cannot Apparate or Disapparate in Hogwarts grounds, except when the Headmaster lifts the enchantment, though he or she is able to lift the restriction in certain areas only, so as to make the school less vulnerable when it serves the headmaster to allow Apparition. (GF Ch.28) Taken from Hogwarts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Copy and paste if you hate Ron/Hermione fanfics

Copy and paste if you ever tried to use the spells in the Harry Potter movies and or books *Looks around sheepishly*

If you ever wished that one day, while curled on your bed in you room, that an owl would magically appear with a letter attatched to its leg informing you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts.

If you ever howled like a crazed she-wolf pretending to get on Remus' nerves in the middle of class so you can a 'punishment' after, then copy and paste this to your profile.

When we are writing, or painting, or composing, we are, during the time of creativity, freed from normal restrictions, and are opened to a wider world, where colors are brighter, sounds clearer, and people more wondrously complex than we normally realize. - Madeleine L'Engle

Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. -George Orwell

I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse

*Are you a Tomboy or Girly girl? Highlight the ones you are and add them up and then compare!*


You love hoodies.
You love jeans.
Dogs are better than cats.
It's hilarious when people get hurt.
You've played with/against boys on a team.
Shopping is torture.
Sad movies suck.
You own/ed an X-Box.
Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid.
At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega.
You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
You watch sports on TV.
Gory movies are cool
You go to your dad for advice.
You own like a trillion baseball caps.
You like going to high school football games.
You used to/do collect football/baseball cards.
Baggy pants are cool to wear.
It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
Sports are fun.
Talk with food in your mouth.
Sleep with your socks on at night. (Sometimes)

Total: 15(AWESOME!!!)


You wear lip gloss/stick.
You love to shop.
You wear eyeliner.
You wear the color pink
Go to your mom for advice.
You consider cheerleading a sport.
You hate wearing the color black.
You like hanging out at the mall.
You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
You like wearing jewelry.
Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
You don't like the movie Star Wars.
You were in gymnastics/dance.
It takes you around/ more one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.(Kinda)
You smile a lot more than you should.
You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
You care about what you look like.
You like wearing dresses when you can.
You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
You love the movies.
Used to play with dolls as little kid.
Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it.
Like being the star of everything

Total: 14(Im sooo gonna be killed by my brother somehow...)

You have a short temper.
You often act on your emotions without thinking first.
You are very competitive.
You like to play with fire.
You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all.
You prefer warm weather over cold weather.
You often lose control over yourself.
You can be quite reckless.
You sometimes hurt people without realizing it.
People have often called you insane.

Total: 8 (Pyromaniac~)

You have a calm, laid-back personality.
You like to go to the beach.
You rarely get angry.
When you do get angry, you know how to control it.
You think before you act.
You are good at breaking up fights.
You are a good swimmer.
You like the rain.
You can stay calm in stressful situations.
You are very generous

Total: 7 (What the fuck? This can't be right! I mean I like the cold and all)

You are physically strong.
You have a close connection with nature.
You don't mind getting dirty.
You form strong opinions on issues that concern you.
You could easily survive in the wild.
You care about the environment.(Most of the time)
You can easily focus on your work without getting distracted.(If I have my pills I am)
You rarely get depressed.
You aren't afraid of anything.
You prefer to have a strict set of rules.

Total: 6

You have a free spirit.
You hate rules.
You prefer to be out in the open rather than in small, enclosed spaces.
You hate to be restrained.
You are very independent and outgoing.
You are quite intelligent.(In some areas I am and when I want to be)
You tend to be impatient.
You are easily distracted. (Sometimes.)
You can sometimes be hyperactive and/or annoying. (That is a gift, my friend.)
You wish you could fly.

Total: 10

You spend most of your time alone
You prefer nighttime over daytime.
You like creepy things.
You like to play tricks on people.
Black is your favorite color.
You prefer the villains over the heroes in movies, TV shows, video games, etc.(Sometimes)
You don't talk much. (Super shy around those I don't know.)
You are atheist.(Agnostic But Yes Close)
You don't mind watching scary movies.(Honestly Depends)
You love to break the rules. (Some of them.)

Total: 8 (Oh hell yea)

You are very polite.
You are spiritual.
When someone is in trouble, you never hesitate to help them.
You believe everything you see or hear.
You are afraid of the dark.
You hate violence.
You hope for world peace.
You are generally a happy person.
Everyone loves to be around you.
You always follow the rules. (Some of them.)

Total: 5 (Well shitt)

You are a Badass Uke!

Other uke admire you, some seme fear you. Despite your sometimes flaming appearance, you can even fool other people into thinking you are seme with your mischievous, manipulative attitude, but when push comes to shove, your true submissive nature emerges. It takes a seme with enough intensity to challenge you and keep you satisfied, and your perfect match, the Don't Fuck With Me Seme, knows that all that naughty teasing just means you want the punishment.

Most compatible with: Don't Fuck With Me Seme, Chibi Seme

Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Romantic Seme

Help Eevee take over the world by posting her on your profile!

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .HR
... ... .HHH ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...H;H
... ... .HR;RHR.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..RH;.;.R
... ... .HRH;.;.;RHR... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..RH;.;.RH
... ... ...HRHHR;;..;RH ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...H;;.RH;.R
... ... ...H; RHHHHR;;.RH ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...R;.;.RH;.H
... ... ... .HRHHHHHR;.;.R. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...H;.RHR;.R
... ... ... ...HRHHHHHHR;.H... ... ... ... ... ... R.;.;.HH;.H
... ... ... ... .HRHHHHHHR;.R. ... HH..RH ... H;.RHR;.R
... ... ... ... ...HRHHHHHHR;.;.;R;.;.RH;.;.HR.;.H
... ... ... .R ... .HR; RHHHHHR;.R;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;R;R;.;R
... ... .R .H ... ...HHR; R; H;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;H
... ...R . .H ... ... .HHR; R;.;.;.;.;.;.R;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.HR
... .H . . .H ... ... ... ;.HHHR.;.;.;.RH;R.;.;.;.;.;.H.;R
...H . . . .R ... ... ... ... .HR.;.;.R;, R.;.;.;.;.;..R RH
..R. . . . . H... ... ... ... .HR.;.;.HH, H.;.;.;.;.;.H, RH
.H . . . . . .R.. ... ... ... .HR; .;.HHHH.;.;.;.;.;.HHRH
H. . . . . . . . H... ... ... .HR; .;.RHHR.;.;.;.;.;.RHR.;R
H. . . . . . . .;.RH... ... ...R.;.R.;.;.R.;.;.;.RH,;.;.;.;.;.H
H. . . . . . .;.;.;.;.H. ... ... .R;.R;.;.;.;.R.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.R
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H;.;. . . .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.H ...H ;.;RHR;.R ;.;.;.;.;.;.RHHR
H ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.RHR ;.;. HRHR.;.R.;R.;.RH . . . . R
H ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.H ;.;.;. . . .RHHHHHHHR ;. . . . . .R
HR.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.H ;.;. . . . . . ;.;.;.;.;.;. . . H;. . . . H
..R.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.RH ;.;. . . . . ;.;.;.;.;.;. . . . .R;. . . .H
..HR.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.HR ;.;. . . . . ;.;.;. . . . . . . . .H;.;.;.R
..RH.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.RHHR ;.;. . R ;.;. . . . . . . . ;. . .R;.R
... RHR ;.;.;.;.;.;.HHRHR ;. . .H ;.;. . . . . . . . .; . HRH
... RHRHRH ;.;.;.HR.;.RH;.;.RHR ;.;. . . . . . . RH;.;R
... ...RHRHRHRHHR.;.R; RHHRHR ;.;.;.;. .R .HR;.;.;H
... ... ... RHRHRHHR.;.RHR.R.R...RH;.;.;.;.;.HR;.;.;.;H
... ... ... ... ...RHHR.;.R.;HHHR.R.R.HRHHHRHH;.;R;.R
... ... ... ... ... ...HR.;.RH ... HHR.;.R; . H ... ... HH;.RH
... ... ... ... ... ...HR.;.RH ... HHR.;.R . .H... ... ..RHR
... ... ... ... ... ...RHR.RH ... RHHR.;.R . HR
... ... ... ... ... ... ..RHHR ... ...RHR.;.R . .H
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .R.RHHHR

You say English, we say Japanese

You say cars, we say Nyan Cat

You say swords, we say Bleach

You say reality, we say anime

You say comics, we say manga

You say countries, we say Hetalia

You say hello, we say Kon'nichiwa

You learn Japanese from classes, we learn from shows

You cry if a character dies, we have a rainbow of emotions

You only feel what your favorite person feels, we feel what everyone else is feeling

You crush on pop stars, we crush on anime characters

You think we're crazy, but we think you're just normal

You say souls, we say Soul Eater

You Say Guild, We say FAIRY TAIL

You Say Ninja, We Say Naruto

You say Family, We say Vongola

You say notebook, We say Death Note

You say Gay, We say Yaoi

You think we're fangirls/fanboys, but we're all Otakus

Re-Post this if you're an Otaku and proud!

I am that girl,
The one who likes books more than boys.
The one who pretends not to be sad, just to make others happy.
The one who reads and writes to escape.
The one who just wants to help.
The one that really wants to make a difference.
The one that sticks to her values.
The one that doesn't look at race or homosexuality.
The one that cries when she feels alone and helpless; it only shows she's strong.
The one that knows she's beautiful, no matter what others say.
The one that refuses to believe that this is it.
The one that doesn't care if she eats too many cinnamon buns...they taste good.
The one that people like, because she's crazy.
The one that will do anything to make a better tomorrow.
The one who won't give in.
The one won't give up

Dear bullies,

See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he Talked His friend out of suicide.

See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.

See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his family is too poor.

Re-Post this if u r against bullying. I bet 95% of u won't.

Your life would probably not be as harsh as theirs

There was once a girl named Ashley Halagey, who had a boyfriend named Jack. Jack was the most popular guy in school. The three most popular girls were Courtney, Ashley and Emma. Jack thought Ashley was OK, but he REALLY liked Courtney. Courtney liked Jack also. Well, of course she did. Everyone did!

Ashley and Courtney were worst enemies. Courtney tried to steal Jack away every time she had a chance. One day, Courtney asked Jack if he wanted to go to the movies. Ashley heard everything. What movie, What movie theater and what time.

That night, Ashley followed Jack and Courtney to the movie theater. Ashley sat right behind them. she watched them get close to each other and kiss. Not only did they kiss, but they practically got it on in the theater.

Courtney asked Jack, “Do you want to come to my place and skip this boring movie?”

He replied, “Hell, yes!”

Ashley followed them home and peeked through Courtney’s window. Jack and Courtney were messing around and Ashley watched the whole thing.

The next day at school Ashley wasn’t there. For the next few days Ashley didn’t show up. A week later, her mother found her dead in her closet. She had committed suicide because she loved Jack so much. Next to Ashley’s dead body was a note.

It read: “My Dearest Jack, I watched you at the movies and at Courtney’s house and I will CONTINUE to watch you. I never thought you would do something like this to me. I really loved you, Jack. I died for you just like Jesus died for us. Always with you, signed Ashley Halagey.

Please send this link to more than 15 people or Ashley will haunt you and try to kill you because she wants everyone to know about how Courtney betrayed her.

What Ashley Halagey did to one person who did not send this…

One girl was looking through her e-mail and she deleted this message, thinking it was just another silly forward. The next day, she was found dead in her bed. Copy and paste the link to all your friends or you will meet the same fate...

This is also to all the stereotypes out there!!:

I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic.
I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.
I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz.
I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.
I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat.
I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy.
I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell.
I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell.
I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world.
I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals
I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.
I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash.
I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.
I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.
I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.
I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore...
I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore
I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut.
I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.(i like the clothes and the music the life style tho not so much)
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.
I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.
I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.
I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.
I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.
I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.
I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals(actually have a few times)
I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a "big one".
I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!
I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.
I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.
I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention.
I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention.
I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.
I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.
I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all.
I have Big BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.
I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.
I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.

I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and that's how Russians roll.( I want to be...idk I might me on my moms side so i'm not gonna say no or yes)

I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi.
I hang out with GAYS, so i must be GAY TOO
I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited
I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13
I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy
I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy
I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas
Im a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction
Im a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude
Im STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent.
I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy.
I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat.
I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly.
I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff
I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks( Like i said before)
I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7
I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals.
I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up.
I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist.
I'm in BAND, so I MUST be a dork.
I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect
I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black
I'm GOTH so I MUST worship the devil
I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister.
I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive.
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob
I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border.
I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat.
I'm BLACK, so I MUST love watermelon
I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot.
I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis.
I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a PREP, so I MUST be rich.
I don't like the SUN so I MUST be an albino.
I have a lot of FRIENDS, so I MUST love to drink and party.
I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo.
I couldn't hurt a FLY, So I MUST be a pussy.
I support GAY RIGHTS, so I MUST fit in with everyone.
I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too.
I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't.
I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social.
I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy.
I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch.
My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills.
I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch.
I'm a NUDIST, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs.
I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser.
I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE. So I MUST be a whore myself.
I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse
I’m a GOTH, so I MUST be a Satanist
I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual.(I'll Crossdress)
I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak.
I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker.
I WATCH PORN so I MUST be perverted.(once and a while)
I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled.
I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant.
I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep
I'm SCOTTISH so I MUST have ginger hair and wear a skirts(THERE KILTS)
I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo.
I’m CANADIAN, so I MUST talk with a funny accent.(i want to be)
I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend.
I'm CANADIAN, so I MUST love hockey and beavers.(same as before)
I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare.
I'm a FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth.(not all the time just when its called for)

I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid.
I like BLOOD, so I must be a VAMPIRE.
I'm an ALBINO, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is A MURDERER!( iwanttobeone)
I'm ENGLISH, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth.
I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future.
I don't like YAOI or YURI, so I must be a HOMOPHOBE(that's a big old lie for me)
I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy
I have a FAN CHARACTER, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue.
I CHAT, I MUST be having cyber sex.
I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins
I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan
I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion
I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian.
I'm a LESBIAN so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see.
I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER.
I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED.(Kinda...If you know me)
I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST.
I am a WITCH, so I MUST be and OLD HAG and fly on a broomstick.
I love YAOI, so I MUST be GAY.
I DON'T CURSE, so I MUST be an outcast
I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish
I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE.
I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard.
I'm GOTHIC, so I MUST be mean.
I’m STRONG so I MUST be stupid.
I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s
I go to RENISANCE FAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times (i want to go to one and might sometime so im gonna say yes)
I’m GAY so I’m after EVERY straight guy around.
I don’t want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian.
I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting.
I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak.
I DRINK and SMOKE, so I MUST have no life.
I am friends with a CUTTER, so I MUST be a CUTTER too.
I cry easily, so I MUST be a wimp.
I can't help pointing out mistakes so I MUST be an over-controlling perfectionist
I'm a PERFECTIONIST so I MUST check everything ten times, them burst into tears at one mistake (In some occasions)
I DON'T LIKE to talk about my personal life so I MUST be having problems
I like FIRE, so I MUST be an Arsonist or a Pyromaniac


FRIENDS: Lend you their umbrella

BEST FRIENDS: Take yours and say ‘RUN FREAK RUN!’

FRIENDS: Never ask for anything to eat or drink.
BEST FRIENDS: Helps themselves and are the reason why you have no food.

FRIENDS: Call your parents by Mr. and Mrs. and Grandpa, by Grandpa.
BEST FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD and MOM and Grandpa, GRAMPS!

FRIENDS: Would bail you out of jail.
BEST FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you sayin “THAT WAS FRICKING AWSOME”

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
BEST FRIENDS: Wont tell everyone else you cried…just laugh about it with you in private when your not down anymore.

FRIENDS: Asks you to write down your number.
BEST FRIENDS: Has you on speed dial.

FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
BEST FRIENDS: Loses your crap and tells you, “My bad…here’s a tissue.”

FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story…

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you

FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say “I’M HOME.”

FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone.
BEST FRIENDS: Already know not to tell.

FRIENDS: Are only through school/college.
BEST FRIENDS: Are for life.

FRIENDS: Will confort you when the guy rejects you

BEST FRIENDS: Will go up to him and say ‘its because your gay isn’t it?’

FRIENDS: Would ignore this letter

BEST FRIENDS: Will repost this crappp!

Mummy...Johnny brought a gun to school

He told his friends that it was cool

And when he pulled the trigger back

It shot with a great crack

Mummy I was a good girl

I did what I was told

I went to school, I got straight A's, I even got the gold

But mummy when I went to school that day, I never said goodbye

I'm sorry mummy I had to go, but mommy please don't cry

When Johnny shot the gun he hit me and another

And all because he got the gun from his older brother

Mummy please tell daddy that I love him very much

And please tell Chris, my boyfriend, that it wasn't just a crush

And tell my little sister that she is the only one now

And tell my dear sweet grandmother that I'll be waiting for her now

And tell my wonderful friends that they were always the best

Mummy I'm not the first I'm no better than the rest

Mummy tell my teachers I won't show up for class

And never to forget this and please don't let this pass

Mummy why'd it have to be me no one deserves this

Mummy warn the others, mummy I left without a kiss

And mummy tell the doctors I know they really did try

I think I even saw a doctor trying not to cry

Mummy I'm slowly dying with a bullet in my chest

But mummy please remember I'm in heaven with the rest

Mummy I ran as fast as I could when I heard that crack

Mummy listen to me if you would

I wanted to go to college

I wanted to try things that were new

I guess I'm not going with daddy

On that trip to the new zoo

I wanted to get married

I wanted to have a kid

I wanted to be an actress

Mummy I wanted to live

But mummy I must go now

The time is getting late

Mummy tell my Chris

I'm sorry but I had to cancel the date

I love you mummy I always have

I know you know it's true

Mummy all I wanted to say is "mummy I love you"

In memory of the Columbian students that were lost

Please if you would

Pass this around

I'd be happy if you could

Don't smash this on the ground

If you pass this on

Maybe people will cry

Just keep this in heart

For the people that didn't get to say "goodbye"

Now you have two choices

1) repost and show you care

2)ignore it and you have just proven you have a low-down, cold-heart and a bitch/bastard.

(Please just copy and paste this on to your site and show that you care) [p.s] (this made me cry QwQ)


I am the boy who never finished school because I was called a fag everyday.

I am the girl who got kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I was a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because no one will hire a transsexual.

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they wouldn't allow my partner of 27 years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up to the nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family i have ever had. I wished they could adopt me.

I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before my high school graduation. It was just too much to bear.

We are the couple who had the Realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one bedroom for two men.

I am the one person who does not know which bathroom to use so the management doesn't come for me.

I am the mother who is not even allowed to see the children I bore, nursed and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the father who never hugged my son because I grew up afraid to show affection to males.

I am the Home Ec teacher who always wanted to teah gym until someone told me that only lesbians could teach it.

I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized i was transsexual.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because i don't believe, but because they closed the doors to my kind.

I am the girl ashamed to tell my own friends that I am a lesbian because they make fun of them.

I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men said they needed to 'teach me a lesson'.

I am the person who needs to hide what this world needs the most: love.


AQUARIUS - The Slut (1/20-2/18) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 7 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

PISCES - The Addict (2/19-3/20) EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. 4 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

LEO - The Cool One (7/23-8/22) Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, Fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you'll ever meet! Very beautiful. Amazing. however not the kind of person you wanna mess with... u might end up crying... 9 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

CANCER - The Smart One. (6/22-7/22) Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being In long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out. 2 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

ARIES- The Irresistible One (3/21-4/19) Nice Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good in bed... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. 9 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

SAGITTARIUS-The One that Waits (11/22-12/21) Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. 7 Years of bad luck if you do not repost.

TAURUS- The Aggressive One (4/20-5/20) MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling Stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to. 12 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

LIBRA - The Partner for Life (9/23-10/22) Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. 5 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

CAPRICORN - The Cute One (12/22-1/19) Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. EXTREMELY SEXY. Predict future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Has lots of friends. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Also not a fighter, but if they have to, they will also knock the lights out of you if it comes down to it..Cool. Loves to own Geminis' in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart. 24 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

SCORPIO - The Gorgeous One (10/23-11/21) Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Best kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. Amazing in bed. A caring person. One of a kind.Gorgeous Smile.Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth! 15 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

VIRGO- The Promiscuous One (8/23-9/22) Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!! Not the kind of person you wanna mess with- you might end up crying. 4 years of bad luck if you do not repost.

GEMINI - The Liar (5/21-6/21) Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, Addictive. Loud. 16 years of bad luck if you do not repost (5/24)

Some Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity

1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Everytime someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in".
5. Finish all your sentences with "... in accordance with the prophecy."
6. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat- with a serious face.
7. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
8. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
9 don t use any punctuation
10. Sing along at the opera.
11. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
12. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.
13. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.
14. Have your friends address you by your wrestling name, Rock Bottom.
15. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I won, I won!"
16. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!!!"

Ways To Annoy People In An Elevator

1. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body."
2. Ask, "Did you hear that cable snapping sound?"
3. Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
4. Hold the elevator door open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, "Hi John, how's your day been?"
5. Hum the theme to Jeopardy.
6. Leave a box in a corner, and when someone gets on, ask if they hear something ticking.
7. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
8. Say while holding a paper with OUT OF ORDER written on it, "I wonder why this was glued on the door when I came in."
9. Scribble furiously on a notepad while looking at each passenger. When they try to look, hide the pad.
10. Stare at another passenger for a while, then scream, "You're one of THEM!" And cower in the far corner of the elevator.
11. When the elevator doors close, bang on them, screaming, "Let me out!"
12. When there's only one other person on the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasn't you.
13. When the elevator doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay! Don't panic, they'll open again!"

•..STAY GOLD ..•»
(.•"(.•" * "•.)"•.

*(·.·).I.(·.·)* *
*(·.··. .·;Love·..··.·)*
*·..·*The Outsiders*·.*
* *·.(· Forever·)..·*
* *·..·* *

(.•"(.•" * "•.)"•.)
(.•"(.•" * "•.)"•.)

You Know You're Obsessed With the Outsiders When...

You laugh every time you drink a soft drink for reasons unknown to people around you.

You name your horse (Or any other pet) Ponyboy (or Ponygirl)

You've looked up Robert Frost poems before, just to read Nothing Gold Can Stay from a million different sources.

You've read Gone With the Wind, even though it's more than a thousand pages long, for no other reason except because it was mentioned in The Outsiders.

If you HAVE read Gone With the Wind, you get randomly excited and squeal at the page where it quotes exactly, "riding into sure death because they were gallant".

You've started wearing black leather jackets, old jeans, and white t-shirts a lot more than you usually do.

You've researched the 60s for fun, and you have asked questions concerning the 60s to your baffled history teacher.

You've tried slicking back your hair with hair gel/grease and squealed happily at the results.

You've bleached your hair just because Ponyboy did.

You've started caring about your hair a lot more than you did before.

You've stopped getting haircuts.

You've started using the words, "ain't", "golly", "gee", "dig", and other old slang words proudly, not paying attention to the weird stares you're getting from people around you.

You've read the book so many times you could quote entire pages from it.

You love your English teacher for getting you to read it.

You announce to your stunned parents that your new favorite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse.

You want to hit people when your teacher's showing the Outsiders movie, and they don't pay attention to it/laugh at it.

You rush up to every random person reading the book, squealing and babbling about how amazing the book is, and how much they're gonna love it so much. You say these thing to COMPLETE STRANGERS too.

You suddenly wish you had a southern accent, and you love people who actually do.

You've developed a sudden interest in old movies.

You do a double take each time someone says the word "Soda" or "Pony".

You laugh every time you drink Pepsi (Ponyboy's addiction) or Coke. (Dally/Cherry incident)

You write "Stay Gold" as the last line of every letter you write. (almost)

You've paused the movie at the very beginning when Ponyboy writes in his composition book, and tried to copy his handwriting.

You've wondered what it would be like the live as a Greaser in the 1960s. (I love The Outsiders)

All the different lines Minerva McGonagall has made Hogwarts students write:

"If Death Eaters are attacking Hogsmeade I will not point at the sky and shout ‘TO THE BAT MOBILE!’"
"I will not tell everyone that I overheard my sister saying, 'So I was like, 'Avada Kadavra!' and he was like, 'Dead.' "
"I will not ask Harry if his scar senses are tingling."
"I will not call Draco Malfoy the amazing...bouncing...Ferret."
"Remus Lupin does NOT want a flea collar!"
"I am not authorized to negotiate a peace treaty with Voldemort."
"I will not make any jokes about Lupin and his time of the month."
"I will not say 'dude, get a life' to the Dark Lord."
"I will not ask Professor Snape why he stole Batman's cape."
"I will not scare the Arithmancy students with my calculus book."
"I will not spread rumors saying, 'When Voldemort goes to bed he checks his closet for Mrs. Weasley.' "
"I will not tell Penelope Clearwater that Percy wouldn't recognize a joke if it dances naked in front of him wearing Dobby's tea cozy."
"I will not sing "We're off to see the wizard!" when sent to the headmasters office."
"I will not send You-Know-Who a letter saying, 'I have eight Horcruxes, take that Voldy!' "
"Professor Flitwick's name is not Yoda."
"I will not bring a magic eight ball to Divination class"
"If a classmate falls asleep, I will not take advantage of the situation and draw a Dark Mark on their arm."
"I am not allowed to make light saber sounds with my wand."
"I am not allowed to introduce Peeves to paintballing."
"I will not follow potions instructions in reverse order just to see what happens."
"I will not give Hagrid Pokémon cards and convince him that they are real animals."
"I will not dress up as Voldemort for Halloween"
"I will not teach the house-elves to impersonate Paris Hilton."
"I will not snog Voldemort or Slytherins in the main hall on the head table."

6 Truths of Life

1. You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue

2. All idiots after reading this will try it

3. The first truth is a lie.

are now laughing at your own stupidity

5. You will put this on your profile

6. You still have a stupid smile on your face

I tried this, and I felt like a total idiot after!

If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em.
If ya can't join 'em, bribe 'em.
If ya can't bribe 'em, blackmail 'em.
If ya can't blackmail 'em, kill 'em.
If ya can't kill 'em, you're screwed.

XD. If this is funny to you, post it on your profile!

How to Tell if You're a Writer

-If you talk to yourself.

-If you talk to yourself about talking to yourself (i.e. ‘I wonder why I talk to myself so much?’)

-If, when you talk to yourself, you sometimes speak as if talking to another person (i.e. ‘Okay, so have you ever noticed that the word ‘deliver’ could mean removing someone’s liver?’)

-If, after uttering a profound piece of wisdom like that above, you stare at the cookie in your hand in awe and say, ‘Wow, this is good stuff for sugar highs!’

-If you live off of sugar and caffeine.

-If people start to notice that you tend to check your e-mail every day for a week, then suddenly disappear off the face of the planet.

-If your e-mails tend to be pages long and incredibly random.

-If, when replying to someone else’s e-mail, you are sometimes so random that you fail to address the original message altogether.

-If you tend to collect the Bic Stics people leave lying around, kind of like picking pennies off the ground.

-If, no matter where you are in your room, you never have to so much as get up to reach a pen/pencil and paper.

-If people think you might have A.D.D.

-If you think it’d be cool to have A.D.D.

-If you start constantly talking in third person, present/past tense.

-If you think about making lists like this, and start giggling for no ‘apparent’ reason.

-If your friends don’t even bother to look funny at you anymore when you start giggling for no apparent reason.

Bad Things to Hear on an Airplane Intercom:

1. This is your captain speaking and I don't feel that life is worth living anymore.

2. We're cruising at an altitude of... Ah hell I don't know.

3. Could somebody come up here and tell me what this button does?

4. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Just kidding.

5. Would the fight attendant bring me a martini? And keep 'em comin'.

6. This is... uh... This is... uh... your... Hmm, I seem to have lost my memory...

7. Passengers on the left side of the plane -- does that engine sound funny to you?

8. Good God Steve! We’re going to crash! Oops -- is this intercom on?

9. We'll be on the ground in ten minutes. One way or another...

10. This is your captain speaking: I'm depressed, suicidal, and I'm taking you all with me. By the way, I've already killed the co-captain.

37 Things to do on an Elevator

1. Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer inside and ask "Got enough air in there?"
2. Stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.
3. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.
4. Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you Admiral.
5. Meow occasionally.
6. Stare at another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror: "You're one of THEM!" - and back away slowly.
7. Say "DING!" at each floor.
8. Say "I wonder what all these do?" and push all the red buttons.
9. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
10. Stare grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce: "I have new socks on."
11. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask: "Is that your beeper?"
12. Try to make personal calls on the emergency phone.
13. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers: "This is my personal space."
14. When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you.
15. As you are coming to the end of the journey, get emotional and have a group hug. Tell them that you will never forget them.
16. Ask if you can push the button for other people but push the wrong ones.
17. Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, How's your day been?"
18. Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream: "That's mine!"
19. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.
20. Pretend you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
21. Swat at flies that don't exist.
22. Call out "Group hug!" then enforce it.
23. Make car race noises when someone gets on or off.
24. Congratulate all for being in the same lift with you.
25. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!"
26. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
27. While the doors are opening, hurriedly whisper, "Hide it...quick!" then whistle innocently.
28. Let your cell phone ring - don't answer it.
29. Walk into the lift and say "This reminds me of being buried alive. Ah, those were the days..."
30. Take shoes off before entering. Then look shocked and disgusted when the others don't.
31. Ask people which floor they want, say in 'Who wants to be a millionaire' style is that your final answer.
32. Also in your bellboy act, ask what floor they want. Whatever they say, give them a glare and say "you should be ashamed of yourself!", and leave the lift tutting.
33. Ask, "Did you feel that?"
34. Tell people that you can see their aura.
35. When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay. Don't panic, they open up again."
36. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body."
37. Dress up in a long, black cloak with a hood, stare and in a deep voice announce "It is time” When someone walks in.

1.YOUR REAL NAME: Call me Crepe!

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME (first 3 letters of real name plus -izzle): Cre-izzle

3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME (fave color and fave animal): Black Dragon

4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, and current street name): Josephine Holt

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, last 3 letters of your mom's maiden name): Percrkat

6. YOUR SUPERHERO NAME (2nd favorite color, favorite drink): Pink Cola

7. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (mother’s middle name): Kyung Ae.

8. YOUR GOTH NAME (black, and the name of one your pets): Black Spiff

You May Be A Writer If:

Every time you hear a song, you think of a new story or one you've already written.

You have the last chapters of a story done before even thinking of the characters names.

You often imagine your books becoming movies.

Spell check is your best friend.

You give even the smallest of characters a huge background.

You hesitate before killing of one of your favorite characters.

You smile really big when you are going to finally write a character love scene.

Every time you read something, you make your own story of the same thing.

You'll spend an hour trying to find one word cause you won't dare use a synonym.

Not being able to write is like not being able to pee to you... you just can't hold it in for so long.

You write so fast, you leave out words in a sentence.

You have to tell at least one person your whole story before it's even written.

Things that are written badly annoy you and make you want to re-write it better.

You laugh at jokes you wrote yourself.

You can spell words like 'troublesome' but can't spell 'the' half the time.

If you are not writing or typing, your fingers are moving constantly.

You talk to yourself...constantly.

When you have to write some sort of story in class, you get carried away.

You would rather die than use words like 'good' or 'nice' and etc.

You put off the last chapter of a story simply because you don't want it to end.

You start to cry when writing about a death or other depressing event you knew was coming, and you are the one writing it.

When on a roll, you will ignore hunger, sleepiness, or the urge to pee until you run out of ideas.

If a story, movie, show, etc. finishes without closure, you have a powerful need to write a suitable ending.

You like to fidget, tap, or chew on the tip of something when you are trying to come up with a new sentence, paragraph, chapter, or story.

You are in love with the Thesaurus.

You dream about your stories.

You dream of new stories.

You often revisit some of your old stories.

Someone can call your name twenty times without you hearing if you're writing.

You would rather talk to the voices in your head than the person sitting next to you.

You would rather write than go out.

Your/you're and their/there/they're are errors that send you into an apoplectic fit.

You get cranky if you don't get to write.

You've heard/seen something, and thought, I need to write that down.

You wake up in the middle of the night and scrabble for a pen and paper you keep next to your bed to write down a scene to make the voices be quiet so you can get some sleep.

Getting the scene finished is more important than coffee, the bathroom, or food.

A blank wall becomes the screen where the scene you're writing takes place right in front of your eyes.

You can't write because you're mad at one of your characters.

You argue with said character.

You start to laugh out loud in public at what something your character might say.

Even though you try your hardest to resist, you often correct your own grammar on IM.

You talk to yourself about talking to yourself too much.

Your family/friends have come to the ignore the habit of your talking to yourself.

You've apologized out loud to a character after doing something horrible to them.

For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you what you are doing that is so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour-long sob fest, and then start singing and dancing when your favorite song comes on. Crazy is when you do or say a completely random thing, like "Do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or having a thumbwar with yourself. Crazy is when you type up all your favorite sayings, print them off and tape them to your wall, just for something to do. Crazy is when you're not paying attention when the teacher is rambling and you think of something funny from the other day that you don't realize is funny til that moment and you burst into hysterical laughter and the entire class turns around and stares at you and you look the other way and pretend you don't notice. Crazy is when you star in your own movie and pretend to be an assassin... multiple times. Crazy is when you scream for no reason or sing nursery rymes. Crazy is when you have a post-book comatose state after reading a book and then half an hour later are spouting off random qoutes, character facts and character descriptions to people you know don't give a (inert swear word of choice). If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile.

If you've ever tried to put your hair behind your ears and ended up poking yourself in the eye, copy this into your profile

If people think you are mentally insane...copy and paste this onto your profile

If you talk back to the TV, copy this into your profile.

If you love walking around in the pouring rain without an umbrella, copy this to your profile.

Here's my fav parings:(not in order)

Fairy Tail:


Lyon/Gray i{Ice wizard x ice wizard is HOT!}

Zerfe/Natsu {all i can say is aww! AND SO FUCKING HOT!!}

Lahar/Uke!Gajeel {I know its a crack kind of pairing but its cute when you think about it!}

Lahar/Fem!Gajeel {Don't ask me.}

Wendy/Romeo {Meh}

Chelia/Wendy {Daww!}

Juvia/Lucy {i think its cute!}

Sting/Rouge {come on it makes sense!}

Jellal/Erza {cute and sweet!}


Naruto(Fem)/Neji {I don't care what you say.}

Shikamaru/Kiba {Myyyy ship}

Shino/Kiba {Aww so cute! Ahhh}


Kazuku/Hidan {Partner and more!}

Kisame/Itachi {Same and Hidan and Kazu}

Sasori/Deidara {Art is love! un!}

Zetsu/Tobi {I dunno i just don't. But i love it!}


Saruhiko/Misaki {K Project is love!(sarus name isn't spelled right i think)

Suoh/Reisi {Perfect }

Kuroh/Yashiro {I don't really need to explain this do I?}

Suoh/Misaki {Soo hot!}

Reisi/Saruhiko{Some captain loving.}

Vampire Knight:


Senri/Takuma [cutesy wootsy!]

Yagari/Kaien [perfection!]


Senri/Zero {i love this one so screw you)

Takuma/Adiou {I Love so much more than Senri and Takuma}

Senri/Adiou { Same as the one above!! :3}


Ludwig/America {its cute!}

British Isle's/England {Its smexy! {OTP}(

Austria/England {It works!! i mean how do explain Australia]


Russia/America {Love hate is always good!w!}

Greece/Turkey {Another love hate! KYA! X3}

Japan/South Korea {I think its adorable!}

Hong Kong/China {Both love pandas!}

India/England {I don't know i just think its cute!}

Japan/Fem!Prussia {It works trust me}

Sweden/Denmark {I LOVE IT SO FUCK YOU!}

Hong Kong/England {I love it so ya fuck off bloody wanker}

Australia/England {SAME as HK/UK so suck it up!}


Harry Potter:

Voldemort/Harry Potter



Teen!sirius/Teen!Snape {*flips off*}

Teen!James/Teen!Snape { Fuck all of haters in the world}

Teen!Remus/Teen!Snape { Fuck all of you haters and pms'ing bitches}


Percy/Barty Crouch


The Twins/ Draco


Cronus x Kankri (I have a doujinshi of it on tumblr)

Sollux x Eridan

Gamzee x Karkat {Same as the second :/}




South Park:

Stan x Kyle {omg *drools* anyday of the week}

Damien x Pip {Can I go to an asylum for being so obsessed with a paring?}

Kenny x Butters {so...sooo CUTE!!}

Christophe x Kenny { L'Amour}



Steve x Loki { :/ *death glare}

Thor x Loki { Don't ask...*rubs forehead}

Anyone x Loki {Males only though}

Ghost Hunt:

Naru x Mai {He's still a dick though.}

Lin x Naru {For once im kinda, a little, reluctant to add this as a paring...but come on its obvious :D}

Lin x Mai {Yas Just YAS!}

Fran Bow:

Fran x Remor {DON'T ASK! I JUST LIKE IT; Also if he was more human-esk}

Human!Mr.Midnight x Fran {THEY ARE TO CUTE}


Frisk x Asriel {Yup Male or Female it's cute}

Papyrus x Mettaton {LOVE IT}

Frisk x Flowey { I don't know don't care it's adorable to me}

Sans x Toriel {LOL CANON}


Papyrus x Underfell!Grillby

Sleepy Hollow (Movie):

Headless Horseman x Ichabod Crane {Do you really wanna know why?}

Female Ichabod x The Hessian {Yea no don't think so}

Xiaolin Showdown:

Chase Young x Jack Spicer {OTP SHIP}

Chase Young x Female!Jack Spicer {STILL OTP BITCHES}

Omi x Jack Spicer

Le Mime x Jack Spicer {Very Cute}

R!Chase Young x R!Jack Spicer

Yugioh Series:

Yami Yugi x Yugi Motou {Puzzleshipping! YAY!}

Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler/Jounouchi Katsuya {Puppyshipping is my favorite ship of all time.}

Yami Bakura x Bakura Ryou {XD It's so ironic. Tendershipping}

Yami Marik x Malik Ishtar {Bronzeshipping. They fuck a lot}

Priest Seto x Jounouchi Katsuya/Joey Wheeler {Revertshipping. It's very very funny and very sexy}

Priest Seto x Jounouchi Katsuya/Joey Wheeler x Seto Kiba {Ohhh the sexual tension fights}

Atemu/Pharaoh x Yugi Motou {It's my ancient Egypt otp}

Yuri On Ice:


Otabek Altin x Yurio Plisetsky {When he's older this will be very cute. Also on a side note: The age of consent in Japan is 13. Fucking 13. Russia's is 16}


Which Hetalia character are you?

The Axis Powers

North Italy (Feliciano Vargas)

[x]You were bullied a lot in your childhood.(by my family mostly)
[x]You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit.
[/]You're very happy-go-lucky.
[x]You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies. (what?)
[ ]You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick up.
[x]You're a good artist.
[x]You can be clumsy at times.
[ ]You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something.
[ ]If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY!"
[ ]You would surrender in a war situation. (NEVER!)

(5.5/10) I thought as much... im more like his brother

Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt)

[ ]You're very stoic and serious.
[x]Sausages and/or potatos are your favourite foods.
[ ]You like to walk your dog(s).
[x]Your boss/principal/tutor/home-room teacher is a nut-case.
[ ]You love rules and think they should always be followed to a T.
[ ]You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules.
[x]You work very hard.(as best as i can)
[x]Your alone time is your 'happy time'. (no comment)
[x]You can appear tough but be very considerate towards people.
[/]You've had issues with money once or twice.

(5.5/10) :D I'm german!so far so good

Japan (Kiku Honda)

[/]You're very mature.
[ ]You think everything over before saying it.
[x]You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one.(most the time i just push it back in my brain)
[/]You isolated yourself during childhood.
[ ]You became very successful in a short amount of time.
[x]You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world.
[x]You can seem cold/aloof to other people.(to most people at one of my schools)
[ ]You're good at practical tasks.
[x] You need time to adjust to new people. (depends on the person...but i do have ADHD)

(5/10) Yeah...its the country that made its obvious

The Allied Forces

The United States of America (Alfred F. Jones)

[x]You love hamburgers.
[x]You think you're awesome.
[ ]You love to invent things.
[x]You love going to the cinema/watching films/making films.
[x]You can seem to be very brash to other people.
[/]You have a tendency to stick your nose into other peoples' business.
[/]You're terrified of ghosts.(depends if there evil or not)
[x]You know aliens exist. (I won't say that they do not exist as on this planet is another question)
[ ]You tend to wear a bomber jacket all the time.
[/]You wear glasses.

(6.5/10) i live in the country man! it was expected.

The United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (Arthur Kirkland)

On a side note: Wow England is a lot of countries! And they said the same wrong if they meant the UK! It's The United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN (big island with England/Scotland/Wales) and Northern Ireland (because the Irish hate the UK and succeeded)

[x]You like tea. (only pomegranate tea and maybe chai )
[x]You were quite tough as a kid.
[x]You're very sarcastic and cynical. (Not that I mean to be at times)
[x]Your cooking is awful.
[x]You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts...
[/]...But you refuse to believe in aliens.
[x]You have tried doing black magic before.(i have tried to learn it from a book i had bought but failed to grasp the concept)
[x]You get drunk quite easily.
[x]When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy.
[ ]You're good at embroidery.

(8.5/10) anyone got a paper bag? i think i'm hyperventilating!? EYYYEYYY! *dies from the awesomeness*

France (Francis Bonnefoy)

[x]You're very affectionate. (only to my bae)
[/]You think you have a great fashion sense.
[/]You like wine.(some is good)
[ ]You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears.
[x]You love red roses.
[x]When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women.
[x]You're very proud of yourself.
[x]You love culture and the arts.
[ ]You're very flamboyant.
[ ]You say you're a gourmet.

(6/10) I'm not even french. how is this possible?!

Russia (Ivan Braginski)

[x]You had a very sad childhood.
[x]You're very tall. (for a girl my age)
[x]You have a tendency to switch between personalities.
[ ]You wear a scarf all the time.
[x]You love sunflowers.
[x]You love vodka.
[x]You can seem intimidating to other people. (It's not a very good thing...)
[x]You're very strong.
[/]You have a big nose.(to me yea)
[x]You have a strange laugh that can scare people.

(8.5/10) Hell Yes! B)

China (Wang Yao)

[/]You're very mature.(pfft..okay maybe alittle)
[x]You're very superstitious.
[ ]You're very religious.
[/]You love pandas. (I wouldn't say 'love')
[x]You love cooking so much that you nag if food has a certain pattern of tastes.
[/]You love Hello Kitty.
[ ]You try to be a role-model for your brothers/sisters/whatever, but are never taken seriously.
[X]You work hard.(as best as i can)
[x]You're good at drawing.
[x]You like sweets.

(6.5/10) Ahhh Chinese...


Austria (Roderich Edelstein)

[/]You are very well-raised.
[/]You're polite.(big fucking NO!...okay at school I am!)
[x]You love classical music.
[x]You like cake.
[x]You have a mole on your face.
[x]You dedicate your time to your hobbies rather than what needs to be done right away.
[ ]You are a virtuoso/play very well on at least one instrument.
[ ]You've composed music before.
[x]You tend to call people 'morons'.
[/]You wear glasses. (Sometimes for fun)

(6.5/10) Who knew? I am austrian too! hurray

Canada (Matthew Williams)

[x]You're often ignored by people.
[/]You look younger than you actually are.(other way around)
[x]You love hockey.
[x]You love polar bears.
[/]You hate fighting.
[ ]You have one strand of curly hair, like Italy.
[x]You often get mistaken for someone else.(mostly by my mom)
[x]You feel under-appreciated.
[ ]You're bilingual.
[ ]You always carry a bear with you.

(6/10) Not bad


[x]You smoke.(I have smoked i'm trying to stop)
[x]You're very physically strong.
[/]You've won a lot of fist-fights.
[/]In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other.
[x]You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics.
[ ]You like hot weather.
[x]You can be very friendly from time to time.
[x]You look very tough on the outside.
[ ]You make a very nice role-model. (not for little childern XD)
[x]You don't let people get a word in edgeways.

(7/10) Okay. Cool. As. Hell.

Hungary (Elizaveta Hédeváry)

[x]You have a potty-mouth.(did you not see the austria one)
[x]You like to wear flowers in your hair.
[x]You used to be a very tough kid.
[/]You're very reliable.
[x]It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy.
[ ]You're very faithful.
[x]Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike.
[ ]You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese.
[/]You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next.
[x]If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it. (depends)

(7/10) O.O My god..yay!

Lithuania (Toris Lorinaitis)

[/]You're very loyal.
[x]You feel like your best friend drags you around a lot, but you both have a great time together.
[ ]You're very serious.
[/]You have a lot of patience.(depends)
[x]You think too much about philosophical stuff.
[x]You get depressed when questioning the point of existing/the universe, etc.
[/]You're not very confident.
[/]You were quite rebellious as a child.
[ ]People tend to walk all over you.
[ ]You're a born worrier.

(5/10) Alright I guess wasn't expecting to get that much of his anyways.

Poland (Feliks Lucasiewocz)

[/]You're very flamboyant.
[x]You're quite hyperactive.(hell yes)
[ ]You can be quite goofy.
[/]When you're depressed, you tend to rise out of it like a phoenix.
[/]You're very wary of strangers.
[x]It takes you ages to come out of your shell.
[x]However, when you're used to someone, you're very chatty.
[x]You're very forceful and stand at one end of the argument when it comes to your opinions.
[ ]You love pansies and corn-poppies.
[x]You get up to lots of crazy antics .

(6.5/10) im part polish what do you expect?

Prussia (Gilbert Beillschmidt)

[x]You're quite mean-spirited.
[x]You're a bit of a hooligan.
[x]You're very loyal.(only for prussia)
[/]You're very good at tactics.
[ ]You hate Russia.
[x]You love to fight people.
[/]You can avoid marriages quite well.
[x]You're not always taken seriously.
[/]You like drinking.
[x]You want to become stronger.

(7.5/10) Woo! Go Gil

Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)

[/]You are clueless about things around you.
[ ]You favor the taste of fresh tomatoes.
[/]You're very responsible. (Somewhat)
[x]You tend to dramatize over things a lot.
[x]You love churros.
[x]You help people in crisis.
[x]You are quite random.
[x]Somehow, you like bananas.
[x]You often offer food to people.
[ ]You have a sort of unhealthy obsession over a couple of brothers.

(7/10) :D awesome!

South Italy (Lovino Vargas)

[x]You tend to overreact a lot.
[x]You like to order people around.
[/ ]You're a scaredy-cat.
[x]You curse a lot.(hell yes i do)
[x]You go drama depressed when people ignore you.
[x]You tend to blush easily.
[x]You are lazy like hell. (All the time when im bored or have no motivation)
[ ]You love tomatoes a lot.
[/]You fix yourself on stupid matters.(kinda)
[x]You get defensive at the slightest comment.(very easily)

(8/10)yeah did expect much..hehehe

North Italy: 5.5

Germany: 5.5

Japan: 5

America: 6.5

England: 8.5

France: 6

Russia: 8.5

China: 6.5

Austria: 6.5

Canada: 6

Cuba: 7

Hungary: 7

Lithuania: 5

Poland: 6.5

Prussia: 7.5

Spain: 7


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Embracing His True Self by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan reviews
Tom Riddle/Harry Potter Slash. What if Harry didn't want to fight Voldemort? What if he was fed up with the light side judging him constantly and wants to be his true self? The Slytherin side that he had squashed in a bid to fit in and be accepted? Realizing he never would...what of the prophecy? Could they overcome it? Will Voldemort even give him a chance?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 85 - Words: 498,654 - Reviews: 6026 - Favs: 7,218 - Follows: 8,165 - Updated: 8/24 - Published: 8/8/2014 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
When Harry Met Tom by The Carnivorous Muffin reviews
When the battle in the department of mysteries heads south, Harry finds herself flung backwards in time to 1942, where Tom Riddle is a prefect in his fifth year. Armed with this knowledge, but little else, Harry desperately tries to find a way home and for once in her life not screw it up. Tom, for his own part, wonders when Harry Evans will head back to the mothership. fem!Harry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 25 - Words: 148,586 - Reviews: 1819 - Favs: 2,803 - Follows: 3,372 - Updated: 8/18 - Published: 1/8/2018 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.]
It's All Just Temporary with a Bit of Necromancy by tlc1894 reviews
Harry gets his magical inheritance as a Necromancer, the first in centuries. Unsure of his future or even who to trust after the Light shuns him, Harry turns to the Dark, the only other side that can assist him in seeking his revenge. However, it's all just temporary. It's just an alliance until his goals are met and then that's it. Just temporary...right?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Friendship - Chapters: 22 - Words: 123,597 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 359 - Follows: 502 - Updated: 8/11 - Published: 6/12/2019 - Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., Voldemort
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Gender Generation! by Mage of Hope reviews
Starts in Season 1 rewritten! What if fate could change had Jaden been born a girl? Not just any girl, but a naive tomboy with an awesome Elemental HERO deck? Join her as she duels bad guys, save the world, and have overprotective Duel Spirits protecting her from a harem of hot boys who wants to win her heart! Fem!Jaden pairing undecided! Abridged jokes from Little Kuriboh!
Yu-Gi-Oh GX - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 75 - Words: 567,521 - Reviews: 1437 - Favs: 1,159 - Follows: 1,017 - Updated: 8/10 - Published: 7/22/2015 - Alexis R./Asuka T., Jaden Y./Jūdai Y., Chazz P./Manjōme J., Johan A./Jesse A.
Snake Whisper by Veysha reviews
Sometimes even the tiniest bit of snow can set off an avalanche. Sometimes even small, seemingly unimportant events can change the course of history forever. And sometimes, meeting a snake can lead to falling in love with your worst enemy. Fate has always had it in for Harry Potter, hasn't it? (Grey!Harry, slow moving(!) TMRxHP Slash)
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 50 - Words: 206,894 - Reviews: 2011 - Favs: 4,947 - Follows: 6,261 - Updated: 7/28 - Published: 12/14/2012 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
you belong to me (i belong to you) by Child-OTKW reviews
After an accident, Harry wakes up in the body of fourteen year old Nathan Ciro, a tormented Slytherin who recently tried to end his own life. His return to Hogwarts causes quite the stir through the staff and students, especially when they realise he is not the same boy as before. He tries to keep his head down, but Tom Riddle has a habit of making himself Harry's problem.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 14 - Words: 75,656 - Reviews: 864 - Favs: 1,707 - Follows: 2,216 - Updated: 7/14 - Published: 6/22/2017 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Wild Magic by Artemisdesari reviews
Ravens are large birds and this raven is bigger still, perhaps a little more than two and a half feet long which could be considered a considerable size to a hobbit of only three feet and eight inches. For Billana Baggins, outcast and feared for her strange magic, this raven could signal that start of a new life, provided she survives the journey towards it.
Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 87 - Words: 206,683 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 144 - Updated: 7/10 - Published: 11/27/2019 - Bilbo B., Fíli, Kíli - Complete
I'm No Hero by XxXxDarkVampirexXxX reviews
When Hedwig arrives at the Dark Lord's manor with a letter from her young master, Voldemort doesn't quite know what to do. The owl seems to be pleading for help, and Voldemort makes the sudden decision to get Harry and bring him to the manor. But when he reaches Privet Drive, he finds that things with his enemy aren't what they seem to be. Slash fic! Dark!HP Warnings inside.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 15,899 - Reviews: 191 - Favs: 1,250 - Follows: 1,779 - Updated: 5/27 - Published: 3/9/2015 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.]
The Undead Schoolgirl : Dead Pulse by Wickerbot reviews
After being rejected by All-Might, Izuku takes Katsukis advice and jumps off a building. Only to find that they aren't very good at staying dead. With a strange quirk keeping Izuku from staying dead and forcibly stitching their body back together when it's cut or torn apart, maybe they can become a hero! FemIzuku, UndeadIzuku, Pairing TBA. M cause zombies are messy when blown up.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 22 - Words: 211,694 - Reviews: 634 - Favs: 2,193 - Follows: 2,375 - Updated: 5/26 - Published: 8/4/2018 - Izuku M.
Here Kitty Kitty by yugiohfan163 reviews
What if a young ichigo found a lost kitten a year before his mother's death, and what if that same cat disappeared only to reappear years later in a familiar event. read to find out. not yaoi. ichigo x female grimmjow
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 63,740 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 910 - Follows: 839 - Updated: 5/23 - Published: 9/20/2012 - Ichigo K., Grimmjow J.
Stop Me by megadoomingir reviews
The sights, the smells, the sounds, the Bots and Cons... it was all familiar. All too familiar. As though it hadn't yet happened and he already knew what to expect, or as though it was to happen all over again... What is a seeker to do with such influence and power?
Transformers/Beast Wars - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 249 - Words: 366,372 - Reviews: 816 - Favs: 373 - Follows: 374 - Updated: 5/22 - Published: 12/12/2016 - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream
Little Dragon, Little Demon by SkyIshtar reviews
Maleficent was a horrible mother, Hades makes an alright dad. How will Auradon react to a Hades raised Mal in their castle?
Descendants, 2015 - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 16 - Words: 20,884 - Reviews: 261 - Favs: 728 - Follows: 856 - Updated: 5/16 - Published: 8/19/2019 - Mal, Hades
Past and Future Demigods Put Together to READ by CelestialTitania reviews
About Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology as well as the gods and the characters in the PJO books. Confrontations and drama ensues, with a hint of comedy due to Percy's sarcasm and Hermes and Apollo's awesomeness. Rated T for Ares' love of gore.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 21 - Words: 140,952 - Reviews: 673 - Favs: 1,811 - Follows: 2,040 - Updated: 5/12 - Published: 11/27/2013 - Nico A., Percy J., Thalia G.
Boredom and Secrets by XxXxDarkVampirexXxX reviews
A very bored Harry Potter starts writing to the Dark Lord over the summer after his fifth year at Hogwarts. An equally bored Voldemort decides to write back. And thus, a summer of secrets is born, and the enemy named boredom is fended off. Slash fic!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 54 - Words: 43,811 - Reviews: 1862 - Favs: 2,586 - Follows: 2,969 - Updated: 4/20 - Published: 6/24/2016 - [Voldemort, Harry P.]
The Secret Rune by XxXxDarkVampirexXxX reviews
After the Halloween attack of '81, Rose was declared the Girl-Who-Lived, and Violet was all but forgotten. The twins were separated, one receiving a better upbringing than the other. But Dumbledore made a very big mistake. Rose was not the GWL, Violet was. And now she's learning the truth... Dark!Harry, Twin!Harry, WrongBWL!Harry, Slytherin!Harry, Fem!Harry. Warnings inside!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 125,906 - Reviews: 1094 - Favs: 3,053 - Follows: 3,824 - Updated: 4/20 - Published: 11/30/2015 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.] [Theodore N., Hermione G.]
Getting to Know You by Sand-wolf579 reviews
Professor Kukui liked to be around children, but he had never had one living with him before. He had also never met a kid quite like Ash before. It was a new experience, to say the least, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle...probably.
Pokémon - Rated: K - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 39 - Words: 84,764 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 435 - Follows: 363 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/19/2018 - Ash K./Satoshi, Prof. Kukui - Complete
Hades's Weakness by Reincarnations reviews
Most of you know the weakness of the malevolent Maleficent, yet none of you know the true weakness of the powerful god Hades. This is the story of how he learned his own weakness, how he revealed it to his wife's greatest enemy, and how he watched his weakness grow into a beautiful queen.
Descendants, 2015 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 68 - Words: 157,321 - Reviews: 803 - Favs: 520 - Follows: 444 - Updated: 3/1 - Published: 9/3/2019 - [Hades, Maleficent] Mal - Complete
Quirk Type: Memento Mori by Rose Jennison reviews
'Memento Mori' seemed like a good thing to call his quirk. It was important to remember that all things die. Because if one person denies death too long, another must take their place. Pushing Daises AU. Izuku's quirk can bring the dead to life with a touch, but another touch will kill them permanently. And keeping someone alive too long means another must die in their place.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 12 - Words: 62,993 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 750 - Follows: 957 - Updated: 1/21 - Published: 6/3/2017 - Izuku M., Katsuki B., Hitoshi S.
Hateful Marriage by Miss Lady Demon reviews
Ivan and Alfred's boss found a document forcing the two into a marriage union. their hate for each other is as strong as ever. Now their forced to live with one another and do everything a married couple should do. But who could with hate and not love?
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 15,117 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 5/4/2012 - Russia, America
Strive by Watermelonsmellinfellon reviews
Tom Riddle finds that he does not like it when Professor Potter doesn't pay him any attention. Something should be done about that. A/N: Dimension/Time-Travel? Grey!Harry Morally Dubious Dumbledore! Tom is Obsessed. Unhealthy Attachment. Limited 3rd, Tom's POV. Read the Author's Notes.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 23 - Words: 44,869 - Reviews: 735 - Favs: 2,667 - Follows: 3,096 - Updated: 1/4 - Published: 9/23/2017 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.] Albus D., Death
Noel by InterestSparked reviews
Due to weird circumstances Noel and his family moves from Blithe hollow, to Oregon. in his family Noel feels both neglected and unwanted, He's always overlooked by his sisters, and his father seems to hate him. When he finds the key to the small door Noel Immediatly loves the other world. He loves the world so much he wants to stay, even it means having buttons sewn in his eyes
Coraline - Rated: K+ - English - Supernatural/Family - Chapters: 25 - Words: 63,141 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 12/31/2019 - Published: 1/11/2015 - Beldam, OC - Complete
Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light by itshannieee reviews
After the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back in time to when it all started. HP/LV pre-slash Dark!Harry MOD!Harry Manipulative!Dumbledore Bashing
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 38 - Words: 224,863 - Reviews: 1789 - Favs: 5,054 - Follows: 5,771 - Updated: 12/14/2019 - Published: 3/24/2017 - Harry P., Sirius B., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr.
The Consort Tournament by Watermelonsmellinfellon reviews
AU:NOT DYSTOPIAN! The Dark Lord wanted a consort and had decided to host a competition that involved nearly everyone in Britain. If they thought they were good enough, they could enter to compete in a certain amount of tasks set by the Lord of the lands himself. Only the victor would have the skills necessary to become Voldemort's consort. A/N: Harrymort. Voldy-Wins-AU.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 183,716 - Reviews: 2215 - Favs: 3,815 - Follows: 4,322 - Updated: 11/18/2019 - Published: 6/24/2016 - [Harry P., Voldemort] Hermione G., Draco M.
Written in Blood by Siebenschlaefer reviews
The first war was won by Lord Voldemort. Harry, mercilessly used for his abilities by the rebels as a child, lives unnoticed as an assumed squib at Hogwarts. When an attack of the rebels endangers the Hogwarts students, his abilities are revealed, bringing him into the spotlight. With Dark Lords and Slytherins stalking him, and rebels trying to kidnap him, what should he do?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 92,131 - Reviews: 296 - Favs: 1,037 - Follows: 1,327 - Updated: 11/15/2019 - Published: 4/16/2018 - [Harry P., Voldemort] Draco M., Severus S.
Pranking The Tournament by Gardevoir687 reviews
When Harry learns something that could prove he didn't enter himself into the Triwizard Tournament, he decides to take it once step further and prank everyone in retaliation. However, his prank may have some unforeseen side effects. COMPLETE! Edited as of 11/13/19!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 59,256 - Reviews: 717 - Favs: 3,039 - Follows: 1,733 - Updated: 11/13/2019 - Published: 11/27/2018 - Harry P., Hermione G., Luna L. - Complete
White Innocence by Emriel reviews
Harry is given another chance to live but there is a catch. He wakes up in the past. Thinking it was all a mistake, Harry plots to get back but has the misfortune of attracting the attention of Tom Riddle. They become friends and Tom starts to feel things that are foreign to him. So he keeps Harry close. What starts as curiosity turns into an obsession.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 15 - Words: 90,727 - Reviews: 164 - Favs: 668 - Follows: 869 - Updated: 11/9/2019 - Published: 2/16/2017 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.] Voldemort
Miraculous Showdown by Sunny Lighter reviews
While at a party, Adrien is asked to befriend a strange boy. If only he knew the chaos that would come from this. Though, the fact Jack has an evil lab in his basement really should have been his first clue. Oneshot followed by drabbles. Pre Xiaolin Chronicles.
Crossover - Xiaolin Showdown & Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 34 - Words: 53,746 - Reviews: 471 - Favs: 359 - Follows: 341 - Updated: 9/29/2019 - Published: 1/25/2016 - Jack, Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Adrien A./Cat Noir
Kyuketsuki Diaries by Zhane Zelda reviews
A young teen struggles to survive in a boarding school for monsters. She quickly befriends Moko Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with her blood, and later meets other monster boys who soon take a romantic liking to her. However, her happy mundane life is shattered when everything isn't quite as it seems. Tsubaki Aono left confuse and upset question, who is she?
Rosario + Vampire - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 25 - Words: 94,116 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 101 - Follows: 98 - Updated: 9/8/2019 - Published: 11/21/2013 - Tsukune A., Moka A.
Remus makes a stand by EbonyWing reviews
Marauder Era. What if something happened to make Remus Lupin defy expectations and become friends with Severus Snape? How would history be changed? AU Friendship only. Death-Eaters, Animagi and pranks abound! *COMPLETE!*
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 44,140 - Reviews: 274 - Favs: 910 - Follows: 282 - Updated: 8/13/2019 - Published: 9/13/2010 - Marauders, Severus S. - Complete
Thrice Welcome by Lestenna reviews
Thranduil was at the War of the Last Alliance. He saw the will of men fail, and he saw Elrond's lack of heart to force Isildur's hand. 2,900 years later, a hobbit, of all things, turns up in his halls, with that same ring in her hand. Female!Bilbo AU, slow burn, soulmates AU, canon divergence, all that good stuff. 100% self-indulgent fic because no one can stop me, not even me.
Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 167,878 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 72 - Updated: 6/4/2019 - Published: 2/14/2019
The Psychic by Ash Sayin reviews
Depressed! Izuku. Izuku lost the love of a father at a child. Izuku's mother is threatened to be lost to death for eternity. How much will Izuku take until he shatters into pieces? Can his friends save him from himself? Chapter 2 rewritten.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 9 - Words: 18,402 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 418 - Follows: 518 - Updated: 2/17/2019 - Published: 3/3/2018 - Izuku M.
Vectors of Fate by Blades of Chance reviews
Quirks, The defining trait of the world. Most are mundane rarely if ever changing. Some go for generations until a sudden mutation happens. Izuka Midoriya ended up inheriting a mutated version of her mother's. Now, with her psychic arms or Vectors, it seems that she can live her dream of being a hero. If only things were that easy. Fate is fickle. Inspired by Elfen Lied. FemIzuku
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 84,299 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 542 - Follows: 606 - Updated: 1/30/2019 - Published: 8/10/2018 - Izuku M., Toshinori Y./All Might, Shouto T., 1-A Students
There and Back and Back Again by ExperimentalNotion reviews
On the way to the Undying Lands, Billa Baggins is eaten by a time-traveling sea monster. She wakes up 33 years old with a chance to change everything. Unfortunately, Thorin has a tendency to run around shirtless and Dis thinks she has improper designs on Fili and Kili, but if she can convince the Shire that Dwalin is a dance teacher, things might be okay. Fem!Bilbo/Thorin. UPDATED
Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 53 - Words: 108,188 - Reviews: 805 - Favs: 1,515 - Follows: 1,140 - Updated: 11/25/2018 - Published: 4/4/2016 - Thorin, Bilbo B., Nori, Dwalin - Complete
Pride and Power by Lomonaaeren reviews
HPTMR, sequel to Earning His Notice. Harry, stuck in the past and asked by Dumbledore to infiltrate the ranks of Riddle's Death Eaters, is also being courted by Riddle himself, and by the Aurors, and by a couple of people who might not have anything to do with them. Harry struggles to hold onto his sense of himself and reality in the midst of all this. Threeshot. COMPLETE.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 16,554 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 393 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 11/2/2018 - Published: 10/31/2018 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.] Albus D. - Complete
The Gods Watch Penelope Jackson's Life by XxIzukuxXMidoriyaxX reviews
What was supposed to be a boring winter solstice meeting, turns into the gods watching Percy's life when they find Poseidon sobbing on his throne. Fem!Percy. Eh, I'll rate it T. Just in case.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,092 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 81 - Updated: 10/28/2018 - Published: 11/26/2017
Fire Born by wickedlfairy17 reviews
Being the Master of Death was a curse, plain and simple. That had been death's intention when he 'gifted' his trinkets to the brothers three. The sound of shedding skin crackled loudly in his ear as he got up to look over his new body, he was a girl this time, maybe eight or nine years old. Time travel fic Tom RiddleX Harry potter
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 74,573 - Reviews: 2729 - Favs: 7,190 - Follows: 7,751 - Updated: 9/27/2018 - Published: 3/8/2013 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Detoured by AngstyCanadianGleek reviews
When Draco's father drags him to a business dinner, he does not expect to find Harry Potter, starved and abused in his own home. Within minutes Harry and Draco's lives are changed forever? What will the Malfoys do when they discover just how Harry has been treated by his relatives. How will this change Harry's time at Hogwarts? Eventual Drarry pairing, AU, Slytherin Harry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,132 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 356 - Follows: 459 - Updated: 9/12/2018 - Published: 12/20/2016 - Harry P., Draco M.
Ocean Blue by Asexual Individual reviews
Lance hides a secret, not only was his mother the previous Blue Paladin, but she was a Gem by the name of Lapis Lazuli who gave up her physical form to birth him, granting him all her powers. But Lance's secret gets out, and he now has both the Galra and Gems after him. (Cover art by Belletiger BT)
Crossover - Steven Universe & Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: K - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 26 - Words: 81,099 - Reviews: 162 - Favs: 251 - Follows: 237 - Updated: 9/4/2018 - Published: 4/25/2017 - Lance - Complete
You're family, aren't you? by Andromeda of Othrys reviews
Persephone Amphitrite Jackson. Hades wanted to hate his niece for even being born, but how could he hate her when she bore his wife's name and called him family to his face? Fem!Percy & Hades. Now a series of interconnected one-shots. 1/19/2019 - little clean-up of the chapters. Sequel up, crossposted on AO3.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 18 - Words: 57,267 - Reviews: 216 - Favs: 1,456 - Follows: 1,019 - Updated: 8/1/2018 - Published: 11/26/2017 - Hades, Hermes, Percy J., Sally J. - Complete
Angel of Mine by VanitasRyuzaki reviews
Before Rido perished from Zero's attack, he cursed the hunter and turned him into a 3-year old. Placed under the Night Class's care, the vampires struggle to find a cure. After seeing the pure innocence from Zero, the vampires come to adore the silverette, especially a certain pureblood. Is it merely admiration or perhaps something more? Vampire Knight not mine. (Indefinite Hiatus)
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 14 - Words: 33,805 - Reviews: 159 - Favs: 442 - Follows: 469 - Updated: 6/20/2018 - Published: 11/17/2012 - Kaname K., Zero K.
Persephone Jackson and the Lightning Thief by XxIzukuxXMidoriyaxX reviews
Basically a more badass, smart, and clever Percy. Did I mention he is now a she? Yep! Fem!Percy This is a remake of the Lightning Thief. This story will stray from the original though. So I won't just replace 'he' with 'she' in this story. Rated T for HEAVY swearing! I OWN NOTHING EXCEPT THE PARTS YOU DONT RECOGNIZE! PERMANENT HIATUS!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 33,014 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 147 - Follows: 153 - Updated: 6/7/2018 - Published: 11/5/2017
The Glass Serpent and the Dark Horse by Kaede Ravensdale reviews
In which Tom Riddle Senior never could fully put Merope's claims of being pregnant out of his mind and set out to bring his child home, unwittingly changing the fate of both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds and laying waste to the machinations of a certain scheming old man. **Harry and co in Riddle Era
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Family - Chapters: 40 - Words: 104,296 - Reviews: 513 - Favs: 1,278 - Follows: 1,578 - Updated: 3/13/2018 - Published: 8/7/2017 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.] Tom R. Sr.
Mission: Capture Ayano's Heart by Jenny1751 reviews
That was literally the best title I could come up with - -" Anyway, HAREM! Ayano X Male!Rivals. Obviously inspired by YanDev's April Fool's vid. Includes Male!Info-chan / Info-kun and Male!Senpai / Taeko Yamada. Occurs in Mission Mode universe, Apathetic&Clueless!Ayano
Yandere Simulator - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 66,804 - Reviews: 248 - Favs: 489 - Follows: 524 - Updated: 2/12/2018 - Published: 4/4/2017
Not your Usual Hamilton by truebooknerd reviews
Alexander Hamilton is the latest addition to harbor high, a fancy prep school in New York. But, Alexander is a boy's name, isn't it? An AU with the usual cast of characters. For the record I am not gender bending to make a straight couple. I honestly like a female Alex. Please review to make my day! CHAPTER 9 HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED! STORY IS COMPLETE! I AM SORRY
Hamilton - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 8,614 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 2/7/2018 - Published: 7/10/2016 - A. Hamilton, A. Burr, J. Laurens, T. Jefferson - Complete
Zero In Night Class by Shoddymonster reviews
This story takes place after Zero bit Yuuki several times..Zero is transferred to the night class by his own free well. A lot of ZeroXNightClass bromance! not much Yuuki romance here. Ichiru will join at some point too.
Vampire Knight - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 45,355 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 210 - Updated: 1/4/2018 - Published: 8/30/2011 - Hanabusa A., Kaname K., Senri S., Zero K.
Shinobi Rules by Squishfie reviews
Everyone was always taken away from her; her parents, then Sasuke, later Jiraiya, and before long her village and Country. But this time, she was taken away from them. She is taken back years before the Kyubi attack ever happened where her parents are still alive. She fights for her new friends, her family and her village to change the future for the better. Time travel KakaFemNaru
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 163,737 - Reviews: 1148 - Favs: 3,918 - Follows: 4,174 - Updated: 12/28/2017 - Published: 7/28/2012 - Naruto U., Kakashi H.
Side Effects by Jervis Tetch Madness reviews
Wesker had been handling the T-Virus so well, until something happens he can't control, a vapor so small that it can't be seen, nor explained. The target of all this pain, directed to a certain BSAA Member who doesn't know when to stop fighting. Like Wolf's to Rabbits, thing's change, It's best to leave with no questions asked, I'm afraid. Wesker/Chris Slash. -Moved A03, Abandoned-
Resident Evil - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 63,675 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 12/2/2017 - Published: 1/1/2013 - Chris R., A. Wesker - Complete
Midnight Shadow by XxXxDarkVampirexXxX reviews
When Voldemort finally learns where Harry lives, he's eager to kill his enemy. But when he gets there, he finds that he can't do it. The Dark Lord quickly learns that the teen is far too valuable to kill, because Harry Potter belongs to him. In more ways than one. Minor bashing!AD, RW, GW, HG. Title and summary subject to future change. Slash fic!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 20,219 - Reviews: 343 - Favs: 1,761 - Follows: 2,434 - Updated: 11/25/2017 - Published: 1/23/2015 - [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.]
It's a Comedy of Sorts by Hinn-Raven reviews
An accident with Wyoming's enhancement gives Tex another chance on the mission with York. This time, Blood Gulch is about to be invaded by another Freelancer. At least this one is friendly. Two-Shot. Complete.
Red vs. Blue - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 22,644 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 10/17/2017 - Published: 10/12/2017 - Tex/Allison, York - Complete
Everything is permitted by Inkognito97 reviews
Once more Desmond Miles is send back to help one of his ancestors. This time, he will not have to protect Ezio Auditore da Firenze alone however. Old enemies will arise and new ones will appear. Sequel to "Nothing is true..."
Assassin's Creed - Rated: K - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 9,677 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 183 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 10/15/2017 - Published: 1/3/2017 - Altaïr, Desmond M., Ezio A., Leonardo da Vinci
Double Time by RenaRoo reviews
After the events of Hero Time, the city and Blood Gulch are prepared for the true return of superheroes in a big way. But while Washington is attempting to adjust to a new relationship and a new living arrangement, the call of new heroes and a new mayor mean major changes for his professional life as well as his personal one. [COMPLETE]
Red vs. Blue - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 24 - Words: 63,375 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 9/30/2017 - Published: 5/14/2017 - [Wash, L. Tucker] Junior, Felix - Complete
Absinthe Addams and the forgotten identity by LittleGambitDanilae reviews
Summary: Dumbledore should have never left Harry on the front steps for so long unattended, especially on Samhain. What if a certain enchantress from one of the darkest pureblood families known to date found him and decided to raise him as one of her own? What would happen to the Wizarding world? The answer: Pure chaos. Dark!Powerful!harry Crossdressing! Dumbles/Ron/Ginny bashing!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: M - English - Family/Horror - Chapters: 9 - Words: 61,872 - Reviews: 350 - Favs: 1,862 - Follows: 2,139 - Updated: 9/24/2017 - Published: 11/19/2015 - Harry P.
Lost and Found by Rainbowrunner01 reviews
Red—the boy called monster—has an unlikely meeting with the Millennium Earl, he is offered the chance to escape his troubles IF he helps the Earl find the next incarnation of the 14th. What the Earl and the Noah don't know, is that their new family member is the very thing they seek, and has been hiding right under their noses all along. AU
D.Gray-Man - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 68,336 - Reviews: 622 - Favs: 1,614 - Follows: 1,813 - Updated: 9/2/2017 - Published: 9/30/2013 - Allen Walker, Millenium Earl, Neah, Tyki Mikk
Burnt by lastcrazyhorn reviews
A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with such a different past? A Slytherin Harry takes on Hogwarts in an unusual way.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Horror/Fantasy - Chapters: 37 - Words: 108,042 - Reviews: 2788 - Favs: 6,273 - Follows: 6,186 - Updated: 8/20/2017 - Published: 3/29/2011 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Herido Addams and the Philosopher's Stone by TaleCaster reviews
Part 2 of my Herido Addams story. After being adopted and raised by the darkest family known to wizardkind, Heri is finally ready to attend Hogwarts. Dark!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: M - English - Horror/Supernatural - Chapters: 17 - Words: 69,889 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 612 - Follows: 432 - Updated: 5/30/2017 - Published: 1/4/2017 - Complete
Choose one by BabyMoana reviews
A carrier is someone that HAS to get pregnant during their heat, no exception. Zero unexpectedly goes through changes one night and is nearly raped by two of the night class students. Now being a Carrier Zero must choose a mate to impregnate him before his heat begins. But problems start to occur. WARNINGS: ATTEMPTED RAPE, KIDNAPPING, MPREG, VERY OOC
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 11,322 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 70 - Updated: 5/25/2017 - Published: 4/5/2017
Demon's Curse by aisha12894 reviews
Grimmjow wakes to find a startling new discover...he has turned into a female. What would happen to the now newly transformed Sexta Espada? How would the other Espadas handle the suddened change? Read and Review. [Lemons] {Complete}
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 55 - Words: 128,463 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 130 - Updated: 2/28/2017 - Published: 10/25/2009 - Grimmjow J., Ulquiorra - Complete
A Happy Fox and A Lazy Cloud by LazyFoxLover reviews
The day Naruko Uzumaki was born she lost both her mother and father and became the Jinchuuriki for the nine tailed fox. Growing up she was mistreated and abused by the people of her village the one place she was supposed to call home, a place to feel loved and yet all she feels is hate and loneliness. Can this abused little fox find that home or love in a lazy cloud? ShikaXFemNaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 57 - Words: 297,996 - Reviews: 1042 - Favs: 2,063 - Follows: 1,951 - Updated: 2/20/2017 - Published: 2/13/2011 - Shikamaru N., Naruko U.
Dark Court by Firediva0 reviews
Reboot in process.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 10 - Words: 16,744 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 251 - Follows: 388 - Updated: 1/20/2017 - Published: 2/20/2015 - [Harry P., Voldemort]
Butterfly Heart by The Fictionist reviews
AU. Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal inspired. After recent events in his life, Hermione refers Harry to the renowned psychiatrist, Doctor T. Riddle. He is unlike anything Harry ever expected or imagined, and soon proves to be a great help against the very shadows and name that haunts his waking hours. If only it remained that simple.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Horror/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 109,748 - Reviews: 1899 - Favs: 1,907 - Follows: 1,562 - Updated: 1/1/2017 - Published: 4/5/2013 - Harry P., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr. - Complete
Harry Potter and the Accidental Horcrux by the Imaginizer reviews
In which Harry Potter learns that friends can be made in the unlikeliest places...even in your own head. Alone and unwanted, eight-year-old Harry finds solace and purpose in a conscious piece of Tom Riddle's soul, unaware of the price he would pay for befriending the dark lord. But perhaps in the end it would all be worth it...because he'd never be alone again.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 52 - Words: 273,485 - Reviews: 2394 - Favs: 4,439 - Follows: 3,393 - Updated: 12/18/2016 - Published: 1/30/2016 - Harry P., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr. - Complete
Pretty White Jasmine by DevilJinNina reviews
It's Greta's birthday, what will be Brahms' gift? Rated M to be sure
Boy, 2016 - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,333 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 13 - Published: 10/30/2016 - Greta E., Brahms H. - Complete
Sophia Jackson and the Lightning Thief by WelshGirl4Life reviews
Sophia Jackson was what you would call an average ADHD and dyslexic 12 year old girl. Well, she had been until she went to that stupid museum with her school. From there, everything went to hell. Literally. Fem!Percy
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 113,401 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 755 - Follows: 375 - Updated: 10/23/2016 - Published: 11/13/2011 - Chiron, Grover, Percy J., Will S. - Complete
The Adopted Malfoy by Trode19 reviews
After an accidental burst of magic that injures Dudley, Petunia decides her families safety is more important than her reputation. So Young Harry is taken to Lizzy's Boys Orphanage. When things go down hill in the orphanage, Harry must watch it go by. But then it becomes too much and his magic destroys his home. Then he meets Lucius. His life changed with a simple comforting hug.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 32,848 - Reviews: 131 - Favs: 376 - Follows: 494 - Updated: 10/18/2016 - Published: 7/20/2016 - Harry P., Draco M., Lucius M., Narcissa M.
My Father's Keeper by Vampire-Badger reviews
At sixteen, Desmond runs away from his abusive father. At twenty five they reunite, and things are no better than they were when Desmond was a child. But when the apple offers him a chance at revenge, William ends up as a child, his memories missing and completely defenseless. What happens next isn't easy. For anyone.
Assassin's Creed - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 28 - Words: 81,473 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 46 - Updated: 8/18/2016 - Published: 2/17/2015 - Desmond M., Lucy S., Haytham K., William M. - Complete
Reading the Lightning Thief with a Twist by Beth2000 reviews
We have gathered you here today to read about the greatest hero. Love, The Fates. "Hercules?" Zeus questioned. Nope definitely not that jerk. Its your typical reading the Lightning thief but with a twist. I promise to finish it! Currently on A God Buys Us Cheese Burgers chapter.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 18 - Words: 92,416 - Reviews: 378 - Favs: 1,050 - Follows: 1,142 - Updated: 7/1/2016 - Published: 9/10/2015 - [Annabeth C., Percy J.] Poseidon, Hercules
Possess me by Ciiah reviews
They all decieved him, thinking it was the right thing to do. Harry is 15 and bored of life. But then the dreams begin. Dark dreams. Dreams that speak of truth. When he finds out about the lie, what will he do? - Dark!Harry, Vampirism, slash HPLV
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Horror - Chapters: 32 - Words: 171,793 - Reviews: 1507 - Favs: 2,684 - Follows: 2,982 - Updated: 5/9/2016 - Published: 9/17/2007 - Harry P., Voldemort
Ashlyn Ketchum: Pokemon Champion by Madrigal-in-training reviews
Capturing one of each Pokemon species in the world is a laudable goal, of course, but Ashlyn Ketchum believed in quality over quantity. Now add a dash of practicality, a touch of common sense, and a hint of maturity, and you have the beginnings of a Pokemon legend. fem!Ash, Palletshipping
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 51,389 - Reviews: 426 - Favs: 1,852 - Follows: 1,941 - Updated: 5/2/2016 - Published: 10/17/2015 - Ash K./Satoshi, Gary O./Shigeru, Pikachu
Silver Lining by Miss spontaneousx reviews
Zero comes to the conclusion that it would be better to end his life before he ends someone else's with his blood lust. However, Kaname finds him before it's too late and gives Zero a new lease of life. Contains attempted suicide, Mpreg and sexual context in later chapters. (Now being Beta-ed by MaxenTheDemonicCookieMonster)
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 11 - Words: 34,750 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 163 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 4/12/2016 - Published: 11/28/2015 - [Kaname K., Zero K.]
Penelope Jackson: The Lightning Thief by Misha Young reviews
"My name is Penelope Jackson. But don't ever call me that; it's PJ." This is a retelling and reworking of The Lightning Thief, but from a femPercy, maleAnnebeth and a few other POV's to bring a little more to the story. Rights are Uncle Rick's, but I'm hoping to make the story into my own, (first 3-4 chapters are very similar to set up story, fyi). Image belongs to Burdge, I think.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 38 - Words: 98,148 - Reviews: 169 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 131 - Updated: 3/30/2016 - Published: 8/24/2015 - Percy J., Annabeth C.
Primordials and Olympians read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Dreamshadow102 reviews
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek God.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,363 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 294 - Follows: 326 - Updated: 2/15/2016 - Published: 10/18/2014 - Percy J., Poseidon, Zeus, Chaos
Last Request by ScribblesinDirt reviews
Fem Harry/LV eventual ship. More explained in Author's note. Starts at the grave yard scene.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 11 - Words: 23,545 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 184 - Follows: 228 - Updated: 1/10/2016 - Published: 10/6/2015 - Harry P., Voldemort
Strays by Santana2 reviews
Iruka finds an injured dog.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 33,825 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 250 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 12/22/2015 - Published: 11/9/2015 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Iruka U. - Complete
Fire and Ice by KataraJanae reviews
I am Fire, he is ice. He is darkness, while I am the light. Two complete opposites, but one in the same. Despite the difference, we are interdependent. He is the Yin to my Yang. I am the sun to his moon. He is the prince. I, his princess. But why...why doesn't he remember? MaixNaru
Ghost Hunt - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,163 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 10/14/2015 - Published: 11/30/2013 - [Mai T., Kazuya S./Naru]
I Hate Everyone by GinnyBadWolf reviews
Church is fed up with how Tex treats him like crap, and how she doesn't ever love him like she should. And he tells her so. Tex is determined to prove him wrong. Rated T for language.
Red vs. Blue - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,255 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 19 - Published: 9/23/2015 - M. Caboose, L. Church/Alpha, Tex/Allison, L. Tucker - Complete
Make it Through by mintry1295 reviews
Zero turns out to be a 'Carrier Vampire', a male vampire that can bear children. How will he survive when almost every vampire wants him as a mate? KanameXZero. Mpreg SEQUEL UP - Nine Months of Struggle
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 47,589 - Reviews: 812 - Favs: 1,858 - Follows: 1,269 - Updated: 8/24/2015 - Published: 11/21/2009 - [Kaname K., Zero K.] - Complete
Cori Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Poseidon'sGryffindorDaughter reviews
Cordelia "Cori" Jackson had always been a troublemaker, it was just her nature. But everything changes that day at the museum. Then she goes to Camp Half-Blood where she meets a certain handsome Son of Apollo. What happenes when she is sent on a quest with three others to find her dearest uncle's Lightning Bolt? Fem!Percy/Will Solace
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 56,096 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 94 - Follows: 90 - Updated: 7/28/2015 - Published: 6/15/2015 - Annabeth C., Grover, Percy J., Will S.
The Unexpected Surprise by doctorwho9000 reviews
Human!AU. Ever wonder what happens to those who go missing? Not in a kidnapping case, but those who just... vanish. Jack will soon become one of those people, going from the comforts of the modern day, to the almost archaic 1987. Trying to look for a restaurant to try and gather himself, he is now a new guard at Freddy Fazbear's. Warnings: Future mpreg & male x male.
Five Nights at Freddy´s - Rated: T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 20 - Words: 36,939 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 7/11/2015 - Published: 12/4/2014 - [Bonnie, OC] Jeremy Fitzgerald, Toy Bonnie - Complete
Little Gem by Infinite Ravens reviews
"Whether you are the mass murderer bent on world domination and destruction or the revolutionary fighting for a just cause, it doesn't matter. I am a boy you can't kill and you are a man I can't kill, I was destined for a wand you couldn't fight and you were destined for a wand I can't fight. I believe we're meant to be friends - fated even." Dark!Ravenclaw!Harry/Lord Voldemort
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 56,109 - Reviews: 864 - Favs: 3,978 - Follows: 4,571 - Updated: 6/10/2015 - Published: 5/18/2015 - [Harry P., Voldemort]
Who? by VeeVeeThief reviews
Audrey's death almost killed Seymour's heart. But what if another Audrey can fix it, in a way Seymour would never expect? Apologies for the suck summary.
Little Shop of Horrors - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,825 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 11 - Published: 5/23/2015 - Seymour K., Audrey II
The Uk Brothers 2nd Chance by ScottishPrincess91 reviews
we all know England's brothers are mean to him but the brothers regret how they treated England so what would happend if England magicaly turns into a baby. The brothers will get their 2nd chance at being the big brothers that they should have been to England.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 7 - Words: 14,751 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 128 - Follows: 92 - Updated: 4/3/2015 - Published: 12/15/2014 - England/Britain, Scotland, Wales - Complete
My Sleeping Beauty by xSonya reviews
'Kaname thinks Zero looks beautiful when he's sleeping. If only the hunter would stop trying to kill him every time he wakes up to Kaname hovering over him.' Prompted by TheseScarletDropsofINK at 'Vampire Knight Yaoi Prompts Forum'.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 951 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 47 - Published: 3/19/2015 - Kaname K., Zero K. - Complete
Of a Hobbit and an Elven King by phantom-lass reviews
What if Bilbo knew Thranduil and Legolas before the quest? Bilbo finds a sick Legolas and cares for him until his father arrives. Answer to a prompt from the Hobbit Kink Meme. Fem!Bilbo.
Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 43,697 - Reviews: 519 - Favs: 1,975 - Follows: 2,185 - Updated: 3/8/2015 - Published: 7/23/2013 - Bilbo B., Legolas, Elvenking Thranduil
Moratorium by Darkpetal16 reviews
Harry Potter could never be the hero. But, she might make a great villain. Satire. Parody. -COMPLETE- F!Harry Fem!Harry Gray!Harry.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 218,497 - Reviews: 1569 - Favs: 7,990 - Follows: 4,421 - Updated: 1/18/2015 - Published: 7/13/2013 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Basilisk - Complete
Need by FlippedOutFlippy reviews
"They looked at you, leered at you. I wanted to kill them, to let my lions maim, tear, rip at them..." SaiLee
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,736 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 10 - Published: 1/9/2015 - [Lee R., Sai] - Complete
Will You Be Mine! by Kei-kei Yuki reviews
Four sexy billionaires are on the search to find their soulmates and end up finding them in a place they never would've imagine, but claiming these beautiful madiens hearts will not be easy if they want to make them theirs. CONTAIN GENDERBENDING! YXY RXB MXM SXJ
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 23,442 - Reviews: 561 - Favs: 709 - Follows: 612 - Updated: 1/9/2015 - Published: 11/29/2012 - Yami Yūgi, Yūgi M.
Uzu no Musume by Kushinada Uzumaki reviews
AU: Fem!Naruto. Instead of being the dead last, and seen as the village idiot, Naruto decides she wont bow to their expectations of the 'demon girl'. Instead, considered a prodigy, Naruto is a genin at six. Follow her beginning as a Kunoichi of Konoha, and what changes when Team 7 has two sensei's? One of which is the last Uzumaki heir? GaaraFem!Naru.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 126,738 - Reviews: 1000 - Favs: 4,004 - Follows: 4,212 - Updated: 1/3/2015 - Published: 3/25/2013 - [Naruko U., Gaara] Team Seven
First Day of School by Cookie05 reviews
It's Michael's first day of school and he's getting emotional, then again his brother Lavernius isn't exactly helping. Honestly though, Leonard will do anything at the moment just to get his sons out of the house. AU in which the Blues are a small, happy, if slightly dysfunctional family.
Red vs. Blue - Rated: K - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 670 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/24/2014 - M. Caboose, L. Church/Alpha, L. Tucker - Complete
A Shot in the Dark by Silver pup reviews
AU — When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in his old bed in his old home in his old body. Is this death? Or a trick of magic? Either way, Bilbo recognizes a second chance when he sees one, and this time his adventure with Thorin is going to go a bit differently.
Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 50 - Words: 220,169 - Reviews: 2539 - Favs: 4,720 - Follows: 2,845 - Updated: 9/13/2014 - Published: 1/11/2013 - Bilbo B., Thorin - Complete
This Game Of Ours by CinnamonToastMelly reviews
Gaara has been spying on Naruto whenever he's taking a bath. Naruto finds out and decides to seduce the shy and poker-faced Kazekage into doing more than just peeking. (Seme!Gaara x Uke!Naruto)
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,172 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 162 - Follows: 39 - Published: 8/7/2014 - Naruto U., Gaara - Complete
Pain Tolerance by 37294729 reviews
Felix and Tucker have an argument on pain tolerance. Rated T for minor swearing. "Have you ever been in labor, Felix?"
Red vs. Blue - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 505 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 13 - Published: 7/14/2014 - L. Tucker, Felix - Complete
Brothers of the Sea by Demonic Hope reviews
When Triton and Theseus discover Percy's existence after the Fury attack, they vow to do all in their power to aid Percy and keep their little brother alive. Even if it means breaking a few Ancient Laws, going to Camp Half-Blood, dodging Zeus's wrath, and even putting up with Luke. If one Sea Prince can cause so much trouble for Olympus, what can three get into?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 31,325 - Reviews: 207 - Favs: 724 - Follows: 749 - Updated: 6/30/2014 - Published: 11/27/2013 - [Percy J., Luke C.] Triton, Poseidon
Apart from the World by Mekon-chan reviews
Being mute changes your perspective. Naru knows this first hand. She also knows that everything is harder without a friend. Once she meets Shino, she knows she will never let their friendship go. Shino feels the same. Mute!Naru Eventual Shino/Fem!Naru
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 29,843 - Reviews: 435 - Favs: 1,720 - Follows: 1,863 - Updated: 6/3/2014 - Published: 12/12/2010 - Naruto U., Shino A.
Finding Percy by Brittnodo reviews
When we last saw Percy he had just broken up with his girlfriend Annabeth and he's not exactly sure what to do. He decides to go back to Camp Half Blood to start a new life. Well, he tries to, that is. The gods won't leave him alone, why would they? Percy's their favorite hero. /Hiatus/
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 12 - Words: 37,085 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 382 - Follows: 361 - Updated: 6/2/2014 - Published: 10/5/2012 - Percy J.
Courting Letters by Kat100666 reviews
Harry is receiving love letters from a hawk messenger and now he's falling for some one he does not know.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 37 - Words: 43,264 - Reviews: 1569 - Favs: 3,291 - Follows: 3,837 - Updated: 5/12/2014 - Published: 8/2/2010 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Hetalia Truth or Dare: Yaoi Yes! by The Heir Of Breath reviews
This is a Hetalia Truth or Dare and I bet you've seen so many of these but this one will Blow your mind! Rated M For Strong Yaoi Scenes.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 6,979 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 5/1/2014 - Published: 5/16/2012
My Little Horcrux by xray wolf reviews
Harry belongs to me and me alone. It is only a matter of time before Harry realises this too. Dumbledore can't protect you from me my little horcrux. You'll learn this and so will the rest of the world. Even if I have to break you to make you understand because I will torture you untill the end of time.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Horror - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,690 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 171 - Updated: 4/7/2014 - Published: 6/26/2013 - Harry P., Voldemort
Zero reads Fifty Shades Trilogy by vampiie the loner chick reviews
What happens when Kaname catches cute Zero reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy. Kaname x Zero
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,501 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 32 - Published: 3/22/2014 - Kaname K., Zero K. - Complete
Oh You Didn't Know? Yeah, He's Awesome by RuRuLaLa reviews
Remember Goblet of Fire? What would happen if Harry took the filter off his mouth and actually said what he's thinking? Bad things, probably. But it'll be fun as hell. My go at the Intelligent!Harry, Smart alec!Harry situation.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 53,325 - Reviews: 1010 - Favs: 4,770 - Follows: 4,556 - Updated: 3/21/2014 - Published: 9/14/2012 - Harry P.
Scotland x England Britcest by CielSebastiansBocchanForever reviews
[[ Warning: Abuse and Rape.}}
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 379 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 35 - Published: 2/16/2014 - England/Britain, Scotland - Complete
Love and Death Walk Side by Side by cutedifferent93 reviews
Ciel is a demon, so what's next for Sebastian? Humiliation, and maybe a chance at freedom thanks to a certain red-head...
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 44,179 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 1/31/2014 - Published: 1/17/2014 - [Grell S., Sebastian M.] Undertaker - Complete
Distorted - My Warped Reality by Kit-Kit-Em reviews
Jack is trying to prove that everything is real. The Heylin-Xiaolin conflict, the Wu, the Monks...even Chase. But his parent's don't think so. CHACK
Xiaolin Showdown - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 10,534 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 37 - Updated: 1/12/2014 - Published: 11/3/2013 - Jack, Chase - Complete
100 Day Challenge- Day 5 by FrickinSunny reviews
Baby Ponyboy says his first word. (100 Day Drabble Challenge, Day 5.)
Outsiders - Rated: K - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 226 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 7 - Published: 1/10/2014 - Ponyboy C., Sodapop C., Darry C. - Complete
Raised Turian by Deadelfsgirl reviews
A/U First Contact story, of Jane and her Turian father Ganis Vandrel. No reapers, just Jane trying to make it as a human, in a Turian world that says she doesn't belong. Garrus/Shepard pairing, with some twists and turns.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 23 - Words: 119,564 - Reviews: 317 - Favs: 425 - Follows: 344 - Updated: 1/4/2014 - Published: 12/30/2012 - [J. Garson, Garrus V.] Kaidan A. - Complete
Grell's Black Butler by Randomgirl156 reviews
Another string of murders similar to the Jack the Ripper case are occurring, and at the request of the Queen, Ciel orders Sebastian to investigate. But what happens when the black butler is forced to partner up with a certain red reaper and a completely unexpected enemy appears? The only thing that could happen! All hell breaks loose. Warning: MAYBE some smut later on o.O
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 18,416 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 54 - Updated: 1/3/2014 - Published: 1/14/2013 - Sebastian M., Grell S.
Brotherly love by Thefreakoutsideyourwindow reviews
It seems England has come down with a cold, but to make it worse, he has to deal with his brothers as well! Rated T for colourful vocabulary.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,305 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 12/14/2013 - Published: 10/13/2013 - England/Britain, Scotland, Wales
He Deserves Better by AnimeGirl 144 reviews
A Rebel makes the mistake of bad mouthing Wash in front of the sim. troopers. Tucker is not amused.
Red vs. Blue - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,344 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 13 - Published: 11/14/2013 - L. Tucker, Wash - Complete
Déjà vu by Darkblacklily reviews
Sequel to Smells like love. England receives a box of chocolates, that somehow takes him back in time to exactly a month earlier. Magic? The spell was never cast, the chaos never started. But now he knows what's going to happen, and who's his admirer...
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,244 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 9/27/2013 - Published: 3/15/2012 - England/Britain
The Adventures of an Uke Korea by Kumiho99 reviews
Korea's boss has sent him on a tour to the European and North American countries in order to get to know the western culture. Determined to show his siblings his strength he sets out to show how strong he really can be. But as he arrives to the western countries and sees how they are, he finds that his position his flipped... literally. (Rated M! Korea x Everybody, warnings inside)
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,263 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 8/7/2013 - Published: 7/25/2013 - South Korea
Arbiter's Log by BlueBastard reviews
The Sanghelli didn't understand the humans they had formed a pact with. He only knew that the Demon was the only one he could truly tolerate. The Spartan will understand just how deep this toleration runs. SLASH Chief/Arbiter
Halo - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,714 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 161 - Follows: 70 - Published: 8/3/2013 - Master Chief/John-117, Arbiter - Complete
I Hate Love You by bluemonster090 reviews
Some Nyotalia! Male Belarus falls asleep in Fem America's Manison. Now thanks to Fem Russia, America has to take care of him! Main pairings: Amebel, Fruk, and many more! Rated T for Alice's beautiful lanugane.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,354 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 8/1/2013 - Published: 4/2/2013 - Belarus, America
The Secret Pureblood by Kiarashadowdragon2 reviews
Zero hides under the guise of a level D even though he is actually a pureblood. Despite Yuuki hating him, he tries and fails to continue his charade, but what if Kaname doesn't really want him to?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,241 - Reviews: 118 - Favs: 354 - Follows: 393 - Updated: 7/11/2013 - Published: 3/23/2013 - [Kaname K., Zero K.]
Unknown Guardians by FayeFox reviews
After he was rescued from ABSTERGO, Desmond tried to get his old life back. But two males seem to have too much influence in all of this. This story contains YAOI between Altair, Ezio and Desmond.
Assassin's Creed - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 11 - Words: 25,006 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 7/10/2013 - Published: 1/1/2013 - [Altaïr, Desmond M., Ezio A.] Daniel C. - Complete
Run Arthur by Daichan795 reviews
Our favorite Brit just moved into the new house on Hetalia street. The residence there, unfortunately for Arthur, meet him and fall in love with him! Too bad Arthur is oblivious as F*ck. Its not like thats going to stop them from winning his heart! YAOI. World x England, Human Names.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,086 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 127 - Updated: 6/7/2013 - Published: 4/6/2013 - N. Italy, England/Britain
KitInu by KoutaWulf reviews
Uzumaki Naru, the jinkurrkin of Kyuubi no Yoko is adopted by Inuzuka Tsume after the sealing. As life goes on for the young blond crazy things happen. A FemNaru/Kiba pairing, GoodFemKyuubi, Full Summary inside. NOT YAOI! NARU IS FEMALE AND KIBA IS MALE!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 13,462 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 251 - Updated: 3/18/2013 - Published: 9/28/2009 - Naruto U., Kiba I.
Orange Cupid by Killjou reviews
It all started with a chance meeting between Ash's Charizard and Paul's Torterra. Now Charizard won't stop trailing Paul, determined to either make Paul's life hell or help the stubborn trainer realise his feelings for Ash. Comashipping.
Pokémon - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 31,904 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 214 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 3/9/2013 - Published: 12/26/2011 - Paul/Shinji, Charizard/Lizardon - Complete
Welcome Home Allen by catwwomen47 reviews
During a battle against the Akuma Allen fights alone and his forehead is hurting like hell but that's the least of his troubles when the Earl shows up with the rest of the Noah...TykixAllen in later chapters to come please R&R rate might change later too
D.Gray-Man - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 14,561 - Reviews: 152 - Favs: 345 - Follows: 356 - Updated: 1/10/2013 - Published: 8/21/2009 - Tyki Mikk, Allen Walker
Skirting Predicaments by ayanami-verloren reviews
Just one of the many predicaments Arthur Kirkland faces. GakuHeta AU. Human names used.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,299 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 90 - Updated: 12/28/2012 - Published: 9/8/2012 - England/Britain
New Life by VenusLove reviews
Zero awakened as a pureblood vampire and his pureblood blood has an ability he do not know..: He can get pregnant.. because of that news.. a lot of vampires started to court him even the vampire prince itself and Yuuki doesnt like the attention his brother aka fiance was giving to Zero. KANAMEXZERO
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,223 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 201 - Follows: 218 - Published: 12/9/2012 - Kaname K., Zero K.
Color by Drown Me In Blue reviews
It's that stupid kimono that catches his eye first. They're all strange and somber, each monochromatic. He's not, though—he's bright, showy, eye-catching, and Ichigo can't help but notice him.
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,108 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 270 - Follows: 53 - Published: 12/6/2012 - Ichigo K., Shunsui K. - Complete
Running to the Enemy's Arms by deadlydaisy8o8 reviews
He can't trust his friends, His parents are officially ghost Nazi's, and his life has pretty much fallen to pieces within the last twelve hours. However there is one person who might be able to pick up the pieces, if Danny would only let him. T4sfty
Danny Phantom - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 55 - Words: 370,488 - Reviews: 1415 - Favs: 1,507 - Follows: 865 - Updated: 11/6/2012 - Published: 5/31/2010 - Danny F., Vlad M. - Complete
The Dragon's Girl, Hiccup by LittleMissWolfie reviews
She is like me. We're both alone in this world, both outcasts. I need her just as much as she needs me. And, oddly, I'm not repulsed by the idea. Toothless's P.O.V. of The Girl's Dragon, Toothless.
How to Train Your Dragon - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,212 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 184 - Follows: 179 - Updated: 9/28/2012 - Published: 8/1/2012 - Hiccup, Toothless
One More Day by Riaoi reviews
One more day. Just one more day. Love me like you did before.
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,330 - Reviews: 105 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 42 - Published: 9/8/2012 - Kaname K., Zero K. - Complete
The Baby Arrangement by spazzy reviews
In order to be Hokage, the council demands that Naruto have an heir. With so many obstacles in his way, Naruto believes all hope is lost...until a lazy genius comes up with an arrangement of sorts. ShikaNaru, Fem!Naru.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,462 - Reviews: 315 - Favs: 1,102 - Follows: 1,286 - Updated: 8/15/2012 - Published: 6/24/2012 - Shikamaru N., Naruto U.
The Yellow Rose of Konohagakure by Koga's-Midnight-Lover reviews
Naruto was born a girl but pretends to be a boy, afraid no one will take her dreams seriously if they knew the true about her gender.. But what happends when a red head finds out on a special time of the season? Takes place during the chunin exam. Rated M for lemons oneshot. Gaara/Femal Naruto.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,763 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 377 - Follows: 175 - Published: 8/4/2012 - Naruto U., Gaara - Complete
Joey's SecretKaiba's Findings by DarkMatterKumos reviews
What would happen if Joey was hiding something important from all of her friends? Everything changes for "him" one day when "he" passes past an old building and memories surface. Things go bad for "him" before something happens... rest in side
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 23,353 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 6/5/2012 - Published: 8/1/2008 - S. Kaiba, K. Jounouchi/Joey W. - Complete
Alucard's Mate by CrazyPsychopathicRabbit reviews
Cross Academy would never be same again after they had met a certain Perfect's psychopathic and sadistic Mate.
Crossover - Hellsing & Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,983 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 93 - Published: 5/5/2012 - Alucard, Zero K. - Complete
What A Change by Darkness' Forbidden Scribe reviews
In which Naruto is actually a girl, and the events at the bridge turn out differently than expected. Features femNaru and HakuNaru.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,490 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 243 - Follows: 294 - Updated: 4/5/2012 - Published: 5/18/2010 - Naruto U., Haku
The Meaning of her First kiss by Mirajane Ryuu-Darkwings reviews
What do kisses mean? What's so special about her first one? The first kiss is never forgotten, and to Naruto, it was a treasure, one that she loved and cherished. Her first kiss, secretly given, willingly stolen. FemNaru/Neji slight onesided Itafemnaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,893 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 445 - Follows: 149 - Published: 2/28/2012 - Neji H., Naruko U. - Complete
Always there for you by Mirajane Ryuu-Darkwings reviews
another Female naruto/neji oneshot. There was a girl, who annoyed me to hell when we first met. Her eyes, her hair, her loud, boisterous voice full of energy, it annoyed me. Do you know the reason? I fell in love with her.EDITED
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,850 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 71 - Published: 2/22/2012 - Naruko U., Neji H. - Complete
Secret Mission by RunAwayHearts reviews
Chris couldn't kill Wesker, so he let him go as long as Wesker stayed away, for good. But when Wesker returns it turns Chris's world upside down, Chris is now forced to question his loyalty to the BSAA, and to Wesker.
Resident Evil - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 9,979 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 1/31/2012 - Published: 10/26/2011 - Chris R., A. Wesker - Complete
Orbis Terrarum by WookieCookie reviews
The hunter and the world that revolves around him. VK Male Characters x Zero 100 Drabble Un-betaed
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 50 - Words: 9,492 - Reviews: 624 - Favs: 245 - Follows: 95 - Updated: 1/22/2012 - Published: 5/10/2011 - Kaname K., Zero K. - Complete
A Letter For You by Fanfiction Love 2006 reviews
!SLASH! Harry opens a letter from a secret someone and as his days go on, he begins to realize that the words hold more truth than first suspected. Harry's perspective is opened and with time, he changes into the person he's always wanted to be - himself.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 7 - Words: 25,034 - Reviews: 287 - Favs: 701 - Follows: 883 - Updated: 11/22/2011 - Published: 4/7/2011 - Harry P., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr.
Alice is Mine by Vesper Rose reviews
The Queen orders the White Rabbit to lure Zero into Wonderland, but Zero found his way out. There's just one thing the Wonderlanders failed to mention to him. Things are never good when the Queen has to leave Wonderland.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 34,544 - Reviews: 131 - Favs: 182 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 11/12/2011 - Published: 11/29/2010 - Kaname K., Zero K.
The Boredom that Led to Letters by Allanah-x reviews
When Dumbledore tells Harry he can not write to his friends, Harry finds an unexpected correspondant that reveals more about Harry than he thought was possible. Abuse, Rape, Slash, Non-Con Lots of Underage. Don't read if don't like Child Abuse or Graphic
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 30,642 - Reviews: 172 - Favs: 574 - Follows: 644 - Updated: 11/6/2011 - Published: 4/8/2010 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Cinderella Boy by Psychogoth reviews
Canada as Cinderella, Prussia as Prince not-so-charming, Poland and America as foster brothers, England as foster mother, Switzerland as a Fairy god mother. What more could you possibly want? WARNING: Intense use of human names and Prussia. UPDATED
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Parody/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 26,545 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 10/15/2011 - Published: 5/7/2010 - Canada, Prussia
Omega by The Ruby Red Raven reviews
Zero is more than he appears. And soon Kaname and Yuuki going to find out just how special this Level D really is...KxZ Yaoi.
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 49,907 - Reviews: 380 - Favs: 589 - Follows: 567 - Updated: 8/16/2011 - Published: 1/19/2011 - Kaname K., Zero K.
Going, Going, Gone by mercurywrites reviews
Sixteen year old Severus Snape takes his own life. Lily watches as her whole world crumbles around her.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,295 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 17 - Published: 8/13/2011 - Lily Evans P. - Complete
A Demon's Angel by Pirates VS Ninjas reviews
What if Naruto was really a girl and was being sheltered by the Hokage in a forest inside of the village?What if after Itachi 'killed' his clan,she finds him near death and saves his life?Their lives are soon intertwined with each other,Full Sum Inside On Hold for now
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 12 - Words: 56,945 - Reviews: 440 - Favs: 1,255 - Follows: 1,188 - Updated: 2/23/2011 - Published: 8/30/2009 - Shikamaru N., Naruto U.
My Little Maid by SpiritofLove961 reviews
Kaiba has been stressed out with work lately so being the loving brother that he is, Mokuba comes up with a plan to help him relax. It involves a certain blond puppy and a maid's oufit... First Lemon; Please Read, Review, and enjoy!
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,723 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 150 - Follows: 29 - Published: 1/28/2011 - S. Kaiba, K. Jounouchi/Joey W. - Complete
Baka Maid by Akira Kyoko reviews
What Does Cross do when wemon don't fill his needs as much as they used to. Cross x Allen, Lemon, Yaoi. Im first lemon R&R
D.Gray-Man - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,890 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 34 - Published: 1/21/2011 - Cross Marian, Allen Walker - Complete
Truth or Dare by Love332 reviews
Yuki and Sayori play truth or dare with Zero. Some really interesting facts come out. As the game progesses further, an unexpected pure-blood joins them giving a challenging dare to the hunter.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,674 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 30 - Published: 1/16/2011 - [Kaname K., Zero K.] Sayori W., Yuki C. - Complete
Suspicion by Kaeari reviews
But then she saw how Chris was leaning more than was necessary, Wesker's other hand tracing small circles under the marksman's ear, and Jill knew that she shouldn't be watching this suddenly intimate moment. WesChris
Resident Evil - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,366 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 10 - Published: 1/7/2011 - A. Wesker, Chris R. - Complete
Madly Blooming Prince by Warfang reviews
You know those stories where Zero turns into a pureblood vampire? This is one of those. Written to overcome writer's block.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,722 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 81 - Published: 1/7/2011 - Zero K. - Complete
Fighting Back by Miarix reviews
A six year old Harry encounters Lord Voldemort in his hour of despair. The Wizarding World will never be the same. No Slash. Features a Sarcastic Harry, cause I love him.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 32 - Words: 70,294 - Reviews: 1266 - Favs: 2,962 - Follows: 2,904 - Updated: 11/24/2010 - Published: 6/8/2010 - Harry P., Voldemort
Back I Go by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan reviews
Harry ends up back in time twist of the usual sev is harrys father its now harry is sevs father! will Harry give Severus the childhood and future Harry has always wanted watch as severus blooms into the person he could have been. FINISHED
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,877 - Reviews: 778 - Favs: 2,095 - Follows: 993 - Updated: 11/2/2010 - Published: 7/8/2007 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Vinewood Series 1: Choices by SweetlyDesolated reviews
Harry Potter goes dark. It seems this is what everyone feared, and is thankful he never did. Or so they thought. First in the Vinewood series; begins at the Third Task, in the Graveyard. Pre-slash, slash HP/LV
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 23,309 - Reviews: 181 - Favs: 2,235 - Follows: 913 - Updated: 10/12/2010 - Published: 8/23/2010 - Harry P., Voldemort - Complete
Harveste by kyaru-chan reviews
He's done it. He's just five years old, but he's finally done it. The Dursleys are gone. And now he's with a new family who seems just as twisted as he is. How strange.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,160 - Reviews: 562 - Favs: 5,737 - Follows: 2,003 - Published: 9/21/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Summer Heat by windonmycheek reviews
The sole reason of all living things on Earth is to reproduce and vampires are no exception. Slight AU.
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,712 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 9/7/2010 - Published: 8/29/2010 - Zero K., Akatsuki K.
Hurt Of Family by Karma's next victim reviews
This is the story of Tony being taken into the Sackville-Bagg family after tragedy hits his family. Dedicated to The Little Vampire Lover.
Little Vampire - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 12 - Words: 5,902 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 8/6/2010 - Published: 2/15/2010 - Tony T., Fredrick S. - Complete
Play That Funky Music, Puppy by ichigogyunyu reviews
Seto hates music class, but will he change his mind when he overhears Joey singing a love song for him? Well, maybe the sound of the mutt's acoustic wasn't so bad after all. Yaoi. ONESHOT.
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,480 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 7/23/2010 - Published: 6/18/2010 - S. Kaiba, K. Jounouchi/Joey W. - Complete
An Idle Mind Is The Devil's Playground by night flame miko reviews
A bored Harry Potter is never a good thing. Dumbledore told him he couldn't write to friends, so what about enemies? Watch as because of this, things change and truths come to 'light' or 'dark' as the case may be . warning: Slash.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 33,289 - Reviews: 2893 - Favs: 5,660 - Follows: 5,909 - Updated: 7/16/2010 - Published: 1/14/2009 - Harry P., Voldemort
bakugan chase! by nelly the crazy yaoi ninja reviews
all they just wanted to do was visit there lil happy bakugan but insted they got introuble yaoi and tiny hints of yuri belive me very tiny!
Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,804 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Published: 7/13/2010
Perfect by CrystallicSky reviews
Truly, he was perfect... CHACK, ONESHOT
Xiaolin Showdown - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,391 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 15 - Published: 5/26/2010 - Chase, Jack - Complete
Son of the Dark Lord by HarleyPotter19 reviews
What if Voldemort's attack on Lily and James was to get his son back? Rated T just in case. COMPLETE - EDITED 2/21
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 31 - Words: 61,031 - Reviews: 382 - Favs: 1,401 - Follows: 704 - Updated: 2/27/2010 - Published: 12/22/2009 - Harry P., Albus D. - Complete
Quintessence by Fablespinner reviews
He could only watch helplessly as her world fell down around her, he had promised to be there for her in that moment, he was not. He was bound by ancient magic, he could only come to her via a wish and she wasn't making one! Somebody, make a wish already!
Labyrinth - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 11 - Words: 51,133 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 176 - Follows: 208 - Updated: 1/8/2010 - Published: 11/19/2009 - Jareth, Sarah
Rescuing Darkness by Madd Girl reviews
After Voldermort takes TheBoyWhoLived from the Dursleys, Harry finds a new way to make a truce. Post OotP.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 29,378 - Reviews: 625 - Favs: 1,096 - Follows: 1,370 - Updated: 1/7/2010 - Published: 10/15/2006 - Harry P., Voldemort
It's NOT Greasy! A Sleep Deprived Fanfiction by jamiespelledweird reviews
The marauders were making fun of Snape's greasy hair when Lily tells them that they have no proof that it's greasy. In fact, it's rather soft. So of course they must feel his hair to see if it's true. Fun ensues. Purely fun with no seriousness involved
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,380 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 219 - Follows: 51 - Published: 1/2/2010 - James P., Severus S. - Complete
Dabbling With The Dark by Nyx Myst reviews
How does Harry react when he finds out the truth behind all of Dumbledore's secrets from Voldemort? Simple... he plots to kill them both. The only question is whether he'll change him mind about one of them in the end. SLASH - HP/LV
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 112,461 - Reviews: 1319 - Favs: 5,337 - Follows: 1,532 - Updated: 12/22/2009 - Published: 12/6/2009 - Harry P., Voldemort - Complete
A Second Chance by Tiro reviews
Harry Potter never went to his mother's relatives. Why not? Because there was someone who took him away first. Someone who knew the future before it happened and decided to change it. Rated M for violence in some chapters.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 31 - Words: 172,721 - Reviews: 1252 - Favs: 3,241 - Follows: 1,557 - Updated: 12/12/2009 - Published: 5/16/2008 - Harry P. - Complete
The Wonderful World of Lemon by sosise reviews
Compilation of Okane ga Nai lemons made by sosise, Onige-a and See1like. Open to everyone who wanted to join us LOL and write up their fantasy. Different plot each chapter. But of course, Kanou x Ayase. Plus plus.
Okane ga Nai - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,562 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 12/10/2009 - Published: 10/7/2009 - Kanou S., Ayase Y.
Unexpected Love Series by seventhSINwrath reviews
Under revision. A collection of Uke!Naruto stories with many different Semes. All Slash/Yaoi. Lemons. Rated M.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 19,210 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 487 - Follows: 334 - Updated: 9/20/2009 - Published: 4/5/2008 - Naruto U.
Fulfilled Fantasy by Val Skia reviews
Before the Last Battle can commence, a train ride is in order. Unfortunately for Harry, Death Eaters have to ride too. While on board, Harry's luck runs out, and he finds his seat next to a bored Dark Lord. Trainlest, HPLV, Smut, Oneshot
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,039 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 1,183 - Follows: 290 - Published: 9/12/2009 - Harry P., Voldemort - Complete
Vampire Kisses Redone In Alexander's Words by Roseofluna reviews
I rewrote the first Vampire Kisses book in Alexander's words. It isn't very good, but I tried! Now complete!
Vampire Kisses - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 26 - Words: 12,256 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 7/27/2009 - Published: 7/26/2009 - Complete
Katsuya's Adventures in Wonderland by Reizbar-Ookami reviews
Katsuya follows a rabbit-like Ryou through a man hole to find himself faced with his friends--as strange creatures! With Kaiba as the King of Hearts, if he doesn't behave, it's off with his head! And to add insult to injury, he's stuck wearing a dress!
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 28,454 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 7/3/2009 - Published: 5/25/2009 - K. Jounouchi/Joey W., S. Kaiba - Complete
Children of Ra by yugiyamifangirl reviews
Summary is inside. Usual pairings. Rating may go up.
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 105,495 - Reviews: 541 - Favs: 529 - Follows: 182 - Updated: 5/29/2009 - Published: 4/10/2009 - Yūgi M., Yami Yūgi - Complete
GodComplex by Twisted Badger reviews
I woke up to an empty bed. An empty heart. I moved a hand through my hair. Sweat. I looked down at myself. Nude. I dug my face in our pillow. Him. It still smelled like him. Aizen/Grim, Mild Yaoi, Lime, Rated M just in case.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,194 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 10 - Published: 2/15/2009 - S. Aizen, Grimmjow J. - Complete
I Want You Bad by DetoxAngel reviews
Kakashi wants Naruto bad. YAOI! SHOUTA! You have been warned.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,273 - Reviews: 263 - Favs: 1,286 - Follows: 306 - Published: 1/9/2009 - Kakashi H., Naruto U. - Complete
When Shuuei Met Him by zielddhy reviews
Ever wonder how come Reishin adopted Kouyuu? Well, here is the reason why, and all of that thanks to one guy called Ran Shuuei.
Saiunkoku Monogatari - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,319 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/15/2007 - Complete
Now and Then by Indigo Tantarian reviews
Grand Master Dashi didn't feel like disappearing after he trapped Wuya for the second time. Jack Spicer caught his eye, and he decided he was up for a little challenge... But Jack just wants to be evil! Rating and category subject to change on a whim.
Xiaolin Showdown - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,044 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 216 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 6/9/2007 - Published: 5/27/2007 - Jack - Complete
Lettered by Dysperdis reviews
It all starts with a simple letter... Rated for later chapters Slash! HPTR HPLV! NonHBP Compliant!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 14 - Words: 64,229 - Reviews: 341 - Favs: 2,087 - Follows: 565 - Updated: 3/4/2007 - Published: 2/18/2007 - Harry P., Voldemort - Complete
Possession by oStilloDreamingo reviews
- ON HOLD - Sesshoumaru encounters Inuyasha on his mortal night, setting off a chain of events that will forever change the hanyou's relationships with the Shard Hunters, his half brother and his undead love. Darkish. One-sided Inucest.
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,163 - Reviews: 106 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 2/13/2007 - Published: 1/28/2007 - Sesshōmaru, Inuyasha
Kouyuu's Preference by Lady Wisiaden reviews
Kouyuu doesn't like girls. He doesn't like boys. So, what does he like? Saiunkoku Monogatari
Saiunkoku Monogatari - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 511 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/29/2006 - Complete
Wartime Distraction by Snape's Nightie reviews
When Kingsley needs some escapism from the atrocities he faces, he turns to Severus for help and something interesting develops. But what will happen now the war is over? SSKS SLASH. AU since HBP.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 51,383 - Reviews: 213 - Favs: 197 - Follows: 40 - Updated: 8/22/2006 - Published: 3/21/2005 - Severus S., Kingsley S. - Complete
Meg Gets Adopted by Jemascola reviews
Meg gets a new family after Peter throws her out of the house.
Crossover - King Of The Hill & Family Guy - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 6,643 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 16 - Published: 6/11/2006 - Meg G. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

A Spicer and The Pet
The Monks have Dojo. Chase has his warriors and Wuya. Jack has no one. Or does he? Jack has been hiding a little friend for a while and Chase finds out his secret, and a few more along the way. What will become of this new development? I do not own the cover art. It's made by xHolyNunx on deviantart. Also I don't own Xiaolin Showdown or any of it's characters!
Xiaolin Showdown - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 62 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 4 - Published: 2/18/2017
Hetalia truth or dare! reviews
Hey this a hetalia fanfiction and every chapter i will be taking only two reviews! okay and i already have a host! Yaoi aloud! i might add two or three more hosts okay! and My favorite parings, No Fruk! and if you want to send in a truth or dare PM me kk also No UsUk!
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,452 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 7/6/2016 - Published: 7/2/2013 - Japan, England/Britain, Prussia, South Korea
The Last Prince's Secret
After a horrible encounter Severus Snape is sitting alone wondering 'why' but when a big mistake made by our beloved Maradures secrets come out and family's will change along with the time in history . And the TRUE story of Eileen Princes love life.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 211 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 12 - Published: 1/1/2015 - Lily Evans P., Severus S., Narcissa M., Eileen P.
The Feels of Yaoi
These are one-shots and Two-shots maybe of different parings evolving uke!NarumiXother!male!characters! oh and also maybe some genderbending oh and i might need ideas for some more scenarios so just pm if you have any
Gakuen Alice - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 554 - Favs: 2 - Published: 12/1/2014 - Misaki H., Narumi, Persona, Reo M.
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Love332 (30)
Miarix (1)
MoronKing (12)
RenaRoo (274)
Riaoi (8)
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SkyIshtar (13)
sosise (22)
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zielddhy (17)